On 10/22/07, Sean Figgins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Pooser wrote:
> > Whenever I get one of those, I go ahead and confirm the message so the spam
> > gets through to the end user. I figure if they think I'm gonna filter their
> > mail for free, well, they get what they pay for.  :^)
> And that is probably just fine, as 99% of the true spam comes from email
> addresses (and often doamins) that either do not exist, or often are not
> configured to receive email.


I log only valid domains used as the PRA or MFROM in the spam I
receive, about 10k/day. Counting valid domains only, each domain is
only seen on about three different spams, when averaged out. That's a
hell of a lot of domains that actually exist, and I think a more
accurate assumption is that a significant nonzero amount of that
backscatter does actually reach a recipient mailbox on the other end.

Al Iverson

Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com
My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com   --   Chicago, IL, USA
Remove "lists" from my email address to reach me faster and directly.

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