Re: Memory

2007-07-20 Thread David J. Ruck
can be.. 40MB is woefully inadequate for web browsing regardless of NetSurf releasing memory or not. Replace the the 8MB with a 128MB stick. Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Logins, cookies and crashes

2007-07-30 Thread David J. Ruck
When accessing a site (such as a phpBB forum) which allows you to log in and stay logged in, you can start and stop NetSurf as many times as you like, and the site will always recognise you are still logged in when visiting the pages. However if NetSurf crashes, after restarting the site asks for a

Re: NetSurf Logfile

2007-08-01 Thread David J. Ruck
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > After I've moved to VRPC-AdjustSA 4.39 NetSurf 'cannot open > .www.netsurf.log for i/o direction'. The !Scrap directory > contains only ScrapDirs.IDdisabled where NetSurf's Cache and Log file > resides. If I try and copy the Log file into ScrapDirs, I get told that > t

Re: Stairway to Hell

2007-08-06 Thread David J. Ruck
Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Hotlist unable to be correctly loaded.

2007-08-25 Thread David J. Ruck
W.NetSurf.Hotlist, if its corrupted either fix the HTML or delete it. Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Font checking when loading netsurf

2007-09-10 Thread David J. Ruck
in anycase). Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Font checking when loading netsurf

2007-09-11 Thread David J. Ruck
Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Web shop problem

2007-09-14 Thread David J. Ruck
only uses javascript for button roll overs, so should work. Can anyone suggest why it doesn't and its something likely to be fixed in NetSurf. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [

Re: URL length limit

2007-09-15 Thread David J. Ruck
opping back to the ANT URL broadcast protocol if not present. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Invalid UTF chars stop text display

2007-09-16 Thread David J. Ruck
0 to £450. Ever since the announcement of the new range of TomTom GOs there has been speculation about a top of the range model. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Web shop problem

2007-09-17 Thread David J. Ruck
On 15 Sep 2007 Kevin Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > "David J. Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >>We are evaluating different web shop software, most work ok, but the >>latest fails with NetSurf. On attemp

Re: Invalid UTF chars stop text display

2007-09-17 Thread David J. Ruck
On 16 Sep 2007 "David J. Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The GPS news letter I received contains broken HTML in that it > features pound sign characters (&A3) in the UTF8 encoding. > I expect these not be rendered, but the precesence of these > characters s

Re: WML support.

2007-10-05 Thread David J. Ruck
WAP experiance aimed at phones screens 1/100th the resolution I'm using on my 22" monitor? While it might be useful to have WML capability for authors to test WAP sites, as alternative to the web it is not worth persuing. Cheers ---Dave -- _____

Re: WML support.

2007-10-05 Thread David J. Ruck
On 5 Oct 2007 Jess Hampshire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > "David J. Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> You mean open up the tiny fraction of sites which provide an > The question is how tiny that fraction

Re: WML support.

2007-10-06 Thread David J. Ruck
is all but dead, so it would be a waste of effort > to add that to NS. > I don't know anything about WML. WML is what WAP sites are written in. Cheers ---Dave -- __ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: bizarre redraw problem

2007-10-07 Thread David J. Ruck
t; RO5.13 Does with r3622 on 5.13 here. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Dates

2007-10-10 Thread David J. Ruck
of the pile. The problem is at your end. Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Greedy little...

2007-10-16 Thread David J. Ruck
Michael Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, >Dave Symes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Open Html doc in NS and I need to search for the part of the doc that > > has some * prefixed codes. F4 and enter a * in the "Find" dialogue. I > > have not yet actioned the

Re: Multitasking (not)

2007-10-21 Thread David J. Ruck
but even on an Iyonix can occasionally be awkward. What resolver module are you using? Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Excessive CPU usage when idle

2007-10-31 Thread David J. Ruck
heers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Excessive CPU usage when idle

2007-11-03 Thread David J. Ruck
On 31 Oct 2007 Michael Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, >David J. Ruck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> Using r3633 if you visit >> then click on the ARM11 NetSurf loads the page ok, a

Re: Disallowed Key Characters

2007-11-29 Thread David J. Ruck
y they are rejecting NetSurf. Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Bug report

2007-12-16 Thread David J. Ruck
Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: netsurf buttonbar

2008-01-05 Thread David J. Ruck
to get a URL type (the natural type of a field which holds a URL), which then Oregano and other browsers will interpret correctly. Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: netsurf buttonbar

2008-01-05 Thread David J. Ruck
On 5 Jan 2008 Brian Howlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 5 Jan, David J. Ruck wrote: >> One of the main uses is to transfer the current URL in to a javascript >> browser, but anoyingly though the default drag is of type text, which >> Oregano1/2/3 displays as text

Re: Behaviour differs with different hardware

2008-01-05 Thread David J. Ruck
c1644=0 If it works put it in the networking users options file, which can be found somewhere in RO6's vastly extended !Configure section. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Failure with !Netsurf 1.1 (13 Aug 2007)

2008-01-31 Thread David J. Ruck
Raise a bug report and submit the files there, or email them to a developer that has requested them. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Tracker login problems

2008-02-01 Thread David J. Ruck
it refresh in the orginal window. It will stay on the bug tracker but now be logged in. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Redirected intrapage links broken

2008-02-03 Thread David J. Ruck
. Can anyone find a more reproducable example, or even knock up a script demonstrate it? It might help the developers. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Redirected intrapage links broken

2008-02-03 Thread David J. Ruck
is in .WWW.NetSurf.Log Make a copy of the log file before running NetSurf again or it will be lost. Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Iyonix will not load Netsurf

2008-02-15 Thread David J. Ruck
Geoff Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I took the time to carefully look at what was in my !Fonts and think that > over the years, my collection of fonts has been passed from one machine > to another and not really been checked out, mainly because I had no > problems. I now think that the errant

Re: Iyonix will not load Netsurf

2008-02-15 Thread David J. Ruck
On 15 Feb 2008 "David J. Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You'll need to check through your fonts carefully, particularly ensure that > you have removed any which have been renamed. Fonts contain the design name > embedded at the start of the intmetrics f

Re: Hotlist export

2008-02-16 Thread David J. Ruck
gt; the "newer" filer option on or off either. Is this a problem with the > application or RISC OS 5? Working fine here. Saves anywhere, overwrites itself no problem. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Oddity when saving NS zips

2008-04-01 Thread David J. Ruck
Gordon F McLaren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On trying to save the newly downloaded NS over an existing netsurf/zip > the following happens:- > > Error: - The file could not be saved due to an error 'ADFS. > netsurf/zip' is a directory > > This happens on the following machines:- [snip] >

Re: Netsurf redirct problem

2008-04-23 Thread David J. Ruck
John-Mark Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Wed, 23 Apr 2008, Paul Stewart wrote: > > I have produce a web form and a captcha script to stop spamming of the > > form. > > Ugh. Why is is that most captchas are a) illegible and Thats the idea, after all, otherwise a simple bit of OCR would brea

Re: Netsurf redirct problem

2008-04-23 Thread David J. Ruck
Rob Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Research shows that OCR is more effective at reading them than humans > are. Better than a web cafe full of Indians earning $4 a day? :-) Anyhow better stop this now, way off topic. Cheers ---Dave -- Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301

Re: NetSurf at Wakefield 2008

2008-04-28 Thread David J. Ruck
ncepts such as meeting users in the physicality. I walked past, but they were still all blinking because of the strange daylight stuff :-) Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Another suggestion for NetSurf

2008-05-13 Thread David J. Ruck
Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 13 May 2008 Kevin Wells wrote: > > > Another bonus if using StrongED doing it that way is that StrongED has > > a spell checker. > > > Not sure if Edit does. > > No, it doesn't, but I find spell checkers more trouble than they're > worth. I find th

Re: Another suggestion for NetSurf

2008-05-13 Thread David J. Ruck
On 13 May 2008 Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 13 May 2008 David J. Ruck wrote: >> Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >>> On 13 May 2008 Kevin Wells wrote: >>> >>>> Another bonus if using StrongED doing it that way is th

Re: Illegal window handle

2008-05-18 Thread David J. Ruck
X Rename .WWW.NetSurf.Log .WWW.NetSurf.OldLog That should all be one line, incase email has munged it. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Illegal window handle

2008-05-18 Thread David J. Ruck
On 18 May 2008 Dr Peter Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 18 May 2008 "David J. Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> X Rename .WWW.NetSurf.Log >> .WWW.NetSurf.OldLog >> That should all be one line, incase email has munged it. > Ignorant qu

Re: Jpeg problem with the two most recent versions

2008-05-31 Thread David J. Ruck
caching problems. Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Halting problem

2008-06-19 Thread David J. Ruck
ex.htm to monitor the number of free sockets during rendering. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Problems with web site

2008-07-14 Thread David J. Ruck
erything continued ok. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: New HTML parser integrated into NetSurf

2008-08-11 Thread David J. Ruck
would always be truncated half way down, as the HTML has charset=UTF-8, but '£' is used illegally instead of characters A0 A3. I'll be waiting for the table bug to be fixed before adopting the new parser though. Cheers ---Dave -- _______

Re: Crash on

2008-08-15 Thread David J. Ruck
h uses the old one. Even when it doesn't crash its probably not going to be much use without Javascript, unless its changed alot since last time I looked. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Bug: 'Search Text' does not work in framed sites.

2008-09-04 Thread David J. Ruck
window. The only way to get the 4th frame is to scale the window down two steps (Ctrl - in FF3). Cheers ---Dave -- __ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Bug: 'Search Text' does not work in framed sites.

2008-09-04 Thread David J. Ruck
On 4 Sep 2008 David H Wild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, >David J. Ruck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >>>> That site doesn't work for me at all. I just see the banner at the >>>> top, part of which overwri

Re: Bug: 'Search Text' does not work in framed sites.

2008-09-04 Thread David J. Ruck
On 4 Sep 2008 Dr Peter Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 4 Sep 2008 "David J. Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> BTW in FF3 on the EEE 701 with its 800 pixel wide screen, you see the >> first 3 frames, but there is no horizontal scrollbar for the entire &

Re: Bug: 'Search Text' does not work in framed sites.

2008-09-04 Thread David J. Ruck
On 5 Sep 2008 Rob Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Thu, 04 Sep 2008 22:46:52 +0100 > "David J. Ruck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >>> Something is displayed, but it's just the banner at the top of the >>> page; you have to reduce the si

Re: Branch through zero error on A9

2008-10-10 Thread David J. Ruck
Gary Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > With only Netsurf on the iconbar (r5066 but does occur with other > versions also) I get a looping Branch through zero at &023018A0 > (sometimes &023148F0) and I have to reset the machine to get out of it. Use 'where' from

Re: Failure to save a multimap as pdf or gif

2008-11-03 Thread David J. Ruck
Chris Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thank's for snipping approximately 5 lines, while leaving the entire text the other two previous messages in place. That really really saved me a lot of time having to plow through irrelevant quoting. Cheers ---Dave -- Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone:

Re: Degraded multi-tasking?

2008-11-05 Thread David J. Ruck
Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I can replicate this problem to order. I open a window on NetSurf which > loads my local home page, http://localhost/ > (internet.websites.index/html), from WebJames. You are attempting to use a cooperatively multitasked operating system to both serve an

Re: Degraded multi-tasking?

2008-11-05 Thread David J. Ruck
blem with an external server, which can either be on a local network or on the wider interenet. In the case of the latter, issues such as DNS latency come in to play, which could well be the cause. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J

Re: slow skip to internal anchor

2008-11-13 Thread David J. Ruck
t to jump around the large ARMalyser HTML output files. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: netsurf-users Digest, Vol 19, Issue 20

2008-11-23 Thread David J. Ruck
On 23 Nov 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [63 lines removed] > [snip] Please actually do the snipping, rather than writing [snip] ! Cheers ---Dave -- __ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: Changing address in the address bar

2008-11-30 Thread David J. Ruck
ted behaviour whatever RO might traditionally have done > It's been a requirement of the Style Guide since at least 1993, so > arguably RISC OS has always behaved this way. I don't think so. Over typing has only been generally possible (as opposed to non standard behaviour in specifi

Re: Changing address in the address bar

2008-12-02 Thread David J. Ruck
style guide. Wimp icons still don't support more advanced behaviours such as keyboard short cuts to clear to the end of lines, and any application offering such facilities are employing additional code. Cheers ---Dave -- __ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: not a jpeg

2008-12-09 Thread David J. Ruck
n't understand then your average website maintainer wont. Cheers ---Dave -- ______ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: NetSurf not handling redirect...?

2009-01-23 Thread David J. Ruck
Richard Porter wrote: > Note however that there is a horrendous load of css stuff at the > beginning of the intermediate page including the comment: > > This file uses CSS filtering methods to fix various > layout bugs. [snip] > Ugh! Why make a simple page like that so complicated? IE Che

Re: Content, styling and media [was: spurious newlines

2009-02-18 Thread David J. Ruck
Keith Hopper wrote: > In article , >Richard Porter wrote: > > [snip] > > > I'm trying to imagine just how you would intonate 'emphasised' and > > 'strong' so as to differentiate them. In fact I don't really know what > > 'strong' means in this context. > > Neither do I, in general;

Re: Content, styling and media [was: spurious newlines

2009-02-18 Thread David J. Ruck
Rob Kendrick wrote: > A friend of mine makes use of the Dolphin stuff; the synthesiser that > shipped with it was pretty dreadful. We don't like to talk about that, it's utter sh*te, but we managed to ease out the director responsible last year, and are rapidly elimating all trace of it. > Fort

Re: Content, styling and media [was: spurious newlines

2009-02-18 Thread David J. Ruck
Richard Porter wrote: OK, what about Google maps? You mean some of the most complex javascript ever written and specifically tailored for each major browers it runs on? Would you like to guess which side of hell freezing over it will work on Netsurf? Cheers ---Dave -- Email:

Re: Cookies and cach

2009-05-05 Thread David J. Ruck
Phil wrote: In trying to find a solution to why I get the following "Empty document The document sent by the server is empty" Invariably the site is using javascript to for the request for the next page, and without javascript you get an empty page. when I try and log into my ISP accoun

Re: Socket exhaustion - a possible lead?

2009-05-24 Thread David J. Ruck
Simon Smith wrote: I'm now on the fresh 2.1 release, and the problem is as bad as ever. In particular, using a recent URL from the pull-down list, then selecting another recent URL /in the same window/ before the first page has loaded also seems to trigger it. So it's very easy by various means t

Re: Speed of loading NetSurf

2009-05-29 Thread David J. Ruck
Paul Stewart wrote: But isn't the whole idea of !Scrap, that all the files stored inside it are temporary files? Therefore storing !Scrap in a RAMDisc would appear logical. That's as maybe, but putting !Scrap in a RAM disc is an archaic practice dating back to the use of RISC OS 2 and floppy

Re: target=_new_window

2009-06-30 Thread David J. Ruck
ust a comment at the > moment. I'd say it was neither! Cheers ---Dave -- __________ David J. Ruck Phone: +44- (0)7974 108301 Email: __

Re: NS2.1 Unicode font library could not be initialized

2009-07-06 Thread David J. Ruck
Russell Hafter - Lists wrote: Having been involved in earlier discussions about unicode and NetSurf (at that time) failing to display certain eastern European characters I am well aware of this. But while that may be a reason, it does not explain the need for font scanning *to me*. Sorry. He

Re: NS2.1 Unicode font library could not be initialized

2009-07-08 Thread David J. Ruck
Tim Hill wrote: I don't understand how anyone can manage with (a) only a handful of font families, and (b) everything they produce looking 'the same'. :-) With hundreds of magpied font families, some may only be used once or never, for a specific (printed on paper) document or to create a web

Re: NS2.1 Unicode font library could not be initialized

2009-07-10 Thread David J. Ruck
Tim Hill wrote: In article <>, John-Mark Bell wrote: There are many useful state-change notifications which are only sent to modules. The font path changing is one of them. Aside from this, making RUfl (and its clients) able to handle this information is dec

Re: Google Summer of Code Roundup

2009-09-15 Thread David J. Ruck
one's willing to maintain NetSurf for RISC OS, there isn't an alternative. Do you have any idea of the number of users on each supported platform? (Actual active users, not just figures any distros it's bundled on). What precisely is the point of NetSurf these days? -- Dav

Re: Google Summer of Code Roundup

2009-09-16 Thread David J. Ruck
Rob Kendrick wrote: On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 13:39:47 +0100 A W wrote: Can you not just take some time out and modify the RO front end? Can't you? Personally, I don't have the will power. Perhaps you should just stick to working on :-) -- David J. Ruck

Re: amending autocompletion list

2009-10-13 Thread David J. Ruck
the list? (Netsurf helpfile doesnt touch on this question.) * Close NetSurf * Go to !Boot.Choices...WWW.NetSurf * Edit the URL file and remove the offending line Cheers ---David -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: LloydsTSB

2009-10-15 Thread David J. Ruck
out of our accounts, but that was sorted very quickly. Cheers ---David -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: (housekeeping) private copies vs list

2009-10-15 Thread David J. Ruck
one it replies To the sender and CCs the list. I suspect it may be the lack of the Mail-Followup-To header on posts by this list. Please could the administrators look in to it, to prevent annoyance from people receiving two messages. Cheers ---David -- David J. Ruck email: dr

Re: Netsurf compilation error

2009-10-15 Thread David J. Ruck
time, so I don't even know if I'm still subscribed. Cheers ---David -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: (housekeeping) private copies vs list

2009-10-16 Thread David J. Ruck
erior RISC OS email client, but we only have a choice of Thunderbird or Outlook here at work, which would you rather? -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: netsruf-framebuffer crash

2009-10-21 Thread David J. Ruck
specifically requested them, or placed on your own web space and a link provided in the email. Cheers ---David -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: netsruf-framebuffer crash

2009-10-21 Thread David J. Ruck
Daniel Silverstone wrote: On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:00:01AM +0100, David J. Ruck wrote: Please DO NOT post attachments to either mailing list. Files should only be sent directly to people who have specifically requested them, or placed on your own web space and a link provided in the email

Re: no logfile after crash

2009-11-26 Thread David J. Ruck
ere a way to retrieve the logfile in such a situation, before relaunching Netsurf, when the log is not visible in its usual folder? No if it's not there or it is garbled, the information is lost forever. Please can stop whatever is sending your email 3 times. Cheers ---Davie -- David J.

Re: crash and 34M logfile

2010-01-11 Thread David J. Ruck
On 11/01/2010 13:07, Jim Nagel wrote: [snip crash] > the log file is huge: 34M. NetSurf was probably running for a while before the crash. Try starting it fresh and doing the minimum to get to the site and reproduce the error. The logfile should be a lot smaller. Cheers -- David J. R

Re: NetSurf 2.5 still steals memory

2010-04-26 Thread David J. Ruck
ur Risc PC to the maximum amount of memory it will take (256MB) and put off the problem for another few hours, or face the fact that an almost 20 year old computer with a fraction of the processor power and memory of a low end smartphone, just wont cut it any more. Cheers ---David -- David J. R

Re: Overlapping text on this site.

2010-04-30 Thread David J. Ruck
Please do not start a new topic by replying to a message and changing the subject. Create a completely new message instead. -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: google results page

2010-05-06 Thread David J. Ruck
which you can then add any new information to. Cheers -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: !Run always open

2010-07-12 Thread David J. Ruck
Rob Kendrick wrote: Why not fix the backup tool to not complain? :) Because that means the file will probably never be backed up. Not so much of an issue for an application's !Run, but bad news if it's user data. A company I worked for many years ago found out this out the hard way when the

Re: !Run always open

2010-07-13 Thread David J. Ruck
at I'd like implemented. That is dangerous, as it leaves invalid locations on the font path should NetSurf be moved or deleted. Of course a better solution would be not to store fonts inside an application directory, but supply them in a !Fonts to be merged at install time. -- David J

Re: Downloading progress

2010-12-14 Thread David J. Ruck
ast few seconds. The aim is to impart information on the general time scale (seconds, hours, weeks) of the operation, rather than absolute accuracy. Cheers -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: Crash on closing window while searching

2011-01-16 Thread David J. Ruck
On 16/01/2011 11:42, Martin Bazley wrote: Log file attached. Please stop posting attachments to a text only mailing list. There are three options for passing on files:- 1) Attached to a bug report 2) Emailed directly to only those that have asked for them 3) Put on your web space and a link p

Re: NetSurf RISC OS archive files

2011-01-28 Thread David J. Ruck
ross platform compatible zips, and RISC OS only archive formats, if you want to transfer files off the system, so I would not recommend it. Further discussion would be best continued on csa.apps. Cheers -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: Speed

2011-02-04 Thread David J. Ruck
. You wont find any modern web browser written in assembler, it would be insane. -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: Bug report r11881

2011-03-02 Thread David J. Ruck
is, I have explained many times before why this is antisocial and unacceptable. The log is irrelevant to most people on this list. Only send it to individuals who ask for it, or up load to your own web space. -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: Bug report r11881

2011-03-03 Thread David J. Ruck
On 02/03/2011 17:20, Brian Bailey wrote: In article<>, David J. Ruck wrote: On 02/03/2011 16:09, Brian Bailey wrote: I dunno, I couldn't get the bug report page to work for me, I'll probably get shouted at for doing things this way! 8-) [Sn

Bug "Out of date"

2011-03-08 Thread David J. Ruck
dering had stopped, and even the window on that website had been closed. The only remedy being to kill the process. -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: Bug "Out of date"

2011-03-08 Thread David J. Ruck
On 08/03/2011 08:38, John-Mark Bell wrote: On Tue, 2011-03-08 at 08:30 +, David J. Ruck wrote: What is the reasoning behind marking a bug "out of date"? Particularly when it is easily reproducible with the last test build by one click on the given URL. Simple: it was 4 years

Re: r11929 not downloading properly

2011-03-09 Thread David J. Ruck
a particular problem you have experienced. This isn't the first time there have been problems with Tim's mimemap files. Cheers -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: Zip file name

2011-03-28 Thread David J. Ruck
On 28/03/2011 09:58, David H Wild wrote: Can you please decide whether it is to be netsurf/zip or just netsurf. :-)) That all depends if you have NetSurf set to strip file name extensions on saving or not - so it's your decision. Cheers -- David J. Ruck email: phone

Re: setting size and position of window

2011-03-30 Thread David J. Ruck
ssued WO_MoveWind commands for them quoting the precise appname/title combinations of those windows. Incidentally WindOpen supports the '*' wildcard so you don't have to specify the exact title of the window. However, if it's not unique only one of the matching windows will be affe

Re: Bank of Scotland/Halifax

2011-09-19 Thread David J. Ruck
umber generation. DO NOT allow anyone else to see your serial number, as following the RSA breach, the system is compromised. Cheers -- David J. Ruck email: phone: +44(0)7974 108301

Re: puzzling email

2011-10-18 Thread David J. Ruck
using standard OS routines. In this case Pluto is saving the HTML and a BMP file from an email to a temporary directory, and NetSurf will attempt to load it when rendering the HTML. If ImageFS is active it will bypass NetSurfs BMP handling. Cheers -- David J. Ruck email: phone:

Re: puzzling email

2011-10-18 Thread David J. Ruck
On 18/10/2011 19:46, Chris Young wrote: On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 09:43:01 +0100, John-Mark Bell wrote: What is happening is that Pluto fails to rewrite the image reference in the HTML document, so NetSurf attempts to fetch a file that doesn't exist, and instead builds an error page, which then gener

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