Dear openbsd_freak

Am 2024-08-29 16:45, schrieb Zé Loff:
On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 02:18:29AM -0400, wrote:
The installer cannot find usb media.

Unplug and plug the USB media back on, and see if the console spits out
the device, something like:

    sd4 at scsibus5 targ 1 lun 0: <Kingston, DataTraveler 3.0, > ...

Then enter "!" on the installer prompt to drop to a shell, check if the
node exists in /dev (e.g. "ls /dev/sd4*", change sd4 to whatever is
relevant in your case) and if it doesn't, create it using MAKEDEV (e.g.:
"cd /dev; sh ./MAKEDEV sd4").

Exit the shell to get back to the installer and see if the media is
now detected.

I had a similar issue: The USB stick was not detected when plugged into
one of the front ports of the PC. Plugging it into one of the back ports
helped. Perhaps you can try using another USB port?

Best regards


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