Re: Request for co-maintainer

2015-02-12 Thread Lonny Jepson
You're awesome. Thank you for all of the help everyone! I really appreciate it. On Tue Feb 10 2015 at 5:17:40 PM Neil Bowers wrote: > Hi Lonny, > > I'm not sure if Paul, the author, has emailed in or not. I haven't heard > from him so I wanted to email in and see what the status of things are. I

Re: Request for co-maintainer

2015-02-10 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi Lonny, > I'm not sure if Paul, the author, has emailed in or not. I haven't heard from > him so I wanted to email in and see what the status of things are. I did send > the author an email, but he didn't get back to me. I'm also including a > forward of my message to him. I contacted Paul,

Fwd: Request for co-maintainer

2015-02-10 Thread Lonny Jepson
-- Forwarded message - From: Lonny Jepson Date: Tue Dec 16 2014 at 11:31:49 AM Subject: Fwd: Request for co-maintainer To: I'm forwarding you an email I received from Matt Trout after mailing If you're okay with giving me co-maint on the modules I listed out,

Re: Request for co-maintainer

2014-12-13 Thread Matt S Trout
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 03:45:21PM -0700, Lonny Jepson wrote: > I physically work with the author but he currently doesn't have time to > allocate to providing co-maint on the modules above. I did ask him about 6 > months ago, around the time of my first release for CGI::Ex. I sent him > another em

Request for co-maintainer

2014-12-12 Thread Lonny Jepson
I've currently got co-maint on CGI::Ex, given to me by author rhandom. I've released two updates to that module, however, both of them have: *** UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE ***I have requested that co-maint be provided on modules: App1 App1::CustInfo App1::DoBill App1::PickDomain App1::PickDomainAlte

Re: Burke giving away modules (Was: Re: [Neil Bowers] Fwd: Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status)

2011-12-08 Thread brian d foy
[[ This message was both posted and mailed: see the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]] In article <>, "Sean M. Burke" wrote: > Who's a willing target? JESSE? BDFOY? "ADOPTME"? ADOPTME is designed for this. Transfer the modules without maintainers

Re: Burke giving away modules (Was: Re: [Neil Bowers] Fwd: Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status)

2011-12-06 Thread Sean M. Burke
Three weeks ago, On 11/14/2011 11:54 PM, Sean M. Burke wrote: (I'm having to remove cc-ing perl.modules, because my mailer can't handle that. Please forward as you like.) On 11/14/2011 06:29 PM, brian d foy wrote: If you'd like to transfer that distribution, we can take care of the details for

Burke giving away modules (Was: Re: [Neil Bowers] Fwd: Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status)

2011-11-14 Thread Sean M. Burke
(I'm having to remove cc-ing perl.modules, because my mailer can't handle that. Please forward as you like.) On 11/14/2011 06:29 PM, brian d foy wrote: If you'd like to transfer that distribution, we can take care of the details for you. If you'd like to make all of your modules available for

Re: [Neil Bowers] Fwd: Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status

2011-11-14 Thread brian d foy
[[ This message was both posted and mailed: see the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]] In article <>, "Sean M. Burke" wrote: > I'm glad to for Neil et al to have maintenance-- in fact, I'll do a > full pass-off in PAUSE... Wait, if there's more than

Re: [Neil Bowers] Fwd: Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status

2011-11-13 Thread Sean M. Burke
On 11/11/2011 02:08 PM, Andreas J. Koenig wrote: Neil, I've made you co-maintainer of Lingua::EN::Numbers. I know you as a conscientiously and thoroughly working man and I'm glad you're persuing the fix of the bug you discovered. I would believe that it's in the best interest of Sean that you tak

Re: [Neil Bowers] Fwd: Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status

2011-11-12 Thread Andreas J. Koenig
> On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 09:38:06 -0700, "Sean M. Burke" > said: > To give you a sense of things: on many different days (I stopped > counting at three), me "putting out fires" has involved ACTUAL FIRE. Sean, you cannot imagine how glad I am to hear you talking! I'm sorry for the horrors

[Neil Bowers] Fwd: Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status

2011-11-11 Thread Andreas J. Koenig
ve the urge to say something on the matter. Thanks, everybody! Start of forwarded message From: Neil Bowers Subject: Fwd: Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 20:19:01 + This one is perhaps slightly less clear

Lingua::EN::Numbers - request for co-maintainer status

2011-11-11 Thread Neil Bowers
Hi, I'd like to be granted co-maintainer status on Lingua::EN::Numbers. The current version is 1.01, release by Sean Burke 2005-01-06. He took over the module from Stephen Pandich and completely rewrote it. I wrote a review of modules for spelling out numbers in English: http://blogs.p