Dear community I have copied the 'install75.img' to a USB stick, booted from it and chosen the "(I)nstall" option. My intention is to install the distribution sets from the stick, and not via http, because I'd like to install OpenBSD on our 4 home office PCs without downloading the sets 4 times.
Escaping to a shell and entering 'sysctl hw.disknames' shows: 'sd0, sd1, sd2, rd0'. 'sdX' are the 3 internal SSDs. Am I right in assuming that 'rd0' is the USB stick? Installation step "Let's install the sets!": I have chosen the option to install from a local disk partition, and answered with "partition not mounted". Issue: The installer shows 'sd0 sd1 sd2' as available disks, but not the USB stick 'rd0'. Question: What do I have to do to make the USB installation stick available for accessing the distribution sets? Concerning 'install75.img', the "Installation notes" say: "An install or upgrade can be done with a USB key without network connectivity." But how? Installing the sets via http works without any issues, but that's not my plan for the remaining and future installations. Many thanks and best regards Rolf