Rob Kendrick <> wrote:
> A friend of mine makes use of the Dolphin stuff; the synthesiser that
> shipped with it was pretty dreadful. 

We don't like to talk about that, it's utter sh*te, but we managed to ease
out the director responsible last year, and are rapidly elimating all trace
of it.

> Fortunately, it supports SAPI, so buying him a copy of a sexy woman's
> voice from AT&T's Natural Voices product line for his birthday one year
> went down extremely well :)

The direct drivers for Acapela and Nuance RealSpeak voices are our best

> I've never heard bank statements sound so *filthy*.

If you think that is good, you should hear some of the foriegn girls
voices, by god to they enhance some reading material ;-)

Anyhow, I suspect this is a bit off topic and not child friendly for
NetSurf list.


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