New contributor

2002-09-13 Thread Christopher Willmot
I would like to be registered as a contributor to PAUSE: Name: Christopher Willmot Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: User-ID:CPWILLMOT I have written a module PostScript::Devel which extends Matthew Norton's PostScript::Simple, giving error handling and debugging support. This is p

new contributor... IPTables::IPv4

2002-07-02 Thread Dawid Kuroczko
Hello, I'd like to register at PAUSE, information about me: my name: Dawid Kuroczko my email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: none yet preffered user-ID: QNEX I'm currently working on an IPTables::IPv4 module (I'm discussing whether the name is good on news:comp.lang.perl.moderated). There a

new contributor (PAUSE) registration

2002-04-08 Thread Daniel Peder [ INFOSET.CZ ]
name Daniel Peder email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage HTTP://WWW.INFOSET.COM preferred user-ID on CPAN DAN-PEDER a short description of what to contribute new target directory named "VERSION" module VERSION::RCS, and similar others

Re: New contributor!

2001-05-24 Thread Andreas J. Koenig
> On Thu, 24 May 2001 10:56:14 -0400, Benoit Beausejour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > Hi Maintainers! > I am writing you in the hopes of getting a CPAN account activated to post > my contributions to perl. Here are the actual requested informations: > Name: Benoit Beausejour > Em

New contributor!

2001-05-24 Thread Benoit Beausejour
Hi Maintainers! I am writing you in the hopes of getting a CPAN account activated to post my contributions to perl. Here are the actual requested informations: Name: Benoit Beausejour Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Requested Userid: BBEAUSEJ I curre

Re: New module by new contributor

2001-01-02 Thread Andreas J. Koenig
> On Sat, 16 Dec 2000 00:39:10 +0100, Gilles Maire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > DSLI bdpO > description : Chess::Pgn - Perl extension for manipulation of chess PGN > format. PGN is for Portable Game >Notation and follow the Portable Game Notation Specification and > Implementati

New module by new contributor

2000-12-15 Thread Gilles Maire
Name : Gilles Maire Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Home Page : User-Id : MAIRE DSLI bdpO description : Chess::Pgn - Perl extension for manipulation of chess PGN format. PGN is for Portable Game Notation and follow the Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation

New Contributor

2000-04-24 Thread Bill Williams
Bill Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] biwillia (preferred user id - soxfan if biwillia taken) psg - a module used for scanning the process table - condensed and portable version of `ps -ef | grep` Have worked extensively toward a standard check_pid function that will allow a perl script to, upon