DJ Indonesia May Decide  To Change Crude Price Formula May Or Jun

JAKARTA (Dow  Jones)--The Indonesian government will likely decide in May or 
June whether to  change the current formula for calculating the price of crude 
oil that it sells  to international buyers, an official said Monday. 

One of the options being discussed is to use 50%  of the average prices 
assessed by Japan's Rim and 50% by Platts, said Eddy  Purwanto, deputy finance 
director of the upstream oil and gas regulating body BP  Migas. 

Currently the  government's formula is based 47.5% on Rim's assessment, 47.5% 
on Platts and 5%  on the Asian Petroleum Price Index. The formula has been used 
since Oct. 1,  2006. 

The government  has said the current formula results in an Indonesian crude 
price that is $2-$4  a barrel below international oil prices. 

Such a change would reflect government efforts to  raise the price of 
Indonesian crude oil to boost revenues for the state coffers.  

It would also come at  a time when domestic crude oil output is declining, as 
faltering investment in  the upstream sector has led to falling production, 
which is pressuring state oil  revenues. 

Indonesia is the only East Asian member of the Organization of Petroleum  
Exporting Countries. 

-By Deden Sudrajat, contributing to Dow Jones Newswires; 62-21  39831277; 

-Edited by Paul Baylis  

(END) Dow Jones  Newswires

April 15,  2007 23:07 ET (03:07 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.- - 11 07 PM EDT  04-15-07

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