On 10/22/07, Suresh Ramasubramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/22/07, William Herrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do you publish SPF records so that remote sites can detect forgeries
> > claiming to be from your domain?
> In other words "Do you play russian roulette with your email"?
> John Levine's got something really good on this at
> http://www.circleid.com/posts/spf_loses_mindshare/

My take on it matches that of some of the commenters there...until
DKIM is used far and wide, and everybody catches up to using it, SPF
and Sender ID serve a useful purpose, and I would personally recommend
implementation for anyone sending email for any purpose.

Yes, it breaks forwarding.

Al Iverson
Al Iverson on Spam and Deliverability, see http://www.spamresource.com
News, stats, info, and commentary on blacklists: http://www.dnsbl.com
My personal website: http://www.aliverson.com   --   Chicago, IL, USA
Remove "lists" from my email address to reach me faster and directly.

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