>>>>> On Thu, 24 May 2001 10:56:14 -0400, Benoit Beausejour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  > Hi Maintainers!
  >     I am writing you in the hopes of getting a CPAN account activated to post
  > my contributions to perl. Here are the actual requested informations:

  > Name: Benoit Beausejour
  > Homepage: http://www.flatlineconstruct.com
  > Requested Userid: BBEAUSEJ

  > I currently have two modules I want to contribute, I actually also want to discuss 
their names
  > and pertinence:

  > 1. DBI::Sequence

  > This module is intended to give easier portability to Perl
  > database application by providing a database independant unique ID
  > generator. This way, an application developer is not bound to use
  > his database's SEQUENCE or auto_increment thus making his
  > application portable on multiple database environnements.

  > This module implements a simple Spin Locker mechanism and is
  > garanteed to return a unique value every time it is called, even
  > with concurrent processes. It uses your database for it's state
  > storage with ANSI SQL92 compliant SQL.

  > POD documentation available at:
  > http://bbeausej.people.hbesoftware.com/DBI-Sequence/man.html

You need to make clear with the DBI mailing list that the namespace
DBI:: is OK.


  > 2. Date::Object

  > Date::Object is a container for dates that holds all the methods
  > to transform itself from Timezone to Timezone and format itself.
  > This module idea comes from an original version written by dLux
  > (Szabó, Balázs) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in his module Class::Date.

  > Date::Object is implemented in pure Perl using POSIX modules, it
  > encapsulates the environnement variable TZ for it's time zone
  > management so you don't have to play with it externally in the
  > implementation.

  > It uses operator overloading and Delta date objects to calculates
  > time differences.

Please try to come up with a different name. There was a long thread
about Date::Object on

Thanks && Regards,

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