[obrolan-bandar] MI ANALYSIS: China's Jinchuan to export just 3,000t nickel this year

2007-03-27 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
- Be a PS3 game guru. Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.

[obrolan-bandar] Arpeni Cetak Kenaikan Laba 14,95%

2007-03-29 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Arpeni Cetak Kenaikan Laba 14,95% - Kamis, 29 Maret 2007 16:58:13 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk (APOL) mencetak laba bersih Rp193,95 miliar (Rp65 per saham) pada 2006, naik 14,95% dibanding tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp168,72 miliar

[obrolan-bandar] Cpo : Oil Prices Rebound Above $64 a Barrel

2007-03-29 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
AP Oil Prices Rebound Above $64 a Barrel Thursday March 29, 8:35 am ET By George Jahn, Associated Press Writer Oil Prices Rebound Above $64 a Barrel in Tensions Over Iran Detaining British Marines, Sailors VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Oil prices rebounded above $64 a barrel Thursday, reflecting

[obrolan-bandar] Palm Oil to Advance on Demand, Biofuel, Analysts Say (Update2)

2007-03-29 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Palm Oil to Advance on Demand, Biofuel, Analysts Say (Update2) By Claire Leow March 12 (Bloomberg) -- The price of palm oil, the world's most traded vegetable oil, will surge this year as demand increases, the impact of drought curbs supply

[obrolan-bandar] China's nickel output to rise up to 200,000 mt in 2007: Antaike

2007-03-30 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
China's nickel output to rise up to 200,000 mt in 2007: Antaike Singapore (Platts)--30Mar2007 Beijing's Antaike forecast China's nickel output at 190,000-200,000 mt in 2007, up from the around 140,000 mt produced in 2006, an official from the state nonferrous metals information division said to

[obrolan-bandar] Stocks & Spreads - TIN - expect increased forward borrowing

2007-03-30 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Stocks & Spreads - TIN - expect increased forward borrowingBaseMetals.com - William Adams Tin rebound hari ini, sampai jam 21.30 WIB harga bid offer: SN 3M$13550$13750 Akankah TINS rebound lagi? Tentu saja, toh hari ini sudah rebound ke 11.850. Sangat baik tins koreksi dalam kemarin. Dengan

[obrolan-bandar] US BioEnergy Swings to a Profit

2007-03-30 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Associated Press US BioEnergy Swings to a Profit Associated Press 03.30.07, 10:31 AM ET US BioEnergy Corp., which makes ethanol and distillers grains, said Friday it swung to a profit in the fourth quarter, as the newly public company significantly increased its production capacity. Earning

[obrolan-bandar] Crude Oil Is Steady Near a Six-Month High Amid Iran Tensions

2007-03-30 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Crude Oil Is Steady Near a Six-Month High Amid Iran Tensions By Mark Shenk March 30 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil was little changed, near a six-month high, as 15 British naval personnel seized

[obrolan-bandar] LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 30 Mar 2007

2007-03-30 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 30 Mar 2007 LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes)

[obrolan-bandar] RTI : DJ FOCUS: LME Tin Sets Its Sights On More Record Gains

2007-04-01 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Mar 30 22.24.14 WIB DJ FOCUS: LME Tin Sets Its Sights On More Record Gains - Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.

[obrolan-bandar] DJ UPDATE:Tata Pwr: To Buy 30% Stake In Bumi Resources' Coal Cos

2007-04-01 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
DJ UPDATE:Tata Pwr: To Buy 30% Stake In Bumi Resources' Coal Cos (Adds details) NEW DELHI (AP)--India's Tata Power said Saturday it will buy a 30% stake in coal companies owned by Indonesian mining outfit Bumi Resources (BUMI.JK) for $1.1 billion, a move aimed at securing coal supplies

[obrolan-bandar] Laba Bersih Bumi Resources Naik 80,35%

2007-04-01 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Laba Bersih Bumi Resources Naik 80,35% - Jumat, 30 Maret 2007 16:15:39 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Laba bersih PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) mencapai US$222,304 juta (US$11,46 per saham) pada 2006. Itu berarti meningkat 80,35% dari US$123,263 juta (US$6,35 per

[obrolan-bandar] Naik 4%, Laba Bersih Bukit Asam

2007-04-01 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Naik 4%, Laba Bersih Bukit Asam - Jumat, 30 Maret 2007 15:21:39 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Laba bersih PT Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) dan anak perusahaan naik 4% menjadi Rp485,670 miliar (Rp211 per saham) pada 2006 dibanding tahun buku 2005 sebesar

[obrolan-bandar] Laba Bersih BLTA Melesat, Saham Ditargetkan Capai Rp2.750

2007-04-01 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Laba Bersih BLTA Melesat, Saham Ditargetkan Capai Rp2.750 - Jumat, 30 Maret 2007 15:33:47 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Saham PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (BLTA) diperkirakan menguat ke target level Rp2.750 per saham karena itu tetap diberi rekomendasi beli oleh an

[obrolan-bandar] BAT Indonesia Catat Rugi Bersih Rp62,123 Miliar

2007-04-01 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
BAT Indonesia Catat Rugi Bersih Rp62,123 Miliar - Jumat, 30 Maret 2007 14:49:13 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT BAT Indonesia Tbk (BATI) mencatat rugi bersih Rp62,123 miliar (Rp941 per saham) pada 2006 dibanding laba bersih pada tahun buku 2005 sebesar Rp19,082

[obrolan-bandar] Laba Bersih 2006 Bhakti Investama Melesat 346,74%

2007-04-02 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Laba Bersih 2006 Bhakti Investama Melesat 346,74% - Senin, 2 April 2007 15:32:45 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Bhakti Investama Tbk (BHIT) membukukan laba bersih Rp229,380 miliar (Rp52 per saham) pada 2006, melonjak 346,74% dibanding tahun sebelumnya sebesar

[obrolan-bandar] IHSG Naik ke 1.849,384 Didukung Inflasi Rendah

2007-04-02 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
IHSG Naik ke 1.849,384 Didukung Inflasi Rendah - Senin, 2 April 2007 16:44:29 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) pada perdagangan saham, Senin (2/4) kembali ditutup menguat 18,460 poin (1,008%) ke 1.849,384.

[obrolan-bandar] TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - Tin - Look set to rally again

2007-04-03 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - Tin - Look set to rally againBaseMetals.com - William Adams 09:36 More Premium BaseMetals news TINS jam 21.30 WIB SN 3M$13925$14025 - Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia's tin crackdwon to keep prices high

2007-04-03 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Indonesia's tin crackdwon to keep prices high Source: Antara See also Tin Board Tin Catalog Tin will fetch record prices over 2007 because of a regulatory clampdown on illegal tin miners and smelters in Indonesia, the world's second biggest supplier of the meta

[obrolan-bandar] TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - Tin - Look set to rally again

2007-04-03 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
3 Apr 10:00 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - Tin - Look set to rally againBaseMetals.com - Prices are now rebounding again; clearance of $13,700 looks set to see another run up above $14,000. Recently we said “Look for a rebound once the T.I.s have lost their downward momentum”. This may be starting to happ

[obrolan-bandar] 05 Apr Official Prices

2007-04-08 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
05 Apr Official PricesCash Ask 3m 15m Cash Ask 3m 15m Copper746574116790 Lead202119901705 Aluminium28122840.52652 Tin141751415012975 Nicke

[obrolan-bandar] TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - Tin - Look for run up to the highs

2007-04-09 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - Tin - Look for run up to the highsBaseMetals.com - William Adams - Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

[obrolan-bandar] TIN - The new nickel?

2007-04-09 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
TIN - The new nickel?Standard Bank STOCKS & SPREADS - Tin - Looking bullish again as spreads tighten and cxl wts climb - Need Mail bonding? Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.

[obrolan-bandar] Bhakti Investama to Raise Stakes in CMNP and BMTR, Hold Rights Issue

2007-04-09 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Bhakti Investama to Raise Stakes in CMNP and BMTR, Hold Rights Issue - Monday, 9 April 2007 16:08:47 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Investment company PT Bhakti Investama Tbk (BHIT) has planned to increase the stakes in tollroad operator PT Citra Marga Nusaphala T

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Prices Drop Below $64 a Barrel

2007-04-09 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
AP Oil Prices Drop Below $64 a Barrel Monday April 9, 8:25 am ET Oil Prices Fall Below $64 a Barrel As Geopolitical Issues, Tight U.S. Supplies Still a Concern LONDON (AP) -- Oil prices fell Monday following last week's release of British sailors detained by Iran, but concerns over the tight

[obrolan-bandar] Short Selling lagi

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Saya tertarik diskusi tentang short selling. Saya ambil arti short selling dari www.investopedia.com, bisa dibaca dibawah. Jadi mohon dibaca baik2, karena banyak orang yang salah kaprah akan short selling. Untuk Pak James, ada beberapa pertanyaan : 1. Apakah Pak James sendiri melakukan Short

[obrolan-bandar] Re: TINS NGUAMUKK

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
TINS: Target 14.400 tinggal sebentar lagi. Mudah2an Big Boz berbaik hati sampai2 bisa narik sampe 16.000 atau bisa ke 22.000. :D Mudah2an saja. Apalagi kalau Big Boz bisa menjadikan TINS ini adiknya INCO. Wah... luar biasa. Mimpi kali saya ini... Untuk TIN, Cancel warrant yang tinggi bisa meny

[obrolan-bandar] Rumor : TINS akan menambah output dari 45.000 tons menjadi 60.000 tons

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Rumor yang beredar TINS berencana menambah output dari 45.000 tons menjadi 60.000 tons. Bila benar bisa meningkat 60.000 ton berapa harga tins nanti? Orang2 bilang TINS mana ada duit (kesulitan cash flow)? Cermati yang akan terjadi di RUPS LB tanggal 17 April 07, karena ada corporate action yan

[obrolan-bandar] CPO futures, tin at record highs

2007-04-11 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Commodity Roundup: CPO futures, tin at record highs April 11 2007 CRUDE PALM OILCRUDE palm oil (CPO) futures prices on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Bhd maintained an upward performance for the second consecutive day, hitting another new high at close yesterday, riding on growing dema


2007-04-11 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
- TV dinner still cooling? Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

[obrolan-bandar] DJ Indonesia Timah 1Q Sales Hit IDR1.3T Vs IDR809.8B - Official

2007-04-12 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
DJ Indonesia Timah 1Q Sales Hit IDR1.3T Vs IDR809.8B - Official JAKARTA (Dow Jones)--Indonesian tin producer PT Timah (TINS.JK) expects sales to have risen 61% on year in the first quarter of 2007 to IDR1.3 trillion due to an increase in sales volume and higher commodity prices. "Sal

[obrolan-bandar] STOCKS & SPREADS - Tin - Stocks approaching the 9000t level again

2007-04-12 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
STOCKS & SPREADS - Tin - Stocks approaching the 9000t level again TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - Tin - Well placed to head higher - Never miss an email again! Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.

[obrolan-bandar] Globex Metals Futures Hourly Price Update

2007-04-12 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
2211 GMT [Dow Jones] COMMODITIES SUMMARY: Crude +3% after IEA said fall in OPEC output likely to drain global oil stocks in coming months, gasoline hit 8-month high; BOB gasoline futures, up more than 50% past 2 months, rose as unplanned outages at U.S. refineries mounted. May Nymex crude +$1.84

[obrolan-bandar] japanese Stocks May Climb on Weaker Yen; Seven & I Could Drop

2007-04-12 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
japanese Stocks May Climb on Weaker Yen; Seven & I Could Drop By Patrick Rial April 13 (Bloomberg) -- Japanese stocks may advance after the yen fell to a record low against the euro, boosting the value of overseas sales for companies such as

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Trades Near $64 in New York on Rising Demand for Gasoline

2007-04-16 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Oil Trades Near $64 in New York on Rising Demand for Gasoline By Eduard Gismatullin April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil traded near $64 a barrel in New York on expectations of higher gasoline demand this summer in the U.S, the world's largest

[obrolan-bandar] DJ Asia Rubber Futures Settle Higher On Firmer Metals, Crude Oil

2007-04-16 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
DJ Asia Rubber Futures Settle Higher On Firmer Metals, Crude Oil SINGAPORE (Dow Jones)--Asian rubber futures settled mostly higher Monday as stronger sentiment in crude oil and precious metals futures led to fresh buying and short-covering. On Tocom, rubber futures settled up, though

[obrolan-bandar] DJ Indonesia May Decide To Change Crude Price Formula May Or Jun

2007-04-16 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
DJ Indonesia May Decide To Change Crude Price Formula May Or Jun JAKARTA (Dow Jones)--The Indonesian government will likely decide in May or June whether to change the current formula for calculating the price of crude oil that it sells to international buyers, an official said Monday.

[obrolan-bandar] Crude Oil Jumps After IEA Says OPEC Output Fell to Two-Year Low

2007-04-16 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Crude Oil Jumps After IEA Says OPEC Output Fell to Two-Year Low By Robert Tuttle April 12 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil rose 3 percent in New York, the biggest gain in two weeks, after the International Energy Agency said OPEC reduced supplies to

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Trades Near $64 in New York on Rising Demand for Gasoline

2007-04-16 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Oil Trades Near $64 in New York on Rising Demand for Gasoline By Eduard Gismatullin April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil traded near $64 a barrel in New York on expectations of higher gasoline demand this summer in the U.S, the world's largest

[obrolan-bandar] Crude Oil Price Reaches US$63.90 per Barrel;

2007-04-16 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Crude Oil Price Reaches US$63.90 per Barrel; - Monday, 16 April 2007 17:28:24 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Crude oil price once reached US$63.90 per barrel in trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) electronic facility, Globex, and at 04:15 PM today

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Rises on Expected Growth in Demand; Refineries Raise Output

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Oil Rises on Expected Growth in Demand; Refineries Raise Output By Eduard Gismatullin April 17 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil climbed in New York on speculation demand for fuel was increasing bef

[obrolan-bandar] Metals - Copper softens on profit-taking as tin hits 18-yr high

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Metals - Copper softens on profit-taking as tin hits 18-yr high Tuesday, April 17, 2007 11:24:30 AM http://www.afxpress.com LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Copper prices softened as investors took profits after last night's gai

[obrolan-bandar] Metals - LME inventory data (Tuesday)

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Metals - LME inventory data (Tuesday) Tuesday, April 17, 2007 8:30:28 AM LONDON (AFX) - London Metal Exchange inventory as of Tuesday, Apr 17: Copper down 2,575 tonnes at 172,025 tonnes Lead up 1,600

[obrolan-bandar] Palm Oil Futures Decline on Concerns Recent Rally Was Overdone

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Palm Oil Futures Decline on Concerns Recent Rally Was Overdone By Feiwen Rong April 17 (Bloomberg) -- Palm oil futures declined as some investors sold the commodity on concerns that the rally to the highest in more than eight years yesterday

[obrolan-bandar] TIN HITS $14,680/T ON LME, NEW HIGH SINCE 1982

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
TIN HITS $14,680/T ON LME, NEW HIGH SINCE 1982 BaseMetals.com - Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

[obrolan-bandar] U.S. March Core Prices Rise Less Than Forecast

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
U.S. March Core Prices Rise Less Than Forecast (Update2) By Joe Richter April 17 (Bloomberg) -- A measure of prices paid by U.S. consumers rose less than forecast last month, supporting the Federal Reserve's call that inflation will subside

[obrolan-bandar] Palm Oil Climbs to Highest in More Than Eight Years on Exports

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Palm Oil Climbs to Highest in More Than Eight Years on Exports By Feiwen Rong April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Palm oil futures rose to the highest in more than eight years on concern that supply m

[obrolan-bandar] Record tin prices spur on other base metals

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Record tin prices spur on other base metalsBy Chris Flood Published: April 17 2007 11:14 | Last updated: April 17 2007 19:57 Tin prices hit a record on Tuesday while copper surged through the $8,000 a tonne level for the first time in eight months, encouraging a strong performance by other base

[obrolan-bandar] PT Timah to boost smelting capacity

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Gara2 ini, LME panik dan TIN new high. PT Timah to boost smelting capacity Release date: 17 Apr 2007 The new President Director of Indonesia’s state-controlled tin company PT Timah today announced plans to spend Rupiah 410 billion (US$ 45 million) this year

[obrolan-bandar] Tin price may hit US$15,000 next month

2007-04-17 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Tin price may hit US$15,000 next month April 17 2007 THE price of tin on the Malaysian market is likely to reach US$15,000

[obrolan-bandar] Indosat to Seek US$50-Mn Loan After Issuing Bonds;

2007-04-18 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Indosat to Seek US$50-Mn Loan After Issuing Bonds; - Wednesday, 18 April 2007 16:28:01 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Indosat Tbk (ISAT) has planned to seek a syndicated loan worth US$50 million from foreign creditors, after the company issues bonds with a tot

[obrolan-bandar] BLTA to Buy Ships for US$500 Mn

2007-04-18 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
BLTA to Buy Ships for US$500 Mn ; - Wednesday, 18 April 2007 15:46:49 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (BLTA) has planned to buy ships - used and new - for totally US$500 million, the company's management said in an information to the sha

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia's Medco Energi 2006 net profit down 49 pct on cost increases

2007-04-18 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Indonesia's Medco Energi 2006 net profit down 49 pct on cost increases JAKARTA (XFN-ASIA) - PT Medco Energi Internasional said its 2006 net profit dropped 49 pct year-on-year to 38.1 mln usd from 74.7 mln due to cost increases. It said its sales rose 28 pct year-on-year to 792.4 mln usd sup

[obrolan-bandar] Mandom Has Remaining Rights Issue Proceeds IDR13.170 Bn

2007-04-18 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Mandom Has Remaining Rights Issue Proceeds IDR13.170 Bn ; - Wednesday, 18 April 2007 15:25:06 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Cosmetics manufacturing company PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk (TCID) during the period of January 2006-March 2007 still kept the remaining proce

[obrolan-bandar] ELTY Gelar Right Issue Ketiga

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Bakrieland Development Gelar Right Issue Ketiga Sabtu, 17 Maret 2007 JAKARTA (Suara Karya): PT Bakrieland Development Tbk (ELTY) akan melakukan penawaran umum terbatas (rights issue ) ketiga sebanyak 14 miliar saham baru dengan nilai Rp 2,8 triliun. Dalam prospektus singkatnya seperti

[obrolan-bandar] Govt Postpones T-Bill Issuance ;

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Govt Postpones T-Bill Issuance ; - Thursday, 19 April 2007 15:22:06 StockWatch (Jakarta) - The Finance Ministry's director-general for debt management, Rahmat Waluyanto, said the ministry has postponed the issuance of treasury bills (T-bills) from the prev

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia's Bank Mandiri Q1 net profit up 101 pct on falling funding costs, NPL

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Indonesia's Bank Mandiri Q1 net profit up 101 pct on falling funding costs, NPls - JAKARTA (XFN-ASIA) - PT Bank Mandiri, the country's largest lender, said its first quarter to March net profit rose 101 pct year-on-year to 1.03 trln rupiah aided by lower funding costs and non-performing

[obrolan-bandar] Bank Mandiri Cetak Laba Bersih Triwulan I/2007 Rp1,0 Triliun

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
News ReleaseKamis, 19 April, 2007 Bank Mandiri Cetak Laba Bersih Triwulan I/2007 Rp1,0 Triliun SIARAN PERS CSC/PR.037/2007 Bank Mandiri Cetak Laba Bersih Triwulan I/2007 Rp1,0 Triliun Pendapatan Bunga Bersih

[obrolan-bandar] DJ Telekom Malaysia To Buy 7.4% Of Excelcomindo For $113 Million

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
DJ Telekom Malaysia To Buy 7.4% Of Excelcomindo For $113 Million KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Telekom Malaysia Bhd. (4863.KU) said Thursday it would buy a further 7.4% stake in its Indonesian unit PT Excelcomindo Pratama (EXCL.JK) for $113 million. Its wholly owned unit TM Internationa

[obrolan-bandar] JSX Cancels Suspension of Danatama ;

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
JSX Cancels Suspension of Danatama ; - Thursday, 19 April 2007 14:22:29 StockWatch (Jakarta) - The Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) has cancelled suspension of brokerage firm since the early trading session today (19/4) for the broker has submitted the complet

[obrolan-bandar] Bank Mandiri, Kasikornbank, Lenovo: Asia Ex-Japan Stock Preview

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Bank Mandiri, Kasikornbank, Lenovo: Asia Ex-Japan Stock Preview By Naila Firdausi April 20 (Bloomberg) -- The following stocks may rise or fall in Asian markets, excluding Japan. This preview includes news that broke after markets closed. Pr

[obrolan-bandar] S&P 500 Drops on Marriott; Dow Advances to 2nd Straight Record

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
S&P 500 Drops on Marriott; Dow Advances to 2nd Straight Record By Michael Patterson April 19 (Bloomberg) -- The Standard & Poor's 500 Index dropped for the second time this month, buffeted by consumer shares, after Marriott Corp. cut its rev

[obrolan-bandar] METALS FOCUS - Tin uptrend set to reverse after brief foray above $15,000

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
19 Apr 15:59 METALS FOCUS - Tin uptrend set to reverse after brief foray above $15,000BaseMetals.com - Martin Hayes - Tin, for so long a Cinderella metal on the LME, briefly traded above the $15,000 a tonne level this week, re-awakening memories of the heady heights it enjoyed in the early 1980s

[obrolan-bandar] PGN Bakal Dapat Pinjaman US%50 Juta

2007-04-20 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
PGN Bakal Dapat Pinjaman US%50 JutaJumat, 20 April 2007 Jakarta (Indofinanz) - PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) tengah menegosiasikan pinjaman sebesar US$50 juta dengan International Finance Corporation (IFC). Bantuan yang ditawarkan IFC dimaksud untuk membant

[obrolan-bandar] DJ FOCUS: Tin Prices Take A Dive, But Outlook Remains Strong

2007-04-20 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
=DJ FOCUS: Tin Prices Take A Dive, But Outlook Remains Strong By Lisa Yuriko Thomas Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES LONDON (Dow Jones)--After London Metal Exchange tin prices dropped 10% in one day earlier this week, many were quick to call the tin bubble burst. Not so, according to some

[obrolan-bandar] Stocks Up on Earnings; Dow Nears 13,000

2007-04-20 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Stocks Up on Earnings; Dow Nears 13,000AP - Wall Street bounded higher Friday after Google Inc. led a series of stronger earnings reports that propelled the Dow Jones industrials further into record terrain and toward its first assault on the 13,000 mark. ---

[obrolan-bandar] Tin major MSC sees lower output in 2007 on limited feed stock

2007-04-20 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Tin major MSC sees lower output in 2007 on limited feed stock Singapore (Platts)--20Apr2007 Listed tin major Malaysia Smelting Corp expects to see its 2007 tin output lower than that produced in 2006, despite the grant of a tin export license for its Indonesia subsidiary PT Koba Tin, a company

[obrolan-bandar] BMRI Recommended for Buying on Satisfactory Performance

2007-04-20 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
BMRI Recommended for Buying on Satisfactory Performance - Friday, 20 April 2007 15:51:08 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) is considered to have a satisfactory financial performance in the first quarter of 2007 by Kim Eng Securities' analy

[obrolan-bandar] TSPC Begins Consolidation

2007-04-20 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
TSPC Begins Consolidation - Friday, 20 April 2007 16:05:06 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Shares of pharmaceutical product distributor PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk (TSPC) that trade at IDR830 per unit are seen to begin the consolidation, after moving closer to the f

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia police arrest two Singapore mining executives - report

2007-04-20 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Indonesia police arrest two Singapore mining executives - report JAKARTA (XFN-ASIA) - Indonesian police have arrested and charged two senior executives from a Singapore granite mining company with environmental damage, a report said. The pair from PT Karimun Granite allegedly destroyed 19.7

[obrolan-bandar] APOL Likely to Climb Up

2007-04-20 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
APOL Likely to Climb Up - Friday, 20 April 2007 15:18:01 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Shares of PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk (APOL) which closed at IDR680 per share are likely to climb up considering that some technical indicators have indicated a trend of

[obrolan-bandar] TINS -- akankah rebound?

2007-04-22 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Sudah seperti diketahui pasar bahwa bila suatu saham sedang hot, akan ada kejadian besar yang membuat dia jatuh dalam. Kali ini pun terjadi di TINS. Orang terperangah dan pasar merespon sangat negatif serta pesimis akan tins, termasuk saya. Biasanya saat2 seperti ini, Bandar besar dengan senan

[obrolan-bandar] Gold and tin should draw new investors

2007-04-22 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
MINING Gold and tin should draw new investors POST REPORTERS Prospecting for gold ore continues to attract interest from investors while tin ore has tremendous potential for growth, according to Anusorn Nuangpolmark, the dire

[obrolan-bandar] Sharp rise in Chinese tin exports

2007-04-23 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Sharp rise in Chinese tin exports Release date: 23 Apr 2007 Chinese exports of refined tin jumped to over 4,500 tonnes in March, according to official customs figures released today. This was the highest monthly total since June 2004. As with the previous pe

[obrolan-bandar] Copper Falls in London After Grasberg Strike Ends; Tin Gains

2007-04-23 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Copper Falls in London After Grasberg Strike Ends; Tin Gains By Chanyaporn Chanjaroen April 23 (Bloomberg) -- Copper dropped in London after a four- day protest at Indonesia's Grasberg, the world's second-largest copper mine, ended over the

[obrolan-bandar] INCO -- hot banget?

2007-04-23 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Beberapa hari ini di sini rame banget diskusi inco, bahkan yang sudah lama bertapa Pak ES, muncul kembali. 100rb.. hehehe.. Pak Oen juga bilang bisa ngalahin AQUA.. busett...!!! Di sini saya membuat chart yang sederhana dengan Auto trend (garis warna merah) yang sudah breakout. Dengan pola

[obrolan-bandar] Near-term nickel supply unlikely to stem demand

2007-04-23 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Near-term nickel supply unlikely to stem demand The price of nickel is expected to rise beyond its current stratospheric level as new supply due later this year will fail to satisfy a growing need for the metal in stainless steel, jet engines and hybrid cars, analysts said at the Institute

[obrolan-bandar] BMRI Still Recommended for Buying

2007-04-23 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Monday, 23 April 2007 14:22:50 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Kim Eng Securities' analyst Yusuf Ade Winoto still recommends buying of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk's shares (BMRI) today (23/4) at target price of IDR3,750 per unit for the next 12 months. Considering the current price of IDR3,250 per share, the t

[obrolan-bandar] Govt Imposes 0% Customs on Auto Component Materials

2007-04-23 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Govt Imposes 0% Customs on Auto Component Materials - Monday, 23 April 2007 18:00:36 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has abolished customs on imported raw materials for manufacturing of automotive components, the Finance Mini

[obrolan-bandar] MARKET TALK: Commodity Roundup - Oil Up Amid Nigeria Violence

2007-04-23 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
2257 GMT [Dow Jones] Crude closed at 3-week high after gun fights in oil-rich Niger Delta region, after Nigeria's ruling party candidate won weekend presidential election in polls denounced by opposition, declared deeply flawed by international observers. June Nymex crude +$1.78 at $65.89/bbl,

[obrolan-bandar] Bank Bumiputera 1Q Net Profit IDR12.75 Bn

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Bank Bumiputera 1Q Net Profit IDR12.75 Bn - Wednesday, 25 April 2007 15:18:17 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Bank Bumiputera Tbk (BABP) recorded net profit of IDR12.75 billion as of March 2007, rising significantly by approximately 422% from IDR2.44 billion i

[obrolan-bandar] Bank Mega to Finance Nusantara Infrastructure's Tollroad Project

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Bank Mega to Finance Nusantara Infrastructure's Tollroad Project - Wednesday, 25 April 2007 18:26:50 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Bank Mega Tbk (MEGA) will disburse IDR350-billion loan to PT Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk (META) for financing the construction

[obrolan-bandar] Bank Lippo 1Q Net Profit Rises 59.19%

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
LK BDMN akan keluar besok, tgl 26 April 2007, akankah menyamai LPBN atau BMRI? Bank Lippo 1Q Net Profit Rises 59.19% - Wednesday, 25 April 2007 17:41:34 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Bank Lippo Tbk (LPBN) recorded net profit of IDR165.058 billion (IDR42.1

[obrolan-bandar] Mandiri Targetkan Kredit Industri Perkapalan Rp2 Trilyun

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Mandiri Targetkan Kredit Industri Perkapalan Rp2 Trilyun Rabu, 25 April 2007 Jakarta (Indofinanz) - PT Bank Mandiri Tbk siap mendukung industri perkapalan nasioal dengan menargetkan pengucuran kredit senilai Rp2 trilyun tahun 2007 ini. Hingga akhir Maret lalu emi

[obrolan-bandar] Bank Bukopin Gandeng Enam Perusahaan

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Bank Bukopin Gandeng Enam PerusahaanRabu, 25 April 2007 Jakarta (Indofinanz) - PT Bank Bukopin Tbk (BBKP) hari ini melakukan penandatanganan kerja sama dengan enam perusahaan dalam rangka memperluas jaringan dan meningkatkan layanan terhadap nasabah. Keenam pe

[obrolan-bandar] Norilsk Nickel ups output 25th April 2007

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Norilsk Nickel ups output25thApril2007 Nickel and palladium producer Norilsk Nickel is increasing its nickel output predictions for 2007. The increased forecast comes off the back of the firm's acquisition of the OM G

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Closes Above 13,000 on Earnings Data (13,089.89)

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Dow Closes Above 13,000 on Earnings DataAP - It looks like cause for celebration: The Dow Jones industrial average surged from 12,000 to 13,000 in just six months. But appearances can be deceiving, and there may be more reason to worry than rejoice about Wall Street's latest accomplishment.

[obrolan-bandar] Go .. go... ANTM, not nickel?

2007-04-26 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Pak Ha Min, Saya coba chart antm. Sambil menunggu data LK Q1 keluar. please comment... - Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.Title: HTML document for the World Wide Web ANTM (ANTM) Data for

[obrolan-bandar] BDMN Q1 07: net profit up 92%, IDR482bl vs IDR 251bl

2007-04-26 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
- Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: APOL Likely to Climb Up

2007-04-26 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Saat ini Mackenzie Cundill Investments sudah menguasai 9,34% saham APOL. Jangan-jangan bener2 akan naik. --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Joe Grunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > APOL Likely to Climb Up > - > > Friday, 2

[obrolan-bandar] OUTLOOK-Indonesia April mth/mth CPI rate to ease from March on softer rice

2007-04-27 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
OUTLOOK-Indonesia April mth/mth CPI rate to ease from March on softer rice price --- By Roffie Kurniawan --- JAKARTA (XFN-ASIA) - Consumer inflation in April is expected to have come in at a slower month-on-month pace than in March aided by a fall in the price of rice, a small majority o

[obrolan-bandar] Bank Danamon 1Q Net Profit Soars 92%

2007-04-27 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Bank Danamon 1Q Net Profit Soars 92% - Friday, 27 April 2007 11:24:33 StockWatch (Jakarta) - PT Bank Danamon Tbk (BDMN) booked net profit of IDR482 billion in the first quarter of 2007, rising sharply by 92% from IDR251 billion in the same period of 2006,

[obrolan-bandar] Nickel May Surpass $55,000 a Ton This Year, Standard Bank Says

2007-04-27 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Nickel May Surpass $55,000 a Ton This Year, Standard Bank Says By Debarati Roy April 27 (Bloomberg) -- Nickel prices may surpass this year's record as supplies of the metal used to make steel resistant to corrosion lags behind demand, Standa

[obrolan-bandar] LME LATEST - Base metals surge in PM rings as dollar falls, nickel up 4%

2007-04-27 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
LME LATEST - Base metals surge in PM rings as dollar falls, nickel up 4% - Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Jones :LME Daily Unofficial Prices - Apr 27

2007-04-27 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
MetalCash 3 Months 15 Months 27 Months Nickel 50900.0/50925.0 48900.0/48925.0 39575.0/39675.0 33375.0/33475.0 Tin 13325.0/13425.0 13200.0/13300.0 12510.0/12560.0 -By Dow Jones Newswires; 4420-7842-9259; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[obrolan-bandar] Kompas : Kiani Kertas Bayar Utang Lagi ke Bank Mandiri

2007-04-29 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Kiani Kertas Bayar Utang Lagi ke Bank Mandiri PT Kiani Kertas April ini telah membayar kembali utang pokok dan bunga sebesar 10 juta dollar AS kepada PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. Menurut Direktur Utama Bank Mandiri Agus Martowardojo, Jumat (27/4) di Istana Wapres, Jakarta, total utang perusahaan te

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia's Astra Intl Q1 net profit up 21 pct yr-on-yr on stronger sales

2007-04-30 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Indonesia's Astra Intl Q1 net profit up 21 pct yr-on-yr on stronger sales JAKARTA (XFN-ASIA) - PT Astra International said its first quarter to March net profit rose 21 pct year-on-year on the back of stronger sales. Astra booked a net profit of 1.28 trln rupiah in the first quarter again

[obrolan-bandar] Kalbe Farma 2006 Net Profit Rises 8.06%

2007-04-30 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Kalbe Farma 2006 Net Profit Rises 8.06% - Monday, 30 April 2007 16:49:44 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Pharmaceutical company PT Kalbe Farma Tbk (KLBF) booked net profit of IDR676.582 billion (IDR67 per share) in 2006, rising slightly by 8.06% from IDR626.117 bil

[obrolan-bandar] Unilever Net Profit Increases 22.55%

2007-05-01 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Unilever Net Profit Increases 22.55% ; - Tuesday, 1 May 2007 16:12:02 StockWatch (Jakarta) - Consumer goods distributor PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (UNVR) booked net profit of IDR535.82 billion (IDR70 per share) as of March 2007, increasing by 22.55% from I

[obrolan-bandar] LME : nickel +$900, tin +$225

2007-05-01 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
2309 GMT [Dow Jones] COMMODITIES SUMMARY: Crude fell back after failing to hold above $66, tracking gasoline futures; June Nymex crude down $1.31 at $64.40/bbl after touching $66.15, Brent off 65 cents at $67.00. Sell-off came ahead of weekly EIA data Wednesday expected to show build in crude su

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