node.js and new GCC part of that repo.
Best regards,
On so, 2012-12-15 at 22:57 -0500, Alan Gutierrez wrote:
> I'm a confused as to which compiler to use for userland C/C++ on Open Indiana.
> There is no compiler installed. I vaguely recall that Sun ha
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 10:57 PM
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Building Node.js
I'm a confused as to which compiler to use for userland C/C++ on Open Indiana.
There is no compiler installed. I vaguely recall that Sun had it's own compiler
that it prefer
On 2012-12-16 05:55, dormitionsk...@hotmail.com wrote:
Now some things simply won't work with the gnu compiler. Like for instance,
for some reason the Perl DBD::mysql module wasn't included with Perl, and since
Perl was compiled with Sun's compiler, I had to use Sun's (Oracle's)
Well, I'm not an OpenIndiana developer, and I can't speak of the specific items
you mentioned, but I've spent the past three weeks building an OpenIndiana
server, and have had to compile several pieces of software from source.
I found that most things compiled easiest with the gnu compiler, whic
I'm a confused as to which compiler to use for userland C/C++ on Open Indiana.
There is no compiler installed. I vaguely recall that Sun had it's own compiler
that it preferred to GCC. While looking around the Open Indiana website, I'm
finding discussions of how or whether to use Sun Studio and var