Hi, I'd like to register as a developer for CPAN Name: Angus Wood Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred ID: AWOOD Module: CGI::WML Description: Subclass LDS's "CGI.pm" for WML output DLSI: RdpO The module in question has been in use here at Zygo Communications for some time, and has been released to the public as CGI::WAP-1.XX, but on the suggestion of c.l.p.modules I'm renaming it to CGI::WML since it's more concerned generating the markup language from CGI programs than it is handling the protocol stack etc. Regards, _Gus -- - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - = Zygo Communications, London UK = -= 82 AA 4D 7F D8 45 58 05 6D 1B 1A 72 1E DB 31 B5 =- The gods have gone. Now is the time of men.