Re: vmd: alpine-virt guest, clock synchronization issue

2017-10-14 Thread Shane Harbour
On 10/14/2017 13:01, x9p wrote: Hi, While running Alpine-virt 3.6.2 VM guest under OpenBSD 6.1 host, i noticed the clock frequency is 2x slower on the guest machine. This can be a problem for applications that relies on accurate time. Even after sync clock with ntpd inside alpine-virt guest, it

Problem booting OpenBSD/amd64 with LSI MegaRAID card

2017-12-01 Thread Shane Harbour
Hello, I'm running into a problem when I try to boot the OpenBSD install disc with an LSI Logic MegaRAID SAS 9240-8i (mfi driver) card installed in the machine. I take the card out and it boots just fine from the disc, but I get the following panic with the RAID card in:

Using OpenBSD for Malware Analysis

2014-05-31 Thread Shane Harbour
Hi everyone, Has anyone used OpenBSD to perform malware analysis? I know radare2 is in ports so was just wondering if anyone had any experience. I know most analysis is done using Linux distros but I'd prefer to use OpenBSD if feasible. Thanks, Shane

Re: running mail server at home

2008-02-07 Thread Shane Harbour
I run all my stuff at home and even do virtual hosting for web and mail for one of my wife's websites. I have a separate box for mail running postfix, dovecot, postgresql, clamd, and spamd. It's not a beefy box but still works well. Haven't really seen my electrical bill go up. I did have to g

Re: running mail server at home

2008-02-07 Thread Shane Harbour
I beg to differ. It really depends on your ISP and how far you really want to go. I've run everything (DNS, mail, etc) out of my basement for 3 years now. Granted I had to switch ISPs in order to do so and upgrade to a "server class" DSL line. They even delegated control of my reverse DNS to me

Re: PF and application level firewall

2008-03-11 Thread Shane Harbour
Rami Sik wrote: > Hi All, > > > > I currently have PF in place with CARP, and quite happy with them. I > need to implement application level firewalling in front of my apache > servers as PCI requirement by the end of June this year. So, my > question is, do we have any application level firewalli

Re: trouble making an X release

2007-03-06 Thread Shane Harbour
From the looks of it, you didn't install the XF4 source package or get them from CVS. Peter wrote: I am following FAQ 5.5 on building an X release (for my 4.0 system). I have successfully made the base system release but when following the below steps I get the error: lndir: ../XF4:

Re: OpenNTPD reliability

2007-03-23 Thread Shane Harbour
man ntpd Look at the "-S" option and see if that's what you want. Luca Corti wrote: Hello, I've set up OpenNTPD 3.9p1 on Linux with a couple of servers to sync to and listen on to sync my machines to OpenNTPD. Clients (some openntpds, some ntpds, some Cisco routers) refuse to sync to my server

Re: OpenNTPD reliability

2007-03-25 Thread Shane Harbour
My are right. Wasn't paying attention. I use "-s" on all of my servers to keep them updated. I hate having them off by a lot and am too impatient to wait for them to slowly sync themselves. Regards, Shane Luca Corti wrote: On Fri, 2007-03-23 at 15:14 -0600

Re: Mail Server (seeking recommendations)

2007-04-15 Thread Shane Harbour
I'm running Postfix/Dovecot with PostgreSQL (for authorization and mail routing) all from the ports. I've got it setup so that in the near future I can do virtual hosting of my wife's domains. It's pretty simple to setup and there is a examples at and It would be eas

Re: xenocara in /usr/src can cause problems ?

2007-04-16 Thread Shane Harbour
Something went wrong when you pulled the tree down. Last I checked xenocara should be under /usr like XF4 is and not under your src directory. /usr/src should only contain the kernel and userland for the base system. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Shane Cedric Brisseau wrote: Hi all, I

Re: Hardware Compatibility: Sun Ultra 20 or better suggestion

2007-05-02 Thread Shane Harbour
I'm running -current on one of the older Ultra 20's and it works well for me. It's been a while since I've actually sat down and played with it, but most stuff is supported out of the box. I did have to put a different NIC in mine though. The built in nfe kept locking up during long transfer

Re: Hardware Compatibility: Sun Ultra 20 or better suggestion

2007-05-03 Thread Shane Harbour
Edd Barrett wrote: On 5/3/07, Edd Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Shane, Superb! I dont mind putting another NIC in, but I would hope that this is resolved in newer models. Oh, the other thing was, these usually ship with ATI/Nvidea graphics cards. I couldnt care less for 3d accelleratio

Re: nfe0 problem (obsd 4.1)

2007-06-24 Thread Shane Harbour
I have one of the older Sun Ultra 20 systems that also has an nfe(4) in it. It does the same thing everytime I try to cvs or put a load on the interface. Only way around it was to install a second NIC. Like someone else mentioned before, until more documentation is available, probably won't

SMP and ichiic Error

2006-07-08 Thread Shane Harbour
Hello all, I'm having the following error on my SMP system: ichiic0: timeout, status 0x0 ichiic0: transaction abort failed, status 0x40 (ichiic0 = Intel 82801CA/SMBus) Everything I have found in the archives points to a hyperthreading issue. When the issue first appeared, HT was turn

Re: OpenBSD Web Mail Security

2006-11-01 Thread Shane Harbour
If you don't want to run PHP, you could run OpenWebMail. It's written in Perl or you could roll your own. Courier also has it's own web-based software. Personally, I run Dovecot, Postfix, SquirrelMail and use PostgreSQL for virtual mailboxes. I was running Cyrus and liked it, but found it w

Re: Apache problems

2011-09-18 Thread Shane Harbour
On 9/18/2011 9:42 PM, L. V. Lammert wrote: > On Sun, 18 Sep 2011, Amit Kulkarni wrote: > >> Recently there was a security issue with Apache. It was based on a >> perl script, search google. Maybe you are experiencing traffic and the >> realted problems because of that. >> > Is there any way to fin

Re: Apache problems

2011-09-18 Thread Shane Harbour
On 9/18/2011 10:37 PM, Rod Whitworth wrote: > What a pity that people don't do any searching b4 asking > > STFA for this list and (IIRC) find links to the PoC tool amongst other > info. > > > > On Mon, 19 Sep 2011 04:24:19 -0600, Shane Harbour wrote: >

Re: mixerctl.conf(5), mixerctl(1)

2011-10-29 Thread Shane Harbour
On 10/29/2011 10:58 AM, wrote: > In no of the above man pages stay (1) the format of mixerctl.conf > or (2) where it must be placed. From the end of the page mixerctl.conf(5) > I can infer "/etc/mixerctl.conf" is the place. Waht is the format? > Name=value pairs separated by new lines?

Re: mixerctl.conf(5), mixerctl(1)

2011-10-29 Thread Shane Harbour
On 10/29/2011 01:56 PM, wrote: > Shane Harbour wrote: > >> Normally, what I do, is "mixerctl > /etc/mixerctl.conf" and then just >> edit from there as needed. > > OK, thanks. I suppose, mixerctl.conf is placed in /etc and consist > of nam