Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-30 Thread Mark Eaton
Thanks to that Java file my C# function now works perfectly. Thanks for that!! As such I don't need to plug in the jar file. I can't believe I had to do a _data.WriteInt(1) to make it work. public Bundle SendBillingRequest(Bundle bundle) { Parcel _data = Pa

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-29 Thread Mark Eaton
Thanks Dan, I got the files. I'm looking forward trying them out tonight after work. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list a

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-29 Thread ddebilt
Mark, I sent an email your way with the .jar & .java file. Let me know if you don't receive it. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for Android mai

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-28 Thread Mark Eaton
Happy that you're making progress. I too won't have a chance until tomorrow night to do more testing. Is it ok for you to send me the jar file and java file that is generated? Never tried sending files through this forum so if not possible can you please send to Al

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-28 Thread ddebilt
I made some good progress tonight. I think for the most part it is working, but I actually have to get some in-app purchase items set up in order to make sure. In my efforts to get up to speed with Java, I noticed that when the IMarketBillingService.aidl file is converted to a .java file, it looks

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-27 Thread Mark Eaton
Damn, I was hoping you would get further :-) It surprises me that so little is talked about in-app billing. I remember reading that out of the top 20 Android apps, 18 of them use in-app billing to generate their sales. Now with subscriptions it would indicate that this is a vital revenue stream fo

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-27 Thread ddebilt
Mark, thanks for posting that stub code. I just got it in my sample application, and am now seeing exactly what you are seeing. I'll reply if I find out anything new. Before I had tried your code, I tried to message Google Play via the Messenger/Handler mechanism. This was basically how the Messen

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-27 Thread Mark Eaton
Well I've made some progress. The below function replaces my existing one: public Bundle SendBillingRequest(Bundle bundle) { Parcel _data = Parcel.Obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.Obtain(); bool bRes = false; t

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-26 Thread Mark Eaton
Hi Dan I too am having a similar problem. I've converted all the java files to C# and am now testing. People on this forum can correct me here, but I believe you are oversimplifying the casting like I initially did. I'm using license checking code that I got back in January and a stub was created

Re: [mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-26 Thread ddebilt
In looking through the documentation, it appears AIDL isn't supported yet in Mono for Android ( Though it does look like an alternative would be to use the Messenger class, since a "Bundle" can be passed in a Mess

[mono-android] Binding Services - casting interface on service connection fails

2012-08-26 Thread ddebilt
I'm porting the Google Play IAP example (, but running into an issue after service is connected. In "OnServiceConnected", when I try to cast the "IBinder service" type to the interface I want to use it a