I have a perl file that is trying to use File::Canon.pm. I have not been able to find this file anywhere in perl/CPAN. use File::Canon; # Dirname manipulation Can you help me on this? This what I have in the script. # Standard modules use Getopt::Long (); # "Long" command line option parsing routines use File::Basename; # Basename of file(s) use FindBin qw($RealBin); # Find real location of the script # Custom modules use lib "$RealBin/../lib/perl"; # Custom modules location #### $RealBin is in FindBin.pm use Devel::Debug; # Integrated debug routines use Devel::Usage; # Program usage logging use Net::FTP; # File Transfer Protocol support use File::Canon; # Dirname manipulation Thank you, Jerry Eubanks [EMAIL PROTECTED]