Well, I'm not an OpenIndiana developer, and I can't speak of the specific items 
you mentioned, but I've spent the past three weeks building an OpenIndiana 
server, and have had to compile several pieces of software from source.

I found that most things compiled easiest with the gnu compiler, which you can 
install with the OpenIndian package manager.  I'd say try things with this 
first.  That's also what I've seen when I've Googled for info about stuff.

In the shell, where your Makefile is, do this:

export PATH=/usr/gnu/bin/:$PATH
echo $PATH

The echo is just so you know you have it set right.

Then do your ./configure  -- make -- make install

Or whatever you're going to do.

Now some things simply won't work with the gnu compiler.  Like for instance, 
for some reason the Perl DBD::mysql module wasn't included with Perl, and since 
Perl was compiled with Sun's compiler, I had to use Sun's (Oracle's) 

So, I had to do this in the shell, instead:


export CC=cc

./configure  -- make -- make install

Like I said, I'm not an expert at this by any means, but this is what worked 
for me.  It will be interesting to see if an expert will have other advice, or 
advice which is tailored more to your situation.

I hope this helps.

Peter, hieromonk

Dormition Skete
 Monastery Website:  http://www.DormitionSkete.org
 Convent Website:  http://www.HolyApostlesConvent.org

On Dec 15, 2012, at 8:57 PM, Alan Gutierrez wrote:

> I'm a confused as to which compiler to use for userland C/C++ on Open Indiana.
> There is no compiler installed. I vaguely recall that Sun had it's own 
> compiler
> that it preferred to GCC. While looking around the Open Indiana website, I'm
> finding discussions of how or whether to use Sun Studio and various flavors of
> GCC to compile the kernel.
> I'm not sure what to install, or what effect installing one compiler over
> another will have on my system. If I want to build software that will work on
> other people's systems, I don't know which compiler they'd be likely to use, 
> or
> how to test that any C or C++ code I write would work for other Open Indiana
> users.
> Here's a page on the Illumos website desribing of a "common" build environment
> that makes me wonder which of these compilers listed is the best userland
> compiler to use.
> http://wiki.illumos.org/display/illumos/Build+Environment
> Here is a long discussion of compilers from the beginning of the year. It is
> fascinating, but it does not seem to provide any direction.
> http://openindiana.org/pipermail/oi-dev/2012-January/001082.html
> For starters, I want to be able to build Node.js and compile Node.js modules
> that may include C/C++ code. I'd like to be able to explore DTrace once I have
> Node.js compiled. These instructions suggest installing gcc-3, but that 
> compiler
> is rather old.
> http://instance.io/blog/compiling-node-js-and-npm-on-openindiana-oi_151
> Any pointers on which compiler to use or how to manage multiple compilers?
> --
> Alan Gutierrez - @bigeasy
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