Installation amd64 7.5: How to access the distribution sets on the USB stick?

2024-06-07 Thread rfabris
Dear community I have copied the 'install75.img' to a USB stick, booted from it and chosen the "(I)nstall" option. My intention is to install the distribution sets from the stick, and not via http, because I'd like to install OpenBSD on our 4 home office PCs without downloading the sets 4 times.

Edit: Installation amd64 7.5: How to access the distribution sets on the USB stick?

2024-06-07 Thread rfabris
Edit: I have just found in Michael W. Lucas' "OpenBSD Mastery: Filesystems" that "the rd recovery disk image is the OpenBSD install environment", not the USB stick. But my question (see below) remains the same. Am 2024-06-07 23:21, schrieb Dear community I have copied the 'in

[Solved] Edit: Installation amd64 7.5: How to access the distribution sets on the USB stick?

2024-06-08 Thread rfabris
Dear Jan Thanks for your mail. Am 2024-06-08 08:28, schrieb Jan Stary: When asked where the file sets are, you tell the installer where on the USB stick they are. The issue was the USB stick did not appear in the disk selection dialog. Installing the sets via http works without any issues,

[Solved] Edit: Installation amd64 7.5: How to access the distribution sets on the USB stick?

2024-06-08 Thread rfabris
Dear Nick, dear Otto Many thanks for your tips! I have tried these steps before asking for help, but without success. Then, on reading your mails, it occurred to me I could try one of the back USB ports of my PC instead of the front ones. And bingo, the USB stick appeared as 'sd3' in the disk se

Re: [Solved] Edit: Installation amd64 7.5: How to access the distribution sets on the USB stick?

2024-06-08 Thread rfabris
Am 2024-06-08 15:50, schrieb Otto Moerbeek: On Sat, Jun 08, 2024 at 03:33:15PM +0200, wrote: Am 2024-06-08 08:28, schrieb Jan Stary: > When asked where the file sets are, > you tell the installer where on the USB stick they are. The issue was the USB stick did not appear

Re: [Solved] Edit: Installation amd64 7.5: How to access the distribution sets on the USB stick?

2024-06-09 Thread rfabris
Am 2024-06-08 23:05, schrieb Jan Stary: The issue was the USB stick did not appear in the disk selection dialog when it was inserted into one of the front USB ports of the PC. To be clear: you booted from it, Yes. then removed it, Yes. and then inserted it again into this (front) USB

vi: How to display German umlauts?

2024-07-08 Thread rfabris
Dear friends OpenBSD 7.5: In my vi, German umlauts (diaeresis) are displayed as follows: Ä: \xc3\x84 ä: \xc3\xa4 Ö: \xc3\x96 ö: \xc3\xb6 Ü: \xc3\x9c ü: \xc3\xbc These strings appear to consist of 2 character groups, as pressing `x` 2 times deletes the complete string. In man vi(1), I couldn't f

[solved]: vi: How to display German umlauts?

2024-07-09 Thread rfabris
Dear Страхиња Радић, dear Jan, dear Christian Thanks a lot for your prompt and helpful answers! --- Am 2024-07-08 20:35, schrieb Страхиња Радић: vi lacks a lot of built-in quality of life features that Vim has. Yes, I know Vim from Arch Linux. But for OpenBSD, I'd like to try to stick to the

Re: vi: How to display German umlauts?

2024-07-13 Thread rfabris
Am 2024-07-11 05:25, schrieb ropers: Dear Ian What vi(1) displays there are (the hex equivalents of) UTF-8 code units. Whenever old vi(1) Can't Even, it will barf hex, but treat each hex-barf byte as a separate character, even when--as here--the two bytes are but one character. Dunning-Kruge

Re: vi: How to display German umlauts?

2024-07-13 Thread rfabris
Dear Crystal Am 2024-07-11 07:09, schrieb Crystal Kolipe: Regarding the OP's specific question - if the files being edited only contain those specific UTF-8 sequences and are otherwise plain ASCII text, then a simple work-around might be a script that replaces each two-byte sequence with the c

Re: vi: How to display German umlauts?

2024-07-14 Thread rfabris
Dear Martin Am 2024-07-14 20:57, schrieb Martin Schröder: I assume it's Ah, I see. Makes sense. Thank you for this information! Best regards Rolf

sndiod: Cannot change bit depth and sample rate

2024-07-28 Thread rfabris
Dear friends I'm trying to follow the hint given in >>I found out that I have to restart sndiod with either >>'sndiod_flags="-m play -r 44100"' or 'sndiod_flags="-m play -r 48000"' >>flags in /etc/rc.conf.local depending on the files I am

[solved] sndiod: Cannot change bit depth and sample rate

2024-07-29 Thread rfabris
Dear Alexandre Am 2024-07-29 09:59, schrieb Alexandre Ratchov: The -r and -e options are device properties, so they must precede the -f option that adds the device. Try this: rcctl set sndiod flags -e s24 -r 96000 -f rsnd/1 -m play This is because there may be multiple devices with different p

Re: Installation USB

2024-08-30 Thread rfabris
Dear openbsd_freak Am 2024-08-29 16:45, schrieb Zé Loff: On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 02:18:29AM -0400, wrote: The installer cannot find usb media. Unplug and plug the USB media back on, and see if the console spits out the device, something like: sd4 at scsibus5 t

E-mail address openly visible in the WWW

2024-08-30 Thread rfabris
Dear friends I have observed the e-mail addresses of the misc@ contributors are openly visible in the World Wide Web. I'm not sure whether this might be a privacy hasard. Do you recommend using a separate, dedicated e-mail address for posting in the misc@ list? Best regards

Re: A few flaws

2024-09-09 Thread rfabris
Dear openbsd_freak Am 2024-09-09 07:28, schrieb OpenBSD almost works perfectly on my laptop. However it cannot wake up from apmd zzz ZZZ. My PC doesn't wake up when pressing a keyboard key or when moving the mouse. But it does wake up when pressing the power button

Re: OpenBSD 7.6 released, Oct 8, 2024

2024-10-08 Thread rfabris
Am 2024-10-08 09:00, schrieb Dan: Although I employed one week to read the release email thanks for the 7.6! The same from me: Thanks very much to all the people involved for the new release! We are very happy with our OpenBSD home office PCs. Best regards Rolf

Re: Server inaccessible after upgrade from 7.5 to 7.6

2024-10-11 Thread rfabris
Am 2024-10-11 11:12, schrieb Manuel Giraud: Stuart Henderson writes: [...] I recommend always checking for free space in /usr before upgrading, it's hard to be accurate in predicting whether the new release will fit but you can get a feel for whether it's likely to. One thing that has bit