
I'm trying to use Openbabel to generate a non-standard InChIKey for a few of my 
metal cyanides and isocyanides (because configurations produce the same 
Standard InChIKey).

Below is my code.  Execution of the code leaving the comments intact yields the 
Standard InChI and Standard InChIKey (with the expected disconnected metal 

*** Open Babel Warning  in InChI code
  #0 :Metal was disconnected
*** Open Babel Warning  in InChI code
  #0 :Metal was disconnected
InChI: InChI=1S/CN.Al/c1-2;

Removing the comments to add the RecMet option (to reconnect the metal and 
therefore end up with different InChIs and InChIKeys for my cyanide and 
isocyanide species) seems to break the InChIKey part of the code (it's not 

*** Open Babel Warning  in InChI code
  #0 :Metal was disconnected
*** Open Babel Warning  in InChI code
  #0 :Metal was disconnected
InChI: InChI=1/CN.Al/c1-2;/rCAlN/c2-1-3

Any ideas?  Note that I get similar behaviour if I try to use obabel directly.



def getInChIAndInChIKey(smilesString):

   inchi = None
   inchikey = None

   mol = ob.OBMol()

   conv = ob.OBConversion()

   conv.SetInAndOutFormats("smi", "inchi")
   conv.ReadString(mol, smilesString)

   conv.AddOption("X", conv.OUTOPTIONS, "DoNotAddH")
#   conv.AddOption("X", conv.OUTOPTIONS, "RecMet")

   inchi = conv.WriteString(mol).rstrip()

   conv.SetOptions("K", conv.OUTOPTIONS)
   conv.AddOption("X", conv.OUTOPTIONS, "DoNotAddH")
#   conv.AddOption("X", conv.OUTOPTIONS, "RecMet")

   inchikey = conv.WriteString(mol).rstrip()

   return(inchi, inchikey)

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