New CPAN ID request

2003-06-04 Thread Paul Barry
Hi! Could you please provide me with a CPAN ID? I have written a collection of modules that supoort the creation of mobile agents in Perl and I'd like to share the code with the community. I've already announced the software on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] maillist. Module website: http://glasnost.

CPAN ID request

2002-05-17 Thread David Hand
Name: David Hand Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preferred ID: COGENT Planning to Contribute: -stereogram generator -JavaScript parser, and related modules -BNF mungers of various sorts -- David "Cogent" Hand

CPAN ID Request

2001-11-29 Thread HeXaChLoR
Name: Christoph Huhn E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preffered ID: CHUHN Description: I was looking for a module like Image::Size, but for AVI files to get some info about the file. The module I would like to contribute scans the headers of AVI files and returns i

CPAN id request

2001-11-26 Thread Brian Kaney
NAME: Brian Kaney EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] HOMEPAGE: CPAN-ID:KANEY DESCRIPTION: I would like to contribute two modules I am currently working on. 1. Following an XML-Schema to store and stream XML data from a database. It will allow programmers

CPAN ID request

2001-11-26 Thread Yasuhiro Sasama
Name: Yasuhiro Sasama E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: user-ID: YSAS Planning to contribute: SWF (Macromedia Flash(R) movie file) manipulating modules; SWF::Parser, SWF::Element and its subclasses, SWF::BinStream and its subclasses. Data::TemporaryBag - long

CPAN-ID Request

2001-11-26 Thread info
name: Richard Voß email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: preferred ID: FRUIT description: I've written a Module i'd like to place at Text::ParseWords::Extended, containing the classes Text::ParseWords::Parser and Expression. It's a Parser for shell-like quoted strings again, but wit

CPAN ID Request

2001-10-23 Thread Ray Tsang
Name: Ray Tsang E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preffered ID: RAYT Description: After talking to Hendrik Van Belleghem (BEATNIK), maintainer of Palm::PalmDoc, I would like to contribute a generic PDB converter that I can convert from what I had

CPAN ID Request

2001-10-09 Thread Hendrik Van Belleghem
Hi, My name is Hendrik Van Belleghem ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I'd like to contribute at least one module to CPAN. Palm::Doc can format ASCII text into a PalmDoc PDB file. My prefered CPAN User-ID is BEATNIK. -- Greetz Hendrik ... Quidquid perl dictum sit, altum viditur.

CPAN ID Request

2001-09-28 Thread Thomas Stanley
Name: Thomas Stanley Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: N/A Preferred ID: TStanley   Description:  I would like to contribute a module called Games::QuizTaker. This module will allow some one to generate a quiz from a file containing a series of questions with multiple choice answers. The format of

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-27 Thread DJ Adams
On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 01:24:54PM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote: > > Call for a final judgement: I'd say this intent qualifies as a reason > for a top level namespace Jabber. Thanks for your patience. As you can > see, it sometimes is not easy to make the judgement. > > I'm going to register J

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-26 Thread Andreas J. Koenig
> On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 07:04:07 +0100, DJ Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > I've at least three packages I'm planning to upload in the near future, > Jabber::Connection, Jabber::RPC and Jabber::RPC::HTTPgate. As you can > see from the modules list this week, Piers is planning to contribu

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-25 Thread DJ Adams
On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 05:45:47PM -0700, Kurt D. Starsinic wrote: > > I'm _really_ familiar with Jabber, honest. Jabber is much more than So am I :-) > an IM gateway. I'm saying that there's no call for a top-level namespace > unless the Jabber community is going to populate it with a va

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-25 Thread Kurt D. Starsinic
On Sep 25, DJ Adams wrote: > Jabber is not just a network protocol. There are two main cornerstones > that make Jabber what it is - the protocol, which could arguably seen > as a 'meta-'protocol (designed with extensibility from the outset), > and the server architecture, within which hubs (router

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-24 Thread DJ Adams
On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 04:35:47PM -0700, Kurt D. Starsinic wrote: > > appropriate as it is to avoid them when not. > > > > The judgement's fairly easy here, but sometimes requires a far-sighted > > crystal ball. > > Sorry for taking so long to chime in. > > From what I've read, Net::Ja

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-24 Thread Kurt D. Starsinic
On Sep 24, Tim Bunce wrote: > On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 12:33:42PM -0400, Kirrily Robert wrote: > > In perl.modules, you wrote: > > >Not really. Jabber is not just an IM or chat system. Jabber is > > >a development architecture and platform for building distributed > > >services, just as e.g. Apach

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-24 Thread Tim Bunce
On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 12:33:42PM -0400, Kirrily Robert wrote: > In perl.modules, you wrote: > >On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 07:24:09AM +0200, Philip Newton wrote: > > > >>[Disclaimer: I am not a PAUSE admin. Feel free to ignore this message.] > > > >I think it's important to clear up misunderstanding

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-21 Thread Philip Newton
On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 12:33:42 -0400, in perl.modules you wrote: > In perl.modules, you wrote: > >On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 07:24:09AM +0200, Philip Newton wrote: > > > >> Shouldn't this belong in the Net:: namespace, alongside such modules as > >> Net::AOLIM, Net::AIM, Net::ICQ, and Net::IRC? > > >

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-21 Thread Kirrily Robert
In perl.modules, you wrote: >On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 07:24:09AM +0200, Philip Newton wrote: > >>[Disclaimer: I am not a PAUSE admin. Feel free to ignore this message.] > >I think it's important to clear up misunderstandings, so I'm >not going to ignore it :-) > >> Shouldn't this belong in the Net:

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-21 Thread DJ Adams
On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 07:24:09AM +0200, Philip Newton wrote: >[Disclaimer: I am not a PAUSE admin. Feel free to ignore this message.] I think it's important to clear up misunderstandings, so I'm not going to ignore it :-) > Shouldn't this belong in the Net:: namespace, alongside such modules

Re: CPAN ID Request

2001-09-20 Thread Philip Newton
[Disclaimer: I am not a PAUSE admin. Feel free to ignore this message.] On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 12:08:31 +0100, in perl.modules you wrote: > Jabber::Connection Shouldn't this belong in the Net:: namespace, alongside such modules as Net::AOLIM, Net::AIM, Net::ICQ, and Net::IRC? And there's also an

CPAN ID Request

2001-09-20 Thread DJ Adams
Hello I'd like to request a CPAN ID. Here are the details: NAME: DJ Adams EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] HOMEPAGE: (of sorts) PREFERRED USERNAME: QMACRO I'm planning to contribute a number of modules relating to Jabber. Primarily Jabber::Connection, which has been avai


2001-08-22 Thread Paul Mison
your name: Paul Mison your email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] your homepage if you have one: your preferred user-ID on CPAN: PMISON a short description of what you're planning to contribute: Number::Phone::GB - formatting (and some verific

New CPAN ID Request

2001-08-15 Thread Daniel B. Boorstein
Name: Daniel B. Boorstein Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Desired ID: DANBOO Contribution: A module which performs algorithmic validations on check routing numbers, much like Business::CreditCard or Algorithm::LUHN.

CPAN ID request

2001-08-09 Thread Jeremy Howard
Please register a CPAN id for me. Details as follows: Name: Jeremy Howard Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Preferred UID: HOWARD To contribute: - WWW::Automate - stateful automatation of website interaction - Socket::Pool - share sockets across processes from a pool - Net::Server::Event -

Re: CPAN id request

2001-03-20 Thread Sergey Gribov
Hi, > [Quoting Sergey Gribov, on March 19 2001, 14:59, in "CPAN id request"] > > Module can be used for the sound mixer control. It allows > > to query / set various sound mixer parameters, the most usefull > > probably volume. It also includes as an exam

Re: CPAN id request

2001-03-19 Thread Sergey Gribov
> [Quoting Sergey Gribov, on March 19 2001, 14:59, in "CPAN id request"] > > Module can be used for the sound mixer control. It allows > > to query / set various sound mixer parameters, the most usefull > > probably volume. It also includes as an exam

Re: CPAN id request

2001-03-19 Thread Johan Vromans
[Quoting Sergey Gribov, on March 19 2001, 14:59, in "CPAN id request"] > Module can be used for the sound mixer control. It allows > to query / set various sound mixer parameters, the most usefull > probably volume. It also includes as an example a simple volume > c

CPAN id request

2001-03-19 Thread Sergey Gribov
Hello, I've developed a sound mixer module can be used for the sound mixer control. Usefull to control the sound volume for example. Name: Sergey Gribov Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: Preferred user-id: sergey DSLI: bdcf Description: Module can be used for

CPAN id request

2001-03-14 Thread Ivan E. Panchenko
name: Ivan Panchenko email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage: preferred id: IVAN planned contribution: Text::Quickwrap, a module for fast text wrapping, written in XS in order to reach maximum performance. DSLI: cdcf Width limiting fast text wrapper

CPAN id request

2001-03-01 Thread Patrick LeBoutillier
Here is my request for a CPAN id: Name:Patrick LeBoutillier Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preferred CPAN id:PATL Contribution: I'm planning to contribute Inline::Java, a Java module part part of the Inline family. D

CPAN ID Request

2000-11-03 Thread Kip Hampton
Greetings CPAN Gatekeepers, Name: Kip Hampton Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: Desired CPAN ID: KHAMPTON Contribute What?: I've already gotten a few tiny modules into the AxKit (mod_perl XML app server) bundle, but I'm nearing completion on a number of other generic XML-r

CPAN-ID Request for new module

2000-10-03 Thread heddy Boubaker
hi, I'm the way of releasing my Apache::NNTPGateway module and for that need a CPAN-ID/entry, here are informations needed: * Name: heddy Boubaker * E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Homepage: * Pref User-ID: BOUBAKER * Contrib: Perl modules ;-) * Descrip

cpan id request

2000-08-19 Thread Matt Cashner
i'd like to get a cpan id if i may so i can begin submitting some modules. name: matt cashner email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] preferred id: i dont really care. whatever you think's best website: none yet, before i release the modules i have, i'll get one up. is that all you need to know? be sur