In the attached files, there is a table that has an absolute position
20 pixels from the right hand side, and should extend to 70% of the
width of the page. But what happens in NetSurf is the table starts 30%
from the left and also finishes about 30% from the right, resulting in
a narrow t
In message <1da8842e50.roger...@rogerarm.freeuk.com>
Roger Darlington wrote:
>> You may find screen usage statistics interesting:
>> http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp
>> Half of users are still on 1024 or less horizontal pixels.
> Conversely, the other half
Anyone know why this website:
...only displays the headings and none of the main page body? The same
problem affects all the sub-sites of leaguerepublic.
Tried with NetSurf r6763 and v1.2, both on RO4.39.
It's not a javascript issue, because it displays
In message <1236727841.9960.46.ca...@duiker>
John-Mark Bell wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 23:12 +0000, Bryan Hogan wrote:
>> http://croydondarts.leaguerepublic.com/
> Turn Ad blocking off :)
Yes, that works! It displays it very nicely in fact.
So the
In message <50d979b0e4t...@netsurf-browser.org>
Michael Drake wrote:
> The NetSurf developers plan to release NetSurf 2.5 at the
> Wakefield RISC OS Show this year.
Excellent, something to look forward to!
> We also hope for speed improvements in parsing of HTML and CSS,
> as well as
In message <60245ff252.harr...@blueyonder.co.uk>
Harriet Bazley wrote:
> Is anyone else seeing this behaviour?
Yes, most of my Hotlist has vanished too :-(
Looking at the Hotlist file it is not corrupted, the html is
perfectly formed, it's just missing all but the first 35ish
The problem with NetSurf crashing when editing text boxes has been
around for several years:
(and several other entries in the bug tracker)
Is it specific to NetSurf on RISC OS or does it affect all
Using NetSurf 2.9 or the latest test build #856 with JS on or off,
the following gives a blank page:
The text displays with Browse, although with rubbish layout of
RISC OS 4.39 and 5.19
RISC OS User Group Of London - http://www.rougol.jellybaby.
Visiting this page with NetSurf build #1257 on my Omega (300MHz
StrongARM, RISC OS 4.39, 1920x1080x16m) is very slow:
It takes 66s to display, of which 45s is spent on the big image. And
this being RISC OS, that's 45s of non-multitasking
In message <535d31f650...@timil.com>
Tim Hill wrote:
> In article , Bryan Hogan
> wrote:
>> Visiting this page with NetSurf build #1257 on my Omega (300MHz
>> StrongARM, RISC OS 4.39, 1920x1080x16m) is very slow:
>> http://stardot.org.uk/fo
In message <535dae1be8...@timil.com>
Tim Hill wrote:
> In article <6719835d53.br...@helpful.demon.co.uk>, Bryan Hogan
>> because the OS JPEG routines, as used in SwiftJPEG for example, can
>> display it at any scale in about one second.
> One second? Wow
In message <20150508154706.gb2...@kyllikki.org>
Vincent Sanders wrote:
> OK perhaps I needed to be more explicit in what I wanted to achieve
> from this testing.
> This means the browser must be used to retrieve numerous web pages
But if the "Cache disabled" message comes up,
In message <3f4747b255@abbeypress.net>
Jim Nagel wrote:
> I'm using Virtual RiscPC on my ol' Windows XP laptop while away from
> base. Various wrinkles of this setup are still unfamiliar to me.
> One is that Netsurf (recent, #3538) too quickly eats up all the free
> memory.
> Wha
In message <61827.
Gerald Dodson wrote:
> When trying to shut down, NS seemed to just loop. I was unable to find any
> way of gaining access to the Iyo 100 so switched of power.
Too late for this time, but if this ever happens a
In message <55b447fe36d...@triffid.co.uk>
Dave Symes wrote:
> Alt-Break is a PITA and here very rarely if ever works, most times it just
> freezes RISC OS and can't be got out of without rebooting RISC OS.
But RISC OS was already frozen, so trying Alt-Break might get you out
of it and
e <4ec82cef55.br...@helpful.demon.co.uk>, Bryan Hogan
>>> wrote:
>>>> Although the Events Calendar doesn't work in NetSurf, so also have a
>>>> nomination in the Broken Cog category :-D
>>> It does, why have you got javascript switched on? ;-)
In message <712aea5c58.bo...@boase.myzen.co.uk>
Bernard Boase wrote:
> Couple of issues I've noticed recently:
Me too!
> - Wikipedia's own vertical scroll bar overrides the functionality of the
> RISC OS window furniture. Is that intentional and/or inevitable?
It's like the whole pag
In message <58d5f4ba4bstuartli...@orpheusinternet.co.uk>
lists wrote:
> Copy and Paste hasn't worked properly in NetSurf for ages.
You might need to be just a *little* bit more specific than that if you
actually want anything done about it.
Although in my experience, cut and paste wo
In message <58d83a9b0bstuartli...@orpheusinternet.co.uk>
lists wrote:
> Copying text from a web page is fine, the problem occurs when trying to
> copy a URL,
Arrggh, so why didn't you say that in the first place?!?
In that case it is an icon, therefore the cut and paste is being handl
In message <59cf38bc5agrov...@orpheusmail.co.uk>
Rod at Orpheusmail wrote:
> For sometime now NetSurf has been exhibiting colour distortion. At least, I
> don't know what else to call it. In pictures, contained in html files for
> example, reds appear blue, as do peoples faces, Pale blu
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