On 11/11/2011 02:08 PM, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
Neil, I've made you co-maintainer of Lingua::EN::Numbers. I know you as
a conscientiously and thoroughly working man and I'm glad you're
persuing the fix of the bug you discovered. I would believe that it's in
the best interest of Sean that you take over the mainteinance of this
module. Thank you very much for doing that.

I'm glad to for Neil et al to have maintenance-- in fact, I'll do a full pass-off in PAUSE... Wait, if there's more than one co-maint listed in PAUSE, I'm unsure how passing off main-maint should work. I'll leave it alone, and leave it like Class::ISA where I'm co-maint in theory, but in practice have no conceivable attention in releasing.

I'm sorry I haven't been replying to email lately, or even reading much of it. Since April (!), I have been moving from Alaska to Canada. This has turned out to be a fractally complex task, and far too many parts of it have come close to bankrupting or straight-up killing me-- which is extremely surprising since this should all have just been a matter of putting things in boxes in one place, and unpacking them in another, and doing bits of paperwork, and receiving comfortable checks, and living quietly in a nice neighborhood.

More to the CPAN-ish point at hand: Every day feels like I'm just finishing up the /last/ parts of the /last/ tasks, and so I can get to /that/ piece of CPAN-Perl-etc email tomorrow (or even open its folder), but first I have three fires to put out today, but then TOMORROW everything will be fine,... really,... this time for sure.

Until it actually IS tomorrow, and then OH NO, more putting out new fires.

To give you a sense of things: on many different days (I stopped counting at three), me "putting out fires" has involved ACTUAL FIRE.

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