I'm surprised more gateways aren't rate limiting or blocking you; my
experience with these services is such that the providers really want
you to utilize SMS instead, if you build up any sort of significant
volume. I've certainly seen multiple providers delay this inbound mail
e a bit in the book
and I found it insightful.
Al Iverson
to what choices they're making. A reasonable request
for reconsideration has a good chance of success.
Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com
My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com -- Chicago, IL, USA
er, and there would come a point where the
blocks are removed slower and less often.
How the EC2 space is managed is not really new or exciting, as far as
outbound mail goes.
Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and comme
hant account of anybody who
uses it more than once.
Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com
My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com -- Chicago, IL, USA
Remove "li
ly reach a recipient mailbox on the other end.
Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com
My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com -- Chicago, IL, USA
Remove "lists" from my email address to reach me faster and directly.
using it, SPF
and Sender ID serve a useful purpose, and I would personally recommend
implementation for anyone sending email for any purpose.
Yes, it breaks forwarding.
Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentar
ask for clarification of various points.
Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com
My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com -- Chicago, IL, USA
Remove "lists"
and observing to see if the unwanted traffic continues.
Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverabilty, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com
My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com -- Chicago, IL, USA
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