(I'm having to remove cc-ing perl.modules, because my mailer can't
handle that. Please forward as you like.)
On 11/14/2011 06:29 PM, brian d foy wrote:
If you'd like to transfer that distribution, we can take care of the
details for you.
If you'd like to make all of your modules available for other primary
maintainers, we can do that for you too.
Either way, we can handle it so you can go put out fires without
worrying about PAUSE permissions (because that's always at the top of
my mind when things are on fire).
I'd like to give away most of the modules that still remain to me.
But I'm hanging on to these, because they're things I use in work and
so actually have vital reason to keep in perfect shape:
Now, as to history of why I held onto a lot of other things-- it has
been because either:
* The given module is so simple (Array::Autojoin, IO::Null,
Class::BlackHole) that it didn't look even worth the bother of chasing
anybody down for-- and it had taken plenty of effort to give away
modules so far. (BUT since you're taking things unconditionally, why
/not/ pass them off?...)
* I estimated that the given module might /conceivably/ need bugfixes,
BUT where a greater risk was of a next-maintainer becoming... eager...
and turning the module from a tack-hammer into a nuclear sledgehammer,
with seventy dials on the side). The one case where I thought I was
safe but which sorta went all radioactive like that is File::HomeDir.
But I haven't heard of any other trouble yet (and I stumbled on the
File::HomeDir laugh-tastrophe only by accident); and in short, the
world does me a favor when it leaves me ignorant of unpleasant things
that I can't do anything about.
* There's other modules I remembered only as an unpleasant haze, but
not being sure why-- a bug? an irrelevancy? a basically flawed
concept? the module addressing a problem that no longer exists?-- And
to clear that up would require me looking at docs and code which,
well, I remember only as something I don't want to look at.
But now that we're no longer in the model of me having to sell people
MIGHT BE FERAL, WHICH ONE, NOT SURE.", yeah, I'll pass them to ya...
~But First~
First I'll do a quick census of the modules that PAUSE still lists me
as maintainer of, and I'll send some email around about who might like
first or zeroeth dibs on maintaining each one (like: right now I'll
email Damian about Class::Classless), I'll wait a few days for
responses from those guys to come in (once there's been an iteration
of "ohgodno!!, but I'll forward to someone who would want/tolerate
that module a lot!"), and I'll report back on which kittens (=most!)
are still available.
And anyway, if anyone misses their chance at their dream of
maintaining... Class::Blackhole!, then they can always ask for it from
you guys.
I'll report back during/in a few days-- and thank you very much for
this. I spend enough time feeling SHAME merely about needing to
rewrite Text::Unidecode's data tables, without my fretting about how
there's OTHER modules that I'm responsible for, and which every month
or two I'll occasionally get a bug report about, via the Baffling Bug
Tracking System Du Jour, and ow my brain Calgon take me away!