In message <>
          Michael Drake <> wrote:

> The NetSurf developers plan to release NetSurf 2.5 at the
> Wakefield RISC OS Show this year.

Excellent, something to look forward to!

> We also hope for speed improvements in parsing of HTML and CSS,
> as well as faster CSS selection.

That will be much appreciated. I've had to go back to 2.1 for general 
usage because the test builds had become too slow. The ROOL forums are 
particularly bad..

> NetSurf 2.5 is likely to be the last release for RISC OS.


I take it none of those who were looking at taking on the RISC OS 
frontend were able to commit the necessary time to it?

> The source code for the RISC OS front end will continue to be
> available in the normal place

So there's still hope!

> The NetSurf Developers

Thanks to you all for your work producing an excellent browser.


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