Name: Michael Neil Felzien E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: UserID: PIED
Descp: I've written a perl module that simply calculates the tax on totals from mysql queries and from cgi form posts/gets on web pages, and outputs the results to a user defined file. The module name is: CGI::TAX I need a cpan directory to allow people to get it. Version number currently is 0.8. Documentation is provided. Future releases will contact governmental sites for current tax rates for state (this is currently stored in a static array within the module) Thank you for your time. MNF cgi-tax Note: CGI::TAX all rights reserved - Process Integrated Engineering Design ( LIC#342216 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Michael Neil Felzien | | | Process Integrated | The supreme happiness of life is the | | Engineering Design (PIED) | conviction that we are loved. | | | | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | - Victor Hugo | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl @a=("nz ujnf","nz mpwf","nz ejtdjqmjof","nfnpsz");$b="Pearl H. Felzien Born August 15, 1922 Died September 22, 1998";$c="Michael N. Felzien \n\nadmin\";$nb=$b;$b=~s/^(.).*/$1erl/; $b=~y/a-z/b-y/;$lv=$a[1];$lv=~s/^...//;$lv=~y/a-y/a-z/;$d="\ n$b jt nz hsfbu $lv jo mjgf!\n";$d=~y/b-z/a-z/;print$d;$e="\tI efejdb uf";$e=~y/b-y/a-z/;print$e;for($i=0;$i<@a; $i++){$a[$i]=~y/b-z/a-z/; if($a[$i]eq$a[-1]){$f='boe nz mjgf up ifs';$f=~y/b-z/a-z/;print" $f ". $a[$i].".\n";}else{print" ".$a[$i].",";}};print"\n--$nb\n\n$c\n\n";