I'd like to kick off a discussion of what the above module should be
renamed to :) In my earlier discussion with David we had decided that it
probably should be something like SNMP::NetSNMP::ifTable which naturally
suggested itself because it used Net::SNMP and it was felt that leaving it
under Net::SNMP interfered somewhat with David's ability to add new things
in that namespace.
Now however I have concluded that the next release of the module will have
the capability of using either Net::SNMP or SNMP at the users request (or
whichever one is available ) and that has somewhat complicated the naming
in my mind as SNMP::NetSNMP would imply something that would no longer be
Of course I could shift the proposed name up to be SNMP::IfTable but that
might interfere with someone elses plans and none of the existing
sub-namespaces seem to fit the bill.
Any suggestions gratefully received :)