An unfortunate fact is that many companies don't support anything other
than sending a token via email, SMS, or sometimes a voice call. I've seen
several large banks, insurers, etc. who do this. It's maddening when you
sign up for access to something and are restricted to these options.
On Mon, Ap
On 1/28/20 2:46 PM, Colton Conor wrote:
What did you end up going with if not fastnetmon? Were you using
their paid or free version?
On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 4:45 PM Mike <>> wrote:
On 12/5/19 1:43 PM, Hugo Slabbert wrote:
You guys are missing the obvious. Russia isn't going to attack starlink
in space, they are going to take over it's command and control functions
and deorbit the entire constellation without firing a shot. Same for
China and N. Korea, which both already have ample motivation already to
go after
.. is that a challenge? ;-)
Its a high value target. Even the NSA had it's most critical tools
leaked.someone somewhere is going to get a foot in the door at
starlink, it's just a matter of time (money, or both...).
On 3/2/22 5:27 PM, Eric Kuhnke wrote:
I'm aware of the qualifications a
500' of some of the CO's I would _die_ to have fiber access in, and
which has never ever been possible. The fscking game playing here is
unbelievable. ATT, how far you have fallen...and taking down America
with you.
On 7/22/22 14:23, Mike Hammett wrote:
Here's the list o
I'm certain this must have been covered before but I can't find a
lot of good-seeming answers. Essentially, I am a California based ISP
and have plans to open up shop in Makati Philippines. I have an ASN and
several /22's of ipv4 and a few /44s of ipv6 out of my assigned ranges
On 5/15/19 7:26 AM, Dovid Bender wrote:
> You have no idea how sad and true this is.
> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 10:16 AM Jon Lewis <>> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 May 2019, Mike Hammett wrote:
> > What is the most common pl
r anyone else to check
your revolvers too and consider the TCP case may behave as mine do. I
fixed it by implementing a revised iptables firewall which definitely
corrects the issue and drops outright all packets to
non-allowed-networks addresses, thank you ipset...
m), only few (e.g. Mike) will have sufficient
> motivation to block it - esp. considering that there blocking it would
> often be non-trivial, in Mike's case, the amplifiers were DNS servers
> and sounds like he simply blocked packets to unallowed networks (good
> practice for DNS a
out I guess and
it's just inconvenient.
Yep second that opinion - $5000/mo for 1gbps of filtered traffic over
gre tunnel.
On 10/25/19 1:55 AM, David Guo via NANOG wrote:
> Hi Jared,
> We have contacted them, and I can just tell you the price is expensive, not
> magic 😃
> Regards,
> David
> -Original Message-
> From:
On 10/25/19 8:43 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
> Is the pricing any different if PNI or an IX is used for the hand-off
> instead of GRE?
> DDoS-filtered transit is generally expensive, compared to not-filtered
> transit.
More expensive, by leaps and bounds. Don't know who
On 10/25/19 9:13 AM, Drew Weaver wrote:
> Hello,
> 1. I was reading about Cumulus and came across a note about
>, does anyone have any experience purchasing switches
> from What was your experience like?
> 2. Same question about hardware from
;d expended all
my interest. Great concept, cool integration, just not ready for prime time.
On 04/25/2016 05:03 AM, Randy Bush wrote: ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Time to live exceeded
From icmp_seq=2 Time to live exceeded
Somthing fishy there
t memory consumption mitigation steps may be
necessary here. Im open to ideas... a pair of route reflectors?
selective bgp download? static route filter maps?
Thank you.
On 05/02/2016 07:35 PM, Eric Sabotta wrote:
I just did this with a ASR1001. I had to upgrade it to 8gb of ram (I got the
real Cisco stuff for ~ $500). Before the router would crash when loading the
Right now, I have full tables from two providers:
router1#show ip bgp summary
On 5/10/2016 11:22 AM, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> In a message written on Mon, May 09, 2016 at 11:01:23PM -0400, b f wrote:
>> In search of stable, disparate stratum 1 NTP sources.
>> We tried using “” which returns varying rou
On 5/11/2016 11:24 AM, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
> - Original Message -
>> From: "Jared Mauch"
>>> Yes, and properly monitor your ntpd instances.
>> And upgrade them.
>> Some software distributors don’t ship modern software. if you
>> are using a distribution packaged ntpd it’s like
es of
same. Not that everyone, including myself, is prefect or godly (or has
their name in the rfc...!), but at the same time, it's a learning
experience being offered to you and I hope that whatever hole you shot
in your foot heals soon and hopefull you never have to make another one
like it.
Can anyone from cloudflare answer me why this fits with your
business model?
this, that their 'good
guy!' persona has taken a real beating.
I have a server that monitors my network and issues text messages
if there are events of note that require human intervention. There is
some process filtering that ensures it also is not able to issue more
than 1 alert maximum per 5 minutes, to ensure it doesn't flood pagers
with mes
snmp deamon on the device because it's
not listening for that. If you do get a connection, there's really
something wrong
Mike Ireton
WillitsOnline LLC
servers that controlled
it's assets?
On 10/01/2016 06:36 AM, Wessels, Duane wrote:
I'm pleased to announce that this change is now complete. As of 13:34 UTC on
October 1, 2016 the root zone has been signed and published with a 2048-bit
ZSK. Please contact myself of Verisign customer service
( if you observ
On 12/5/2016 12:31 PM, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
> On 05/12/2016 16:50, Graham Johnston wrote:
Pegs my connection at 40.30 mbps upload.
I have Comcast 25/5. My upload is usually in the 6 or 7 mbps range.
area but
otherwise, no, don't bother me. Is that too much to ask?
uld also use help in identifying funding sources and other contacts
who could help with some of the heavy lifting that is going to be needed
here and so any pointers would certainly be appreciated.
Thank you.
Mike Ireton
Your Town Online, Inc DBA WillitsOnline
Rural Broadband Now, LLC
is not a
quick process. The cost of pulling a new cable to another building that
has sufficient line of sight, is prohibitive. Not impossible, but could
add six figures to the cost, and therefore is not realistic.
On 10/17/2017 10:05 PM, Constantine A. Murenin wrote:
Hi Mike,
Thanks for sharing the story in what must be quite a difficult time.
You mention that Level3 also has presence in the county, including
their own independent route. Did they also suffer an outage during
this latest incident? If
panies that were
assigned OUIs, they get 24 bits of address space to take to their
graves. We should be re-thinking mac addressing altogether too.
(Please no hate mail, these opinions are strictly mine...)
I need to get a hold of Yahoo! security and the online submission
form doesn't seem to work for me. Anyone got a good contact?
Thank you.
wise most critical information. For
anyone who cares, the code is on sourceforge -
Brielle Bruns wrote:
On 11/16/10 8:32 PM, Brielle Bruns wrote:
Hey All,
Sorry to bother the list, but I'm noticing that I've got no connectivity
to Hurricane Electric through GBLX from my Qwest DSL.
7* * * ?
IP: Errno(8) Trace Route Failed, no response from target node.
Tammy A. Wisdom wrote:
- Original Message -
From: "Mike"
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 9:38:57 PM
Subject: Re: Outage between GBLX and HE?
Brielle Bruns wrote:
On 11/16/10 8:32 PM, Brielle Bruns wrote:
Did you reboot you
Just on an operational front, does anyone know the nature of the DDoS
against wikileaks? eg: spoofed source garbage, http get, synfloods, or ?
nough without having to learn the entire v6 protocol
suite, we need more help otherwise we're likely to just keep putting it off.
On 12/15/2010 at 9:17 AM Ben wrote:
|On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Stefan Fouant <
|> wrote:
|> > -Original Message-
|> > From: mikea []
|> > Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 8:28 AM
|> > To:
|> > Subject: Re: Al
On 12/15/2010 at 10:25 AM Bryan Irvine wrote:
|On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Mike. wrote:
|> On 12/15/2010 at 9:17 AM Ben wrote:
|> |On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Stefan Fouant <
|> |> wrote:
|> |
|> |> > -Original
k who needs
to re-read their ToS agreement
On 12/19/2010 06:12 PM, JC Dill wrote:
And if a competing water service thought they could do better than the
incumbent, why not let them put in a competing water project? If they
think they can make money after the cost of the infrastructure, then
they may be onto something. We don't have to w
resolving the problem. If they won't or aren't able to respond
effectively, I would say that (depdning on the who and what of your
customer), shutting down the port may be a viable next step.
On 01/19/2011 01:28 PM, GP Wooden wrote:
Not that this is a requirement, but good practice none the less with this
setup... Turn off cdp on the port facing the LEC...
also add 'nonegotiate' and turn off spanning tree on the port while
you're at it. There's a list somewhere of standard st
On 1/21/2011 at 9:39 PM Tarig Ahmed wrote:
|Dear All
|Default configuration for statefull firewall is to allow traffic form
|As I Know those device will use some feilds in the TCP Header.
|But, how the firewall will handle this policy for none TCP traffics
across, how do we go
about engineering something that could be considered statistically
relevant, and most importantly, how do we get this to be accepted by
non-technical legislators and regulators?
On 14-01-28 11:08 AM, Alexander Bochmann wrote:
> ...on Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 10:37:14AM +0100, Octavio Alfageme wrote:
> > network, but we are starting to need a better inventory of services and
> network
> > resources and better troubleticketing procedures. We can not afford
> acquiring
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a tool
capable of sniffing (or reading pcap files), and reporting on lan
station thruput in terms of bits per second. Ideally I'd like to be able
to generate a sorted report of the top users and top thruputs observed
ect. Wondering if anyone else
has a clue? The registrar is tucows...
Problem identified. My domain is on hold... ugh, my eyes are tired,
thanks to those who were able to help me (in email).
Also my information hiding was a bit weak, I should have used
'' to make it clear I was deleting the real info.
Thanks all.
I can't seem to find a contact for microsoft / xbox security. I
have some punks ddos'ing a customer of mine and I'd like to see if those
folks from xbox could help us out here.
Thank you.
On 3/20/2014 at 4:17 PM Bryan Fields wrote:
|On 3/20/14, 12:34 PM, Blake Hudson wrote:
|> The solution seems to be competition or regulation.
|I'd prefer competition to regulation.
If real and true competition exists, yes.
a big production out of it or anything, we just put the flag on their
account and thats that.
On 04/01/2014 11:44 AM, Clay Kossmeyer wrote:
Hi All -
The Cisco PSIRT has been sending IOS Security Advisories to the NANOG mailing
list for well over a decade. We started this process a long time ago at the
request of the list’s then-membership and haven’t been asked to change since.
On 7/21/2014 at 9:53 PM Jay Ashworth wrote:
|- Original Message -
|There's a messier problem here, that I don't see much coverage of (so
|perhaps I heard it wrong):
|Is not Verizon trying to replace *regulated* ILEC copper with
|*unregulated* FiOS VoF?
>From what I've read in the
I need to find a clueful Rogers sales rep, if anyone has suggestions,
please send them my way.
ved and on track that way, so
these photographs would be extremely helpful to light their young minds
and get them thinking about their futures.
Thank you all.
networking ecosystem don't even have access to ipv6 to play around with,
you can be guaranteed that they are going to be hesitant about lighting v6 up
in real life.
What they need to start doing is testing Apps for IPv6 only access capabilitity. This doesn't work today, Apps like Waze, Spotify and others do not
work on IPv6 only access.
Is this the app's fault? What are they doing wrong?
o have the best available protection, and when you are on line
interactive - even if it can switch - you are still taking that risk of
power issues that will jump your ups and hit your connected equipment
On 12/11/2012 04:20 PM, flower tailor wrote:
Delete me
You are deleted.
rizon. The reverse
map according to
host 2600:100f:b119:c6bc:bd6f:fabb:ff30:2a3d
comes back with NXDOMAIN. I suppose the real issue here is with Vz
and why they don't have v6 reverse maps, but it did throw me thinking that
somebody in New Jersey might have hacked my account.
On 12/27/12 9:25 AM, joel jaeggli wrote:
On 12/27/12 9:04 AM, mike wrote:
I reloaded their app (yes, I know... sew me) and got this warning:
IP address: 2600:100f:b119:c6bc:bd6f:fabb:ff30:2a3d
Estimated location: Livingston, NJ, US
That's a rather good estimation of where
On 3/5/2013 at 9:55 PM Mukom Akong T. wrote:
|Dear experts,
|I've found myself thinking about what ground an engineer needs to
cover in
|order to convince the executives to approve and commit to an IPv6
|Deployment project.
|I think such a presentation (15 slides max in 45 minutes) should cove
tblocks to another provider). Not a troll, just looking
at the future here.
On 4/2/2013 at 5:19 PM Jay Ashworth wrote:
|- Original Message -
|> From: "Owen DeLong"
|> "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a 747 full of DLT cartridges."
|Aww you remembered.
Staying more in the realm of what
On 4/2/2013 at 6:44 PM Steven Bellovin wrote:
|DLT? I first heard it as a station wagon full of (9-track, 1600 bpi,
|that having been the state of the art) mag tapes on the Taconic
|circa 1970. I suspect, though, that Herman Hollerith expressed the
|about a stage coach full of pun
n the carpet for it.
On 04/03/2013 02:48 PM, wrote:
On Wed, 03 Apr 2013 14:07:48 -0700, Mike said:
These speedtests are pure unscientific bs and I'd love to see them
called out on the carpet for it.
As far as I know, it's possible for the end-to-end reported values to be
Happy friday all!
t you wanted, what kinds of things keep you up at night (or let you
sleep, your choice). No sales, I'm an operator too and have my own list
of pain points and just wanna compare notes is all.
Thank you.
s infections. I am not
going to do anything with the information and am likely to ignore future
occurrences from the fbi if this is all they got.
any such event concerning our prefix/as was seen anywhere.
I think the simple test for this problem is to take a non-ECC machine, boot
from a CD/USB Key/etc with memtest or memtest86+ on it, and see if you get
errors over the course of a few days.
Getting errors will certainly prove that this problem exists (or that you
have bad ram).
I have a security incident to report and need to make contact with a
senior level contact responsible for spamcop/ironport immediately.
Thank you.
On 12-07-07 10:13 PM, Jason Duerstock wrote:
As an intellectual exercise, I think this is interesting and worth the
effort. As an actual implementation, I think it's more effective to block
DNS traffic to the affected subnets. Let the breakage occur, and then let
the end users get their broken m
On 12-07-09 12:57 PM, Mike Andrews wrote:
Unless you have a policy that "Slot A only does Slot A work" stuffed
up some orifice. I've been there, and it is both stultifying and
Further to the above wisdom, if you truly care about your work it will
either drive you cra
On 7/22/2012 at 11:56 AM Dave Sotnick wrote:
|Dear Nanog Users,
|I have recently been plagued by intermittent lockups on my Motorola
|BitSurfer 6121 cable modem, which I purchased based on Comcast's lists
|of recommended devices, and having good experience with Motorola
|products in the past. Th
On 8/17/2012 at 10:14 PM Matthew Palmer wrote:
|I religiously use the moment I suspect
|sort of DNS hinkiness. Verbose, but *damn* if it doesn't hand me the
|answer practically every time.
Looks like a nice site, but I couldn't get past the captcha. "rn" looks
Is anyone from Telus out there and willing to answer a few questions
around policy / privacy?
I'm hitting a roadblock trying to find out what hoops I need to jump
through to get the information I need.
If a super awesome Telus person can point me at the hoops, I'll start
jumping. Please cont
nd any other kind of
metallic testing that would help to identify and isolate loop troubles.
Thank you.
On 8/12/2014 at 2:59 PM Tom Morris wrote:
|Terro is my go-to for that... it's basically boric acid mixed with a
|solution. The ants eat it and perish. It's the only thing I've found
|works on the infamous Crazy Rasberry Ants that like to eat
In case
On 10/19/2014 at 8:13 AM Jimmy Hess wrote:
|So then, why aren't .EDU and .GOV just allowed to continue to
|but a community decision made to require whichever registry will
|contracted to manage .GOV to accept registrations from _all_
|government entities regardless of nati
On 10/23/2014 at 10:56 AM Randy wrote:
|I've enjoyed kernel hot patches (ksplice) until now.
|So my primary concern is that updates to systemd appears to require
|full reboot:
|Is systemd really like a 2nd 'kernel' -- demanding mass
note, some disassembled sample packets, and then feed a list of
IP source addresses and have it mail it out to the abuse contact at each
source network. I am wondering if anyone has a pointer or reference to
any tools which might help facillitate this?
Thank you.
On 1/25/2015 at 9:37 AM Jay Ashworth wrote:
|This June 30th, 235959UTC will be followed immediately by 235960UTC.
|What will /your/ devices do?
I've always wondered why this is such a big issue, and why it's done
as it is.
In UNIX, for instance, time is measured as the number o
The shaperprobe test program from M-Lab is not working. The problem
appears to be a routing loop in google's realm. Emails to m-lab over
the past month were not effective in resolving the issue.
shaperprobe: is server shaperprobe us
ed. I needed this done 24 hours ago. Anyone
out there can tell me how to get this done?
many of them.
If this is sounding very XKCD-927, that's because it is. This is
perhaps why lots of people pay others to do this for them
(registry/registrar shenanigans and DNS hosting) so that they can live
their lives with one less thing to be angry about.
So what I need is a registrar with a clue about the glue... Open to
suggestions here...
How many
other network destroying bugs await? The longer I wait on v6, the less
work I will have to do dealing with bugs. So, as the original posted
said, we'll do v6 when it's easy, when we have time, and when the
economics make sense.
On 10/08/2015 02:41 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
Plus one to that. We are such a provider, and IPv6 is on my list of
things to implement, but the barriers are still plenty high. Firstly, I
do have an Ipv6 assignmnt and bgp (v4) and an asn, but until I can get
IPv6 transit,
There are lots of trans
ld today and it's
useless to claim otherwise.
provider is giving him a call right
now, but it¹s entirely possible that there are no big providers in his
neighborhood. Sorry, Mike, wish I could help you there.
Thats not even the half of it.
My personal heroics in solving the connectivity problem here, is that we
became a CLEC in order to take
IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State
FE80::::FE2D:D190 0 ..d190 STALE
Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong?
rite ingress tag pop 1
xconnect 2 encapsulation mpls
mtu 9216
! ME3600 - facing c7201
interface Vlan25
mtu 9216
no ip address
xconnect 2 encapsulation mpls
Do I need to make a special provision somewhere for multicast? This
seems pretty basic setup to me.
On 10/19/2015 05:39 AM, Mark Tinka wrote:
On 19/Oct/15 14:29, Mike wrote:
Do I need to make a special provision somewhere for multicast? This
seems pretty basic setup to me.
Just a shot in the dark, are you able to run port-mode EoMPLS on the
ME3600X side as well?
Thats a good
On 10/19/2015 09:46 AM, Mark Tinka wrote:
On 19/Oct/15 18:27, Mike wrote:
Thats a good question. I would need to move some things around in my
network in order to test it, not sure if I have the resources at the
moment but I'll keep it in mind.
Well, the switch facing the 7201 is al
Thank you for the work you and others do behind the scenes to make
the nanog list available and functional.
On 10/26/2015 12:17 PM, Larry Blunk wrote:
Just wanted to apologize for the attack over the weekend. The
posts came from a email address that was
anyways unless it's impacting
THEIR network. Just wondering if anyone has any other ideas (short of
ditching my provider, which I also can't do due at this time due to lack
of competitive choice).
On 10/29/2015 08:54 AM, Hugo Slabbert wrote:
On Thu 2015-Oct-29 08:42:31 -0700, Mike
Is there any DDoS mitigation service provider that can scrub
traffic for an ISP network? I have an ASN and BGP and my own
netblocks, and I have a 1gbps pipe. I was thinking the scenario
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