In message <>
          Tim Hill <> wrote:
> In article <>, Bryan Hogan
> <> wrote:
>> Visiting this page with NetSurf build #1257 on my Omega (300MHz
>> StrongARM, RISC OS 4.39, 1920x1080x16m) is very slow:


> Displaying a 5109x3387 full colour image at 600x398 (or whatever it
> is) is considered 'bad form' and obviously requires the image to be
> resized each time NetSurf displays it onscreen. Perhaps NetSurf should
> be caching the smaller version it creates for longer?

Yes, that would help.

> How long does it take for ChangeFSI to resize it to 600x398? About a
> minute on this Iyonix.

I don't know, the version (1.27) of ChangeFSI I have crashes on this 

> I don't think its entirely a NetSurf issue or a
> memory size issue but a processor speed

Not simply a processor speed issue because the OS JPEG routines, as 
used in SwiftJPEG for example, can display it at any scale in about 
one second.

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