On 14-01-28 11:08 AM, Alexander Bochmann wrote:
> ...on Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 10:37:14AM +0100, Octavio Alfageme wrote:
>  > network, but we are starting to need a better inventory of services and 
> network
>  > resources and better troubleticketing procedures. We can not afford 
> acquiring
> For the inventory and documentation part, Netdot is pretty cool:
> https://osl.uoregon.edu/redmine/projects/netdot/wiki
Netdot is awesome, single set of VLANs and address ranges aside. If your
switches / devices support all the proper SNMP MIBs, it will draw your
network topology for you.

> As for ticketing, around here quite a few people are using OTRS 
> (http://otrs.org/) - but I have no experience with that myself. 
> Something like Redmine should be more leightweight and will probably 
> do the job too...
I've heard good things about OTRS but my personal favorite is Request
Tracker (http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/). It can be a bit daunting to
get running the first time due to the sheer number of perl modules
required, I'm always happy to help if anyone needs a hand getting it

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