Any XS API module tends to spawn purp-perl module built over it.
I think a Fame::* (or better still FameHLI::*) category should be added
to provide a natrual home for those. Your module could be FameHLI::API
or similar.
On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 02:11:34PM -0500, Oberholtzer, Dave wrote:
> David Oberholtzer
> E-Mail
> Homepage
> Preferred ID
> Contribute:
> I expect to contribute at least one module aiding in access to the
> FAME language from Perl.
> Module: DSLI Description
> Info
> FameHLI adcf Ports Fame's C-API to Perl (With no 4GL) ????
> What Exists:
> There currently exists a module (last updated Nov 1999) from TRIAS which
> provides access to most of the Fame v7.6 C-HLI (Host Language Interface)
> functions. That module was written in using some methods which seemed less
> than intuitive and it has not been updated to take into consideration
> improvements in Fame v8.0 and beyond. One of my intentions is that anyone
> who understands XS will be able to submit modifications/improvements easily
> for this module.
> I am a former Fame employee and had been discussing (internally)
> developing a Perl/FameHLI written entirely in XS which implements the C-HLI
> completely. It wasn't until I left Fame and started working at a startup
> that I "got the time" to write the port.
> At this point, I have been talking to Fame folks again and they are
> interested in "Blessing" my port of the C-HLI for Perl and they look forward
> to it becoming available. They have been evaluating several ports and there
> seems to be consensus on "blessing" mine.
> To serve this end, there are two options:
> 1) distribute the module from the Fame site (
> 2) make the module available via CPAN
> We (Fame folk and I) have discussed it and it looks like the better
> approach (from all points of view) is to provide the port on CPAN. I will
> continue to do the development work as I can and Fame will provide the
> 'C-like interface support'.
> --daveo