Hi Sebastian,

  So in our case I think there is no solution am I wrong?

  We use one LDAP server and use it on both Moodle and OM.

In my case it can work for me that if the OM plugin on Moodle does not create the same user on OM. If it is possible how can I implement this? No problem for us to make different drives. I can tell my user staff that the person logged from Moodle is different from the ones OM itself because it even better for us.

In this situation my Moodle users can not login to the OM site and which is critical for us.

   Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much.



On 02/07/2012 04:42 PM, seba.wag...@gmail.com wrote:
*"Module Key". What should it be?*
=> any random string, it is for integrating multiple Moodle (or whatever) systems with a single instance of OpenMeetings. The module key is called internally "type" and must be unique per Moodle instance. The moduleKey/type-param is used in the setUser method to create the user record and when simulating the external user in OpenMeetings. The final result is that the combination of externalUserId + moduleKey/type-param must be unique in the openmeetings database.

But you're right, the check method in the LDAP login procedure is wrong, it does only check on the username, not on the additional params externalUserId + type. We will need to extend this check in the ldpa login, if the user has an externalUserId/type then add a new user or just ignore those. The disadvantage of that will be that LDAP users and Moodle users are separated, so you have two user records for the same user and every user will have its own private drive in the File-Explorer of the conference room.


2012/2/7 Mahmut TEKER <teker.mah...@gmail.com <mailto:teker.mah...@gmail.com>>


       I have found it yes there is a place called "Module Key". What
    should it be?, it is "Moodle" right now.  Is there any
    documentation you can provide?

        Thank you very much,

        Best Regards,


    07.02.2012 15 <tel:07.02.2012%2015>:37, seba.wag...@gmail.com
    <mailto:seba.wag...@gmail.com> yazmış:
    There is one, it is called "Module Key" and its the second param
    from the bottom in the module configuration


    2012/2/7 Mahmut TEKER <teker.mah...@gmail.com

        Hi Sebastian,

           If I am not wrong, there is no API_KEY place in the Moodle
        plug-in site. Can you explain it more.

           Thank you very much,



        07.02.2012 15 <tel:07.02.2012%2015>:25, seba.wag...@gmail.com
        <mailto:seba.wag...@gmail.com> yazmış:
        Have you configured the API_KEY in the moodle plugin
        configuration ?


        2012/2/7 Mahmut TEKER <teker.mah...@gmail.com


              In our system we faced with two important problems, we
            also want to ask you;

             1) We have enabled LDAP login in our system (with no
            problem), but we want to make the LDAP domain as the
            default domain on the login page. How can we do it? We
            tried to change the "checkLoginData.lzx" according to
            this link
            but we could not achieve. Also we want to remove
            color-style and quality parts but the default domain is
            more important for us.

            2) We also installed Moodle plug-in into our Moodle site
            and achieved connection between both of them. However,
            the scenario we have faced that, ( our Moodle site and
            OM site use the same LDAP tree) when a user logs into
            Moodle site and then makes a connection to OM, system is
            creating a user according to the username in Moodle.
            After the videoconference made from Moodle, the created
            user remains in the system as Disabled. And then when
            the same user tries to connect OM from OM site, system
            does not allow him/her to login because there is already
            a username with the same name but which is disabled.

            As a result, users connecting from Moodle can not login
            OM directly because there remains a same username.
            Moreover, as the admin I can not make any change on the
            user (except for deleting him/her from users table) such
            as on the organisation etc...

            I hope you can help me,

            Best Regards,


-- Sebastian Wagner
        seba.wag...@gmail.com <mailto:seba.wag...@gmail.com>

-- Sebastian Wagner
    seba.wag...@gmail.com <mailto:seba.wag...@gmail.com>

Sebastian Wagner
seba.wag...@gmail.com <mailto:seba.wag...@gmail.com>

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