Table percentage width problem

2009-02-02 Thread Bryan Hogan
Hi, In the attached files, there is a table that has an absolute position 20 pixels from the right hand side, and should extend to 70% of the width of the page. But what happens in NetSurf is the table starts 30% from the left and also finishes about 30% from the right, resulting in a narrow t

Re: Graphics refresh problem

2009-02-19 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Roger Darlington wrote: >> You may find screen usage statistics interesting: >> >> >> >> Half of users are still on 1024 or less horizontal pixels. > Conversely, the other half

Blank website

2009-03-10 Thread Bryan Hogan
Anyone know why this website: ...only displays the headings and none of the main page body? The same problem affects all the sub-sites of leaguerepublic. Tried with NetSurf r6763 and v1.2, both on RO4.39. It's not a javascript issue, because it displays

Re: Blank website

2009-03-10 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> John-Mark Bell wrote: > On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 23:12 +0000, Bryan Hogan wrote: >> >> > Turn Ad blocking off :) Yes, that works! It displays it very nicely in fact. So the

Re: NetSurf at Wakefield Show 2010

2010-01-14 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Michael Drake wrote: > The NetSurf developers plan to release NetSurf 2.5 at the > Wakefield RISC OS Show this year. Excellent, something to look forward to! > We also hope for speed improvements in parsing of HTML and CSS, > as well as

Re: Hotlist truncation/corruption

2012-11-21 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Harriet Bazley wrote: > Is anyone else seeing this behaviour? Yes, most of my Hotlist has vanished too :-( Looking at the Hotlist file it is not corrupted, the html is perfectly formed, it's just missing all but the first 35ish entries.

NetSurf text area editing crashes

2013-01-06 Thread Bryan Hogan
The problem with NetSurf crashing when editing text boxes has been around for several years: (and several other entries in the bug tracker) Is it specific to NetSurf on RISC OS or does it affect all versions?

Blank page on retrogt

2013-02-03 Thread Bryan Hogan
Using NetSurf 2.9 or the latest test build #856 with JS on or off, the following gives a blank page: The text displays with Browse, although with rubbish layout of course! RISC OS 4.39 and 5.19 Bryan. -- RISC OS User Group Of London - http://www.rougol.jellybaby.

Slow image display

2013-06-16 Thread Bryan Hogan
Visiting this page with NetSurf build #1257 on my Omega (300MHz StrongARM, RISC OS 4.39, 1920x1080x16m) is very slow: It takes 66s to display, of which 45s is spent on the big image. And this being RISC OS, that's 45s of non-multitasking

Re: Slow image display

2013-06-17 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Tim Hill wrote: > In article , Bryan Hogan > wrote: >> Visiting this page with NetSurf build #1257 on my Omega (300MHz >> StrongARM, RISC OS 4.39, 1920x1080x16m) is very slow: >>

Re: Slow image display

2013-06-22 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Tim Hill wrote: > In article <>, Bryan Hogan >> because the OS JPEG routines, as used in SwiftJPEG for example, can >> display it at any scale in about one second. > One second? Wow

Re: More disc cache improvements

2015-05-09 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Vincent Sanders wrote: > OK perhaps I needed to be more explicit in what I wanted to achieve > from this testing. Thanks. > This means the browser must be used to retrieve numerous web pages But if the "Cache disabled" message comes up,

Re: memory-gobbling on Virtual Acorn

2016-08-20 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Jim Nagel wrote: > I'm using Virtual RiscPC on my ol' Windows XP laptop while away from > base. Various wrinkles of this setup are still unfamiliar to me. > One is that Netsurf (recent, #3538) too quickly eats up all the free > memory. > Wha

Re: Failure to load

2016-08-23 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message < .uk> Gerald Dodson wrote: > When trying to shut down, NS seemed to just loop. I was unable to find any > way of gaining access to the Iyo 100 so switched of power. Too late for this time, but if this ever happens a

Re: Failure to load

2016-08-23 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Dave Symes wrote: > Alt-Break is a PITA and here very rarely if ever works, most times it just > freezes RISC OS and can't be got out of without rebooting RISC OS. But RISC OS was already frozen, so trying Alt-Break might get you out of it and

Re: Javascript ON when it's OFF

2016-12-16 Thread Bryan Hogan
e <>, Bryan Hogan >>> wrote: >>>> Although the Events Calendar doesn't work in NetSurf, so also have a >>>> nomination in the Broken Cog category :-D >>> It does, why have you got javascript switched on? ;-) >

Re: Scrolling issues

2020-04-06 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Bernard Boase wrote: > Couple of issues I've noticed recently: Me too! > - Wikipedia's own vertical scroll bar overrides the functionality of the > RISC OS window furniture. Is that intentional and/or inevitable? It's like the whole pag

Re: Dragging from URL icon

2020-12-01 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> lists wrote: > Copy and Paste hasn't worked properly in NetSurf for ages. You might need to be just a *little* bit more specific than that if you actually want anything done about it. Although in my experience, cut and paste wo

Re: Dragging from URL icon

2020-12-01 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> lists wrote: > Copying text from a web page is fine, the problem occurs when trying to > copy a URL, Arrggh, so why didn't you say that in the first place?!? In that case it is an icon, therefore the cut and paste is being handl

Re: Distoted colours in HTML documents

2022-03-27 Thread Bryan Hogan
In message <> Rod at Orpheusmail wrote: > For sometime now NetSurf has been exhibiting colour distortion. At least, I > don't know what else to call it. In pictures, contained in html files for > example, reds appear blue, as do peoples faces, Pale blu