Hi Hasan,

Yes, it is possible to set another color scheme ( in my system also it is not keeping the color :( );

To change the color scheme you can simply edit the config.xml, there are 3 color settings, the whole application is styled using those:

        These colors are the main colors and style the whole application

 You have to restart red5 if you do any change in config.xml.



09.01.2012 07:15, Hasan Gharehasanloo yazmış:

and is it possible to set another color scheme as default???

Best Regards

On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 4:33 PM, <conrad_videokonfer...@gmx.de <mailto:conrad_videokonfer...@gmx.de>> wrote:


    ... unfortunately I'm not able to save my favourite colour scheme
    - when I come back I'll always displayed the boring blue.

    There is no way to set this up in the user settings isn't it. (it
    would be nice though) So I tried to tick "Remember Login" - to no

    What's wrong?


Best Regards
Hassan Gharehasanloo

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