Hi Dan

I too am having a similar problem. I've converted all the java files to C#
and am now testing.

People on this forum can correct me here, but I believe you are
oversimplifying the casting like I initially did. I'm using license checking
code that I got back in January and a stub was created. Your
OnServiceConnected() should look like below:

public void OnServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service)
  mService = BillingServiceStub.AsInterface(service);

The actual proxy code will be similar to below. I say similar because my
SendBillingRequest() with the reply variable is always null.

I learning heaps about Java here.

If you can find out where I went wrong I would love to learn. Below is the
code and proxy class for the IMarketBillingService (it's rough as I'm more
interested in getting the thing to work):

using Android.OS;

namespace com.android.vending.billing
        internal interface IMarketBillingService : IInterface
                /// <summary>
                /// Given the arguments in bundle form, returns a bundle for 
                Bundle SendBillingRequest(Bundle bundle);

    public abstract class BillingServiceStub : Binder, IMarketBillingService
        private const string DESCRIPTOR =

        /** Construct the stub at attach it to the interface. */
        public BillingServiceStub()
            this.AttachInterface(this, DESCRIPTOR);
         * Cast an IBinder object into an IMarketBillingService interface,
         * generating a proxy if needed.
        internal static IMarketBillingService AsInterface(IBinder obj)
            if ((obj == null))
                return null;
            IInterface iin =
            if (((iin != null) && (iin is BillingServiceStub)))
                return ((BillingServiceStub)iin);

            return new BillingServiceStub.Proxy(obj);

        public IBinder AsBinder()
            return this;

        protected override bool OnTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel
reply, int flags)
            switch (code)
                case Binder.InterfaceConsts.InterfaceTransaction:
                        return true;
                case TRANSACTION_checkBilling:
                        Bundle _arg0;
                        _arg0 = data.ReadBundle();
                        return true;

            return base.OnTransact(code, data, reply, flags);

        const int TRANSACTION_checkBilling =
(Binder.InterfaceConsts.FirstCallTransaction + 0);
        public abstract Bundle SendBillingRequest(Bundle bundle);

        private class Proxy : Java.Lang.Object, IMarketBillingService
            private IBinder mRemote;
            public Proxy(IBinder remote)
                mRemote = remote;
            public IBinder AsBinder()
                return mRemote;
            public string GetInterfaceDescriptor()
                return DESCRIPTOR;

            public Bundle SendBillingRequest(Bundle bundle)
                Parcel _data = Parcel.Obtain();
                Parcel reply = null;
                bool bRes = false;
                    bRes =
mRemote.Transact(BillingServiceStub.TRANSACTION_checkBilling, _data, reply,

                return reply.ReadBundle();

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