Re: ANNOUNCE: Released Devel::Datum & Getargs::Long

2001-03-30 Thread Tim Bunce
On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 03:47:11PM +0200, Raphael Manfredi wrote: > Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > :Something in Data:: seems most obvious from the little I known of the module. > :Perhaps Data::Datum. Data::Contract, Data::Assert etc. > > Hmm... to me "Data::" has to do with something that is link

Re: New Perl Module: FameHLI

2001-03-30 Thread Tim Bunce
Any XS API module tends to spawn purp-perl module built over it. I think a Fame::* (or better still FameHLI::*) category should be added to provide a natrual home for those. Your module could be FameHLI::API or similar. Tim. On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 02:11:34PM -0500, Oberholtzer, Dave wrote: > NA

RE: New Perl Module: FameHLI

2001-03-30 Thread Dave Oberholtzer
I am QUITE amenable to "FameHLI::API" since, as you point out, more modules are likely to be added, albeit by the small incestuous community of FAME programmers (including me). The "Fame::*" namespace is already in use with "Fame::HLI", "Fame::LANG" and "Fame::" by TRIAS. The actual Fame product

OK: renaming Devel::Datum into Carp::Datum

2001-03-30 Thread Raphael Manfredi
[Resent, mail bounced on me--RAM] Quoting [EMAIL PROTECTED]: :Yes, I'd be happy with Carp::Datum. Thanks. Ok, I'll perform the renaming this WE. To Andreas, the PAUSE master: PAUSE tells me that renaming does not work. Can you please rename the Devel::Datum entry into Carp::Datum? I'll erase


2001-03-30 Thread Philippe VERDRET
Please note that I'm now the maintener of the Devel::TraceLoad module. Thanks Philippe

request CPAN id REEFKNOT

2001-03-30 Thread srl
Hi. I'd like to request the CPAN ID REEFKNOT. I'm a team representative for the Reefknot project, which is planning enough releases that we'd like an ID for the project. I submitted a request for CPAN ID SRL/SLANDRUM a few days ago, but the team's decided that it makes more sense to release under

Module update for Crypt::TEA

2001-03-30 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server
Record update in the PAUSE modules database: modid: [Crypt::TEA] statd: [R] was [b] stats: [d] statl: [c] stati: [O] description: [Tiny Encryption Algorithm] userid: [AMS] chapterid: [14] mlstatus: [list] Data entered by Abhijit Menon-Sen (AMS). P