About SSL and RTMPS

2013-01-24 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hello, Can I just use SSL for web interface or do I also have to implement RTMPS? Mainly, I just want to secure login process (username and password provided from LDAP). Can you inform me? Best regards, Mahmut TEKER

Re: Could not start screen sharing application

2012-12-27 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Sebastian, Sorry for interrupting your discussion but what do you mean by " freshly sign the Jars"? Nowadays I also have sharing application problem and as far as I remember during the build process I had taken "Signer certificate will be expired in 6 months" kind of remarks, could there

Re: Dealing with MySQL timeouts

2012-12-03 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, There is a connection between this error (or info) and recording and sharing of the OM (or I guess like that). I have the same problem on recordings and I am taking same response about com.mysql.jdbc... kind of reports from the system. I have also checked that "autoReconnect=true" option

Sharing problem and error logs

2012-11-15 Thread Mahmut TEKER
na:1.6.0_24] at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:65) ~[na:1.6.0_24] at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:123) ~[na:1.6.0_24] at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.send(MysqlIO.java:3345) ~[mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin.jar:na] ... 57 common frames omitted Thank you very much. Mahmut TEKER

Warning when restart OM

2012-11-13 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hello, When I restart Openmeetings 1.9.1; In error.log system is giving this warning "2012-11-01 16:47:27,786 [main] WARN o.a.a.transport.http.AxisServlet - No transportReceiver for org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServletListener found. An instance for HTTP will be configured automa

Re: Error while Playing recording in openmeeting

2012-05-10 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Pradeep, Can you write your paths definede in the system? I think there is aproblem with the paths. Regards, _Mahmut On 10.05.2012 16:20, Pradeep D wrote: Hi, yes i am getting the similar result, root@openmeeting:~# ls -al /usr/bin/sox -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 55236 Dec 28 03:09

Re: 80

2012-05-08 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi George,    I am using OM on port 80 and there is no problem. In fact I could not understand your problem clearly. Can you post error messages or warnings in the logs. That would make the issue clearer, I think.     Moreover, there is an issue that, as I rememb

About the calendar event and the popup giving information about the event

2012-03-30 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, In my system ( OM 1.9.1) when I create an event and invite people from internal and external, system has no problem but when the users enter the room with the link that the system sent them, the panel open for giving information about the event comes as empty. It has captions and textb

Re: DB_HOST in mysql_persitence.xml

2012-03-26 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Walter, In persistence.xml ( the one you renamed) there should be a place for the database url like that "Url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openmeetings?autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&createDatabaseIfNotExist=true" Here you can set the path of your db server. In the original it u

Re: Download Error: Installation Documentation

2012-03-23 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Daniel, They are moved here from google code pages so they are not moved yet( I think it is planned). I checked thata code.google.com wiki pages have the sources but they are outdated especially the InstallationDebian page. On the debian platform I usually follow the installation ste

Re: Need Help: Updating the User Guide for new users/administrators, Russian/Spanish/English/German version

2012-03-12 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Sebastian, I can help for Turkish translation of manual when it is ready, Regards, _Mahmut TEKER On 08.03.2012 14:47, seba.wag...@gmail.com wrote: Hi, we have a couple of user guides that need to be updated so we can release them. Does somebody have the time to do this? This is a

Re: Default login domain

2012-03-09 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Pedro, checkLoginData.lzx is in the checkout version. The package, you have downloaded and installed is the one compiled. The link you have given tells the changes that should be done on the uncompiled version. In order to change the source code, you have to checkout from svn and make c

Re: Cannot construct org.openmeetings.app.persistence.beans.basic.RemoteSessionObject as it does not have a no-args constructor

2012-02-22 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Linas, I am not sure just a guess (Sebastian could know better) but can you be "root" and try your start script again? (If you are already root, ignore about my guess). Regards, _Mahmut On 2/22/2012 9:49 PM, Linas Redeckis wrote: I use starting script, that comes with Openmeetings.

About disabling Calendar (or just the ability to add event) for Users

2012-02-21 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, I am not sure asked before but I could not find information to disable calendar for users. In my system LDAP logs people in as default user and it is ok for me but this default user can create event at in the calendar and they can even send invitation to this event. As a result I want

Re: 2 important issue (LDAP default domain and Moodle plug-in)

2012-02-10 Thread Mahmut TEKER
er or just ignore those. The disadvantage of that will be that LDAP users and Moodle users are separated, so you have two user records for the same user and every user will have its own private drive in the File-Explorer of the conference room. Sebastian 2012/2/7 Mahmut TEKER <mailto:te

Re: 2 important issue (LDAP default domain and Moodle plug-in)

2012-02-07 Thread Mahmut TEKER
is one, it is called "Module Key" and its the second param from the bottom in the module configuration Sebastian 2012/2/7 Mahmut TEKER <mailto:teker.mah...@gmail.com>> Hi Sebastian, If I am not wrong, there is no API_KEY place in the Moodle plug-in site. Can you

Re: 2 important issue (LDAP default domain and Moodle plug-in)

2012-02-07 Thread Mahmut TEKER
2012/2/7 Mahmut TEKER <mailto:teker.mah...@gmail.com>> Hi, In our system we faced with two important problems, we also want to ask you; 1) We have enabled LDAP login in our system (with no problem), but we want to make the LDAP domain as the default doma

2 important issue (LDAP default domain and Moodle plug-in)

2012-02-07 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, In our system we faced with two important problems, we also want to ask you; 1) We have enabled LDAP login in our system (with no problem), but we want to make the LDAP domain as the default domain on the login page. How can we do it? We tried to change the "checkLoginData.lzx" accord

Re: Openmeetings on FreeBSD startup

2012-01-23 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, I think, you should write your script that before it enters to the related folder where red5.sh resides and then try to start the red5.sh. Sometimes it can failure trying to startup red5.sh from a remote folder. You can use "cd" command before "sh" command I think. Regards,

Re: Ports - is Apache getting in the way? Followed the Wiki

2012-01-20 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Allen, My advice to you is rolling back the things you did and follow this procedure: Inside "red5/conf/red5.properties" make ---> http.port=80 inside red5/weapps/openmeetings make ---> 80 and also inside ---> /red5/weapps/root/index.html 80 port : make necessary changes that should po

Re: AW:

2012-01-18 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, Could it be folder writing permission problem? Have you checked the web user's permission to write into streams folder? Have a nice day, _Mahmut On 01/18/2012 03:57 PM, Norbert Haag wrote: Ok, I found the post recorder log messages and it seems that it can't find the raw recordin

Re: Issues

2012-01-18 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, While saying another ip address, do you mean "http://yourip:5080/openmeetings"; ? If you mean this, you don't need to do something related with openmeetings, you should be sure that your related ports are open (5080,1935...) and your host computer is giving response to the calls from o

Re: Problems at Start Up

2012-01-12 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, Is there any WARN or ERROR on the log file during this process? Have you tried on other browsers? Is the problem exist on all of them? What is the hardware that OM installed? Was your installation ok and all the tables and etc... created on the database? Best Regards, _Mahmut 13.01.

Re: Changing the recording framerate

2012-01-09 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, I have not tried before but there is a place on the "webapps/openmeetings/config.xml" information about FramesPerSecond. I am not sure but maybe, this can help you. 30 Have a nice day, _Mahmut 09.01.2012 12:00, Maks yazmış: Greetings, I would like to record my meetings with mor

Re: Unable to save colour scheme

2012-01-08 Thread Mahmut TEKER
08:55, Hasan Gharehasanloo yazmış: Hi Mahmut in login form, there is a combo that let us change the color schema, default is set to blue. Is there any configuration that set another schema as default??? Best Regards On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Mahmut TEKER <mailto:teker.mah...@gmail.

Re: Unable to save colour scheme

2012-01-08 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Hasan, Yes, it is possible to set another color scheme ( in my system also it is not keeping the color :( ); To change the color scheme you can simply edit the config.xml, there are 3 color settings, the whole application is styled using those: 0x669AE6 0x7BA8EA 0x99BBEE You hav

Re: ISO OpenMeetings-1.9.1 in Ubuntu 11.04 Live to download

2012-01-07 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, Does the system is giving error when you try to play the recorded video? Can you provide the related error message if it exits? Regards, _Mahmut On 07.01.2012 20:15, Hasan Gharehasanloo wrote: Hi greenes I installed this image on a fresh system, and everything was ok, except tha

Re: installation question

2012-01-03 Thread Mahmut TEKER
go back to working on the mysql version just because I know how to inspect tables in mysql. Do you know if re-running the install process would wipe other customizations that were made to the system? Much appreciated, Carlos On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Mahmut TEKER wrote: Hi Carlos,

Re: installation question

2012-01-03 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi Carlos, First of all, you dont need to enter all of the values during the installation. You can manually add all these info to the system (after installation go to the site and under the configuration part you can set them one by one) so just make the database configuration correctly. A

Re: architecture overview

2012-01-03 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, Have you checked here http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/w/list ? It has some good documentation that can help you. For example, I had taken database scheme from here: http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/databasescheme Apache.org move has not completed yet, I think. W

LDAP Problem

2011-12-23 Thread Mahmut TEKER
Hi, For OM_1_8_1, I have configured LDAP but I am taking following error. DO you know the reason. Can you help me? ERROR 12-23 15:21:56.763 ScopeApplicationAdapter.java 259942