Hi Peter,
I’ve just transferred first-come on Dancer2::Template::Xslate to you.
Hi Tom,
The problem is this line in WatchVars.pm:
our $VERSION = v1.0.4;
PAUSE doesn’t support unquoted v-strings, so changing it to "v1.0.4" should do
the trick.
I’ve logged this as a PAUSE issues: https://github.com/andk/pause/issues/365
I’ve transferred the first-come permissions on Lingua::Conjunction to NHORNE.
Happy New Year to you all,
Hi Sergey,
I’ve just given you co-maint on AnyEvent-Pcap, as I’ve been unable to contact
Miki-san, if you don’t want Sergey to have co-maint, just let me know, and I
can revert this.
Hi Christopher,
> I would like to adopt the Tkx module. I sent an email directly to Gisle Aas
> last year and had opened a GitHub issue [1] to request maintainership (no
> response to either), but have since found the blog post [2] instructing to
> inquire through this address instead.
I’ve jus
Hi Haroon,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
POE::Component::Server::AsyncEndpoint is marked ADOPTME, so you can take
ownership of it.
But I can’t find a PAUSE account for you — do you have one?
If not, you’ll need to go to pause.perl.org and sign up for an account first.
Hi Veesh,
> Anyways, I've been trying to reach the various authors of
> [SQL::SplitStatement and Dancer::Plugin:Assets], but they've been
> unresponsive for the past several months. Would I be able to get access to
> make the necessary changes?
Please send separate emails to the authors of thes
Hi Roman,
I feel I found an issue in XML::SimpleObject::LibXML 0.60 in combination with
perl 5.6 and XML::LibXML (will have to look up the version).
I was able to do a quick fix for me.
Perl is used in our build system for embedded firmware. Hence I am not a Perl
The bug tracker
Hi Blaine,
> I'm interested in adopting the List::Uniq module. If you can grant me
> the privilege I will release the next version.
> my PAUSE id is BLAINEM
I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission on List::Uniq.
Hi Theo & Robert,
I’ve just given Theo the first-come indexing permission on MooX::Should.
Thanks for taking it on Theo.
Hi Blaine,
I got in touch with Adeola, and he’s happy for you to have co-maint on
Text::Lorem, so I’ve just made that change.
Adeola also asked me to let you know that his repo for it is
I’ve bcc’d Adeola on this email.
Hi Brent,
I think the problem is the following, which is in the metadata:
"provides" : {
"Data::QuickMemoPlus::Reader" : {
"file" : "lib/Data\\QuickMemoPlus\\Reader.pm",
"version" : "0.08"
That path is probably confusing metacpan. I’m not familiar with Mi
Hi Robert,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
If you’re happy for Veesh to have co-maint on File::Assets, I can do that on
your behalf. Just let me know with a reply to this email, and I can do the rest.
Hi Blaine,
> I'm interested in adopting the Test::NoBreakpoints module. If you can
> grant me the privilege I will release the next version.
I’ve just transferred the first-come permission to BLAINEM.
Apologies for the delay — you have adopted a number of distributions recently,
and without a CP
Hi John,
TL;DR: I’ve transferred the first-come permissions on Algorithm-SkipList to you.
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I was surprised to see Algorithm-SkipList marked as owned by ADOPTME in
> PAUSE, which is not the case in MetaCPAN, where it is owned by Robert
> Rothenburg (although it is mar
Hi Steve,
I’ve just given you co-maint on libapreq2. That includes all the packages in
the distribution, and the pseudo-package "libapreq2", permissions on which are
required for you to do a release.
Hi Steve,
Ah, I forgot to mention — you’ll need to force PAUSE to re-index the tarball
you uploaded.
When you log in to PAUSE, in the life sidebar you’ll see "Force Reindexing",
under "Utils" (3rd section). When you click on that you’ll get a list of the
files in your upload directory. Click t
> Too many years in between and too much code changes on PAUSE to have a
> clear view what might be the cause. My current theory is that it's to do
> with a weakness in this META.yml: the "provides" entries in the META.yml
> all have no "file" attribute:
That was my guess too, when looking at it l
Hi Steve,
> Thanks for this. I'm happy to see that this release now appears on
> MetaCPAN, but numerous modules within it are listed as "UNAUTHORIZED"
> when I look at https://metacpan.org/release/SHAY/libapreq2-2.15.
> The previous release at
> https://metacpan.org/release/ISAAC/libapreq2-2.13 d
Hi Eriam,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
I’ve updated your ERIAM account with your current email address. Having looked
at your github repo, and the history of a dist that is both there and on CPAN,
I’m happy that you’re the same Eriam.
Hi Steve,
Sorry we hadn’t got back to you before now.
The problem here was the "provides" section in META.yml. Because it’s missing
the file: line for each module, it’s now considered an invalid metadata file.
So CPAN::Meta refuses to load it. When that happens, MetaCPAN construct a new
Hi Markus,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
As you hopefully saw, Paul Webster has asked if he can have co-maint on your
POE::Filter::SSL module, so he can release bug fixes.
If you’re happy for him to have co-maint, I can make the changes on your
behalf. Just let me know if you’d like me to.
Hi Duy,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
You wrote:
> I'm interested in adopting the MIDI::SoundFont module. If you can grant me
> the privilege I will release the next version.
If you want to get co-maint on a distribution, or adopt it, you first need to
have a PAUSE account.
If you haven’t got
Hi Paul,
You may have already heard from Markus, but I also wanted to send this so it’s
"on the record" ...
I got in touch with Markus, and he was happy to give you co-maint, which you
now have.
He has a spam filter in place, which is why you seemed to get radio silence. To
preserve his priva
Hi Fabien,
Would you be happy for me to have co-maint, or even to take over the first-come
permission for your Data::HexDump perl module, which you last released to CPAN
in September 1999?
There are 4 bugs open for it, and it doesn’t follow a number of recent CPAN
conventions, but it does have
Hi Craig,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins. Would you like me to give Ed co-maint on
Alien::FFTW3 on your behalf, or even to transfer the first-come to him, and
leave you with co-maint?
Hi Steve,
> Just to wrap this all up: libapreq2-2.16 is now uploaded and iscorrectly
> indexed:
> https://metacpan.org/release/SHAY/libapreq2-2.16
Great — thanks for that, and for letting us know.
Last week I tried to email Fabien Tassin (FTASSIN), the author of
Data::HexDump, copying it here:
> Would you be happy for me to have co-maint, or even to take over the
> first-come permission for your Data::HexDump perl module, which you last
> released to CPAN in September 1999?
> There are 4
Hi Enrico,
It looks like when you were given co-maint on the
Search-Elasticsearch-Client-7_0 distribution, you didn’t get co-maint on the
Search::Elasticsearch::Client::7_0::Role::Bulk package.
I’ve just given you co-maint.
Because you didn’t have an indexing permission on that one package, it
Hi Andrew,
> I would be glad to take over Digest::HMAC from GAAS if no one more qualified
> wants it. I maintain Crypt::PBKDF2, which is one of Digest::HMAC's bigger
> revdeps, I've been around for a while, and I have no intention of breaking
> anything. I don't anticipate that Digest::HMAC will
Hi Jacques,
If you look at one of the listed fails (I’ve highlighted the two key versions):
> module : Module::Generic::Arrayversion: 0.001002in file:
> Module-Generic-v0.14.0/lib/Module/Generic/Array.pmstatus : Not indexed
> becauseModule-Generic-v0.13.6/lib/Module/Generic.pm
> I'll get [a release of Digest-HMAC] out by this week.
Great — thank you!
Hi Craig,
I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission on Alien::FFTW3 to Ed
(ETJ). You have retained co-maint. I can drop that for you, if you’re not
interested in holding on to permissions on Alien::FFTW3.
Hi Dan,
I’ve transferred the first-come permissions on
Dist-Zilla-App-Command-regenerate to you. Thanks for taking this on.
Two weeks ago I emailed FTASSIN:
> Would you be happy for me to have co-maint, or even to take over the
> first-come permission for your Data::HexDump perl module, which you last
> released to CPAN in September 1999?There are 4 bugs open for it, and it
> doesn’t follow a number of recent CPAN co
Hi Shlomi,
Thanks for being patient. This is on my todo list for this Easter weekend
(4-day weekend in the UK).
Hi Shlomi,
I’ve given you first-come on the PAUSE indexing permissions for pyperl, and
dropped GAAS, as per Gisle’s wishes.
Please note:
The distribution doesn’t include a "pyperl" package, but PAUSE now requires
that someone releasing a distribution has an indexing permission on the package
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
When transferring permissions, particularly in situations like this, where a
module is attributed to another company, we need confirmation from the other
company that they’re happy for the permissions transfer to take place.
I will try and contact IBM, but if y
My email to IBM bounced. I discovered other people trying to contact the same
group, getting bounces, and then being told to raise a ticket on their github
So I’ve opened a ticket on their repo for DBD-DB2:
I’ve got a script that tells me if a distribution ends up with split first-come
Moose now has this, as a result of the following packages, which have PERIGRIN
as first-come:
> I recall that there was a metadata change between releases 2.2013 and 2.2014
> (last year) to allow some internal modules to be indexed. I did those
> releases.. how did PERIGRIN end up with first-come? that seems like a pause
> bug.
Ah, Checking META.json for 2.2013, these four packages were
Heh, the "Crixa Event" sounds like a meteorite hitting, which it sounds like it
sorta was.
I’ve transferred first-come from PERIGRIN to STEVAN (with PERIGRIN getting
co-maint), so things are consistent again.
Hi Shilu, Binit, Rulesh, & co,
I have just transferred the indexing permissions for DBD-DB2 to the ROCKETDB
Thank you all for your patience while we resolved this.
Hi Graham,
> I'd like to volunteer to adopt PPIx-DocumentName, which appears to be up for
> ADOPTME. I have some use for it and I'd like to make some minor enhancements
> to get location information. I'm happy to do any required maintenance,
> though it seems to already be in pretty good shape
Hi Mark,
When this happens, you can ask PAUSE to have another go at indexing your
release. In nearly every case (where you get the "timeout" error message) this
will sort it.
When you log into PAUSE, you’ll see "Force Reindexing" in the sidebar; clicking
on that will show a list of the files i
Er, I’m curious why you’ve put it down in this directory structure:
Hi Uri,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
Your module has a File::ReadBackwards has a number of open bugs, and given
there are other CPAN modules relying it on, it would be good to get the bugs
Would you be happy for me to assign co-maint, so that we can get someone to do
a release?
Hi Uri,
> sure. i gave co-maint on file::slurp. what kinds of bugs are there in
> backwards? i didn't realize anyone was depending on it.
Thank you for responding quickly, and for ok’ing the co-maint.
There are 6 bugs open, but the one we’re keen to see a fix for is this one:
Hi Martin,
> I already prepared a new version and uploaded it
> tohttps://www.cpan.org/authors/id/F/FA/FANY/Emailesque-1.27.tar.gz
> Can you please give me maintainer permissions for this namespaceso that it
> will get indexexed
Because you’ve
If you’re going to release 1.28 soon, you
Hi Dave,
PAUSE had a hiccup over night, which meant that releases in a roughly 20-hour
period didn’t get re-indexed.
I’ve started reindexing the affected releases, and can see that your
App-CPANModuleSite 0.0.8 release is now in the index.
Hi Robert,
I used to have co-maint permissions for Set-Light. They seem to have
gone away.
PAUSE temporarily ran out of diskspace, which caused problems when indexing
releases. As part of this, a few module names lost co-maint permissions. I’ve
added them back to Set::Light, and triggered a re-
> When I log in to PAUSE, it still shows [Algorithm::SkipList] as owned by
I’m not sure if this was caused by the recent issue with PAUSE, or something
else, but I’ve just transferred first-come from ADOPTME to JGAMBLE, and have
confirmed that the permissions have moved.
When you get an error message like this from PAUSE, the first thing to try is a
2nd attempt at indexing.
You can request this yourself, via the web interface: select "Force Reindexing"
in the left sidebar, click the checkbox next to the tarball for your release,
and then click on
Hi Jacques,
> I submitted this updated version 4 hours ago and it still does not show up on
It was showing in the CPAN Index, but not showing on MetaCPAN – it looks like
MetaCPAN had a temporary issue, which now seems resolved.
Hi Dmitry,
> I've sent a patch to the author [of Net::Telnet] in 2018, he's responsive but
> he doesn't care.Would that be possible to adopt the module?
Given that he’s responded recently, to say that he doesn’t want to give
co-maint, but hopes to do a release in a month or two, then we cannot d
Hi Andreas,
> > [PAUSE didn’t index Lab::Instrument::LabViewHeater in your release of
> > Lab-Measurement, saying you didn’t have an indexing permission]
> This failure is odd and looks like a bug... The failed module has been partof
> Lab::Measurement for ages and was not changed during the last
Hi Gryphon,
I’m one of the PAUSE admins.
> I'd like to adopt the Text::MultiMarkdown and Text::Markdown modules.
Text::MultiMarkdown was marked ADOPTME, so I’ve just transferred first-come to
Text::Markdown has first-come assigned to Sebastian Riedel, even though Tomas
did all but the fir
Hi Alex,
> I would like to ask if you could grant me co-maint on the Perl module
> WWW::LEO.I reached the original module author via LinkedIn and asked for
> permission to take over maintenance and he agreed.
I’ve just transferred the first-come indexing permission to you (ASB), leaving
Joerg (
Ben said that he’s happy for Dave to have co-maint, so I’ve just done that on
Ben’s behalf.
On behalf of CPAN, thank you both.
Hi Jesse,
I'm emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat.
If you're not maintaining it any more, are you happy for the Moose cabal to
be given first-come (and co-maints) on Eval::Closure? It only has 15 direct
dependents, but three of them are heavyweights, resulting init being pretty
far up the CPA
Hi Graham,
I’ve tried a number of times to contact Lukas, to see if he’s happy for you to
have co-maint, with no success.
Consequently I’ve just given you co-maint on Return::MultiLevel.
Lukas: if you don’t want Graham to have co-maint, just contact me privately and
I’ll remove the permissions
Hi Jacques,
> I saw Michael is looking for someone to take over CLASS and I was willing to,
> and tried to contact him, but to no avail.
> Would you be in contact with him ? I tried his cpan e-mail as well as
> [redacted]
> Here is a link to the page : https://metacpan.org/pod/CLASS
I’ve emailed
> Record update in the PAUSE users database:Data were entered by NEILB (Neil
> Bowers).
Just for the record: Thomas requested a new account, but he already had an
unused account, that was created in 2004. I had some email with him offline,
and convinced it was the same person, I updated the ol
Hi Tim,
Jeff Brown (SPADIX) came back to me saying that he was happy for you to have
co-maint on Barcode-ZBar, so I have just made that change.
Hi Nils,
I’ve just transferred the first-come permission to you on
Mojolicious::Plugin::AutoSecrets – Meredith was happy for you to take it on.
Thanks to both of you.
Hi Jay,
Just checking whether you were interested in this, or can I drop it now?
On 12 Nov 2024 at 09:11 +, Neil Bowers , wrote:
> > I'm interested in adopting the Acme::CPANAuthors::MBTI module
> I can do that once I know what your PAUSE id is?
> Cheers,
> Neil
Hi Robert,
Given you've just adopted Data-Entropy, would you be interested in adopting
Data-Float? It's another one of ZEFRAM's distributions, and it's used by
67 matches
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