I've created (and finally uploaded) Net::ParseWhois. It's a logical update
of Net::Whois that adds support for whois referrals. For background,
please see any of the following:
I have a perl file that is trying to use File::Canon.pm.
I have not been able to find this file anywhere in perl/CPAN.
use File::Canon; # Dirname manipulation
Can you help me on this?
This what I have in the script.
# Standard modules
use Getopt::Long (); # "Long
I'd like to upload Crypt::NULL (README appended), a module implementing
NULL encryption as described in RFC 2410, to the CPAN. Please suggest an
alternative name is Crypt::NULL is unsuitable.
modid: Crypt::NULL
description: NULL Encryption Algorithm
userid: AM
The Set::Crontab module is on the CPAN, but is not in the module list.
Could somebody please add it?
modid: Set::Crontab
description: Expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
userid: AMS (Abhijit Menon-Sen)
- ams
This module is meant to be used at Makefile.PL time
( so I think it belongs to ExtUtils ); it makes easy to
override values in %Config; basically you
create a module like this:
package Foo;
use ExtUtils::FakeConfig
cc => 'my_cc', cflags => 'funny flags';
and do
perl -MFoo Makefile.PL
I'd like to kick off a discussion of what the above module should be
renamed to :) In my earlier discussion with David we had decided that it
probably should be something like SNMP::NetSNMP::ifTable which naturally
suggested itself because it used Net::SNMP and it was felt that leaving it