

node.js and new GCC part of that repo.

Best regards,


On so, 2012-12-15 at 22:57 -0500, Alan Gutierrez wrote:
> I'm a confused as to which compiler to use for userland C/C++ on Open Indiana.
> There is no compiler installed. I vaguely recall that Sun had it's own 
> compiler
> that it preferred to GCC. While looking around the Open Indiana website, I'm
> finding discussions of how or whether to use Sun Studio and various flavors of
> GCC to compile the kernel.
> I'm not sure what to install, or what effect installing one compiler over
> another will have on my system. If I want to build software that will work on
> other people's systems, I don't know which compiler they'd be likely to use, 
> or
> how to test that any C or C++ code I write would work for other Open Indiana
> users.
> Here's a page on the Illumos website desribing of a "common" build environment
> that makes me wonder which of these compilers listed is the best userland
> compiler to use.
> http://wiki.illumos.org/display/illumos/Build+Environment
> Here is a long discussion of compilers from the beginning of the year. It is
> fascinating, but it does not seem to provide any direction.
> http://openindiana.org/pipermail/oi-dev/2012-January/001082.html
> For starters, I want to be able to build Node.js and compile Node.js modules
> that may include C/C++ code. I'd like to be able to explore DTrace once I have
> Node.js compiled. These instructions suggest installing gcc-3, but that 
> compiler
> is rather old.
> http://instance.io/blog/compiling-node-js-and-npm-on-openindiana-oi_151
> Any pointers on which compiler to use or how to manage multiple compilers?
> --
> Alan Gutierrez - @bigeasy
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