
I'd like to request a CPAN ID. Here are the details:

NAME: DJ Adams
HOMEPAGE: (of sorts) http://www.pipetree.com/jabber/

I'm planning to contribute a number of modules relating
to Jabber. Primarily Jabber::Connection, which has been
available for a month or so now. Jabber::Connection is
a 'RISC'-type library for Jabber programming, and comprises
three actual modules:

- Jabber/Connection.pm

  The main module to handle client and component 
  connections with a Jabber server

- Jabber/NodeFactory.pm

  A flexible and low-level mechanism for creating,
  traversing and generally manipulating XML fragments
  in Jabber streams.

- Jabber/NS.pm

  Common namespaces and other constants used in Jabber
  client and server programming

Jabber::Connection is a different approach to programming
with Jabber, in that it allows you do to anything, and 
doesn't attempt to provide "high-level" mechanisms that
are found in Net::Jabber. 

Jabber::Connection is also the foundation for the
Jabber::RPC and Jabber::RPC::HTTPgate libraries, which
provide an implementation of Jabber-RPC (XML-RPC over 
Jabber) and of a gateway between traditional XML-RPC
(HTTP) and Jabber-RPC, which I intend to release soon

Thank you

DJ Adams

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