Hi. I'd like to request the CPAN ID REEFKNOT. I'm a team
representative for the Reefknot project, which is planning enough
releases that we'd like an ID for the project. I submitted a request
for CPAN ID SRL/SLANDRUM a few days ago, but the team's decided that
it makes more sense to release under a team ID than my personal ID. 
That way, the release manager role can rotate through various

I'd also like to talk to someone about how to make sure that CPAN
uploads of future releases of Net::ICal (previously maintained by
EBUSBOOM) can be released under ID REEFKNOT without problems. 


Name: The Reefknot Project
Email: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage: http://reefknot.sourceforge.net

I'm a release manager for the Reefknot project, which is doing
shared calendaring tools in Perl. for more information on the work
our team's doing, see http://reefknot.sourceforge.net. To see public
discussion about the work we're doing, see
http://www.geocrawler.com/lists/3/SourceForge/7859/0/ . We're
the current maintainers of Net::ICal (by EBUSBOOM), and we'll be
releasing Net::ITIP and Net::IMIP within a few months, hopefully. 

::ICal          ampO    RFC2445 (iCalendar) protocol tools
::iTIP          cmp0    RFC2446 tools for scheduling events
::iMIP          imp0    RFC2447 tools for email event scheduling

::Server        imp0    RFC2445 calendar server
::Client        impO    RFC2445 calendar client 
::*             impO    Tools for shared calendar construction


Shane R. Landrum         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
we generate our own light to compensate for the lack of light from above -AD
GPG public key: http://cs.smith.edu/~slandrum/srl_pgpkey.txt

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