Request for CPAN ID

2002-11-25 Thread Andy Murren
* your name Andy Murren * your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] * your homepage if you have one NA * your preferred user-ID on CPAN. AMURREN * a short description of what you're planning to contribute I have completed 2 modules lately MasonX::SB is an extension to HTML::Mason. Informatio

Request for CPAN ID

2002-11-15 Thread Jack
Name: Jack Dunnigan E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: TBA Preferred User-ID: DUNNIGANJ Contributions: I have only one module to contribute at this time. I have not yet discussed the namespace with any groups yet. Currently it is just called 'Between'. It might be better as Math::Between. The ob

request for CPAN ID

2002-11-15 Thread kj
Name: kj Woolley Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: Pref. username: KWOO Plan: I intend to contribute modules and code in several areas, such as Perl 6 and Parrot, resource management, Mac OS X, and perhaps contributions to a few other areas.

request for CPAN ID

2002-07-06 Thread webmaster
Name: Patrick Bernard email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred user-id: TRICK I would like to contribute perl wrappers of useful C/C++ libraies, especially the Standard Template Library. That way, new data structures and algorithms will be added to perl. It will enable perl programmers to solve proble

request for CPAN ID

2002-05-09 Thread Sean O'Rourke
Name: Sean O'Rourke email: educated underscore foo at yahoo dot com Homepage: none Preferred user-id: SEANO Plans: For starters, I'd like to contribute a Perl wrapping of STL sets and heaps. Maybe some more C++/Perl interop stuff after that, or whatever else seems both useful and interesting __

Request for CPAN ID

2002-03-20 Thread Ken Y. Clark
To whom it may concern: I would like to request a CPAN ID. Here are the answers to the questions: * your name Ken Y. Clark * your email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] * your homepage if you have one Not really. * your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 characters

[Reminder] Request for CPAN ID

2002-03-06 Thread David Shao
I sent a request for a CPAN ID on February 14 and have not received a reply other than the automated one. David Shao __ Do You Yahoo!? Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email!

request for CPAN id

2002-02-26 Thread Don Badrak
Hi. I'd like to get a CPAN ID. Here's my info. name: Don Badrak email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] userid: DBADRAK contribution: I've written some modules dules for dealing with Cisco IP Phones, called Cisco::IPPhone. They are for writing applications that return appropriat

Request for CPAN ID

2002-01-15 Thread Russell Cecala
name :Russell B Cecala email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: None preferred user-ID on CPAN: CECALA short description of what you're planning to contribute : I would like to contribute a Lunar Lander video game script written with Perl/Tk. This script requires Tk and 3 modules I devel

Re: Request for CPAN ID for CGI::TAX

2001-10-19 Thread _brian_d_foy
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael N. Felzien) wrote: > Name: Michael Neil Felzien > E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Homepage: > UserID: PIED > Descp: I've written a perl module that simply calculates the tax on > totals from mysql queries and from c

Request for CPAN ID for CGI::TAX

2001-10-19 Thread Michael N. Felzien
Name: Michael Neil Felzien E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: UserID: PIED Descp: I've written a perl module that simply calculates the tax on totals from mysql queries and from cgi form posts/gets on web pages, and outputs the results to a user defined file. The module

Request for CPAN ID

2001-10-16 Thread eric
Name: Eric Andreychek Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Requested UID: eric (if this won't work, let me know and I'll try again) Planned Contributions: I am currently building a new style of web application framework which I call 'OpenThought'. Web applications built on

Request for CPAN id

2001-09-12 Thread Andrew Wilson
name:Andrew Wilson email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] web: nothing worth looking at user-id: nuance I'm porting/reimplementing a Python application called TMDA that does spam filtering and want to upload it when it's finished. cheers Andrew

request for CPAN id

2001-07-07 Thread ben h kram
name: Ben H Kram email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: preferred CPAN ID: MODULO I'm planning to contribute: A perl interface to LPC objects. LPC is a C like language used to build LP MUDs. For starters we're looking at: LPC::Room LPC::Room::Parser Would it be better to group MUD

Request for CPAN ID

2001-07-02 Thread Tony Monroe
name: Tony Monroe mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: decline to state preferred CPAN ID: TMONROE planned contributions: Mail::BlackWhiteList (part of a spam filter) An interface to setproctitle(). (Unsurprisingly, I'd call it Setproctitle or Sys::Setproctitle.) Cowsay (when it gets rearchitec

request for CPAN ID

2001-06-19 Thread Mark Stosberg
Hello, T.J. Mather <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has recently uploaded a module called "Data::FormValidator", which contains a number of patches that I contributed. T.J. has asked that I take over maintenence of this module. The first step in this process is for me to get a CPAN ID. Here's my info: nam

Request for CPAN id COLINM and namespace Net::Ping::External

2001-03-11 Thread Colin McMillen
Name: Colin McMillen Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: none. Preferred User ID: COLINM Planned Contribution: The most immediate contribution I have to make is Net::Ping::External, a module which interfaces with the "ping" utility on many systems. It presently provides a single function,

Re: Request for CPAN id

2001-03-08 Thread Johan Vromans
On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 02:07:50PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > PAUSE maintainers > > Could I please register myself on PAUSE. No you can't. But we can ;-). -- Johan

Request for CPAN id

2001-03-08 Thread Kevin . Ruscoe
PAUSE maintainers Could I please register myself on PAUSE. Details are as follows: Name: Kevin Ruscoe Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred user-id: KRUSCOE Initial contribution Proposed module name: Tie::DxHash DSLI: Rdpr Description: "Keeps insertion order; allows duplicate

Request for CPAN-ID, and News::Collabra

2001-02-02 Thread Nathan Bailey
Application to PAUSE Name: Nathan Bailey Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: user-ID: NATE Description: Initially, a module that allows access to Collabra's access control functions. Collabra is Netscape's hack of inews, with access control and a (horrible) web interface. T

Request for CPAN ID

2000-09-25 Thread Jon Eveland
Hello - I'd like to request a CPAN ID, information as follows: Name: Jonathan W. Eveland E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred CPAN ID: JWEVELAND Areas of current interest/development include modules supporting various aspects of HL7 and X12 data formats. Also, I am soliciting input as to where

Request for CPAN ID and contribution of new module

2000-06-24 Thread Gus
Hi, I'd like to register as a developer for CPAN Name: Angus Wood Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred ID: AWOOD Module: CGI::WML Description:Subclass LDS's "" for WML output DLSI: RdpO The module in question has been in use here at Zygo Communica

Request for CPAN id

1999-12-08 Thread Alex . Davies
Hi! I wish to contribute a script to CPAN... Following outline given in Name: Alex Davies Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] No-home-page preferred CPAN user-ID: A-DAVIES Description of planned contribution: peg. (yet another) perl grep. But whic