OK. Many thanks Geoff. Though it might be something like that.
On 27 Aug 2012, at 16:33, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
>> Having problems compiling latest source code for Openbabel on Mac OS X
>> (Lion). Don't think the error is a Mac issue, but I'll let you judge...
>> Cmake and make ou
Having problems compiling latest source code for Openbabel on Mac OS X (Lion).
Don't think the error is a Mac issue, but I'll let you judge... Cmake and make
output below.
Any ideas?
Many thanks Geoff
Cmake (2.6 patch 4) was indeed the problem. I installed the latest version
(2.8.7) and rebuilt. Everything OK now.
On 18 Mar 2012, at 20:20, Geoff Hutchison wrote:
>> I'm having trouble building the latest SVN release (trunk) of Openbabel
>> (from scratch) on
I'm trying to use Openbabel to generate a non-standard InChIKey for a few of my
metal cyanides and isocyanides (because configurations produce the same
Standard InChIKey).
Below is my code. Execution of the code leaving the comments intact yields the
Standard InChI and Standard InChIKey
Hi Folks
I noticed that version 1.04 of the InChI software has removed the capability to
generate InChIs directly from CML. Does Openbabel defer this functionality to
the v 1.03 InChI code at the moment?
Hi Folks
Apologies if this is a silly question (I'm not a chemist), but could
someone tell me how to consistently generate InChI/InChIKeys for a
proton and protonated molecular hydrogen? Openbabel seems to assume
removal of electrons rather than the addition of protons. Is there an
Hi Noel
I've been parsing the element.txt and isotope.txt files that is
provided in the distribution of OpenBabel. This has allowed me to
produce a list of InChIs and InChIKeys for all the isotopes of all the
elements (at least up to element 104 - after that the InChI generation
code brea
On 25 Jan 2011, at 14:03, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
On 25 January 2011 13:31, Ken Smith wrote:
Hi Noel
I didn't have this problem on 7 December on my Linux system.
However, I did
the necessary installations (SWIG 2 and PCRE to install SWIG) and it
installed OK with the following ca
wig (found version "1.3.31")
> -- SWIG version is 1.3.31
> -- SWIG version 2.0.0 exactly is required
> - Noel
> On 24 January 2011 23:29, Ken Smith wrote:
>> Folks
>> I've successfully installed OpenBabel and its python bindings several
>> Make sure that your new installation is found by adding its location
>> to the front of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Typically "export
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" will do the trick.
>> - Noel
>> On 3 December 2010 16:12, K
Can anyone point me to a solution that allows me to use openbabel 2.3?
Ken Smith
Astrophysics Research Centre
Queen's University Belfast
Tel: +44 28 9097 5215
Email: k.w.sm...@qub.ac.uk
Skype: ken_w_smith
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