[Disclaimer: I am not a PAUSE admin. Feel free to ignore this message.]

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 12:08:31 +0100, in perl.modules you wrote:

> Jabber::Connection

Shouldn't this belong in the Net:: namespace, alongside such modules as
Net::AOLIM, Net::AIM, Net::ICQ, and Net::IRC?

And there's also an existing Net::Jabber::* namespace hierarchy, all (as
far as I can see) from R/RE/REATMON/Net-Jabber-1.002[12].tar.gz.
Shouldn't your modules go beneath there somewhere? I note you said:

> Jabber::Connection is a different approach to programming
> with Jabber, in that it allows you do to anything, and 
> doesn't attempt to provide "high-level" mechanisms that
> are found in Net::Jabber. 

Still, I don't think opening up a new top-level Jabber:: namespace will
go over well. I don't know enough about the subject to say where your
modules might best be kept, though I would have guessed under Net::
somewhere, since they seem to deal with net protocols, broadly speaking.
Net::Jabber::LL or ::LowLevel, perhaps?


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