Something went wrong when you pulled the tree down. Last I checked xenocara should be under /usr like XF4 is and not under your src directory. /usr/src should only contain the kernel and userland for the base system. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Cedric Brisseau wrote:
Hi all,

I follow current and it seems to me strange that xenocara is under
/usr/src. I have my src tree in /usr/src and xenocara in
/usr/src/xenocara. So when I update my src tree with cvs it seems that
I have problems : on one computer (src tree originally from CD) cvs
never finish and on an other (src tree from a cvs mirror) the command

# cd /usr/src
# cvs -d $CVSROOT -q up -Pd

Cvs update xenocara tree :
P share/man/man4/Makefile
U share/man/man4/nx.4
P share/man/man4/tht.4
P sys/dev/pci/files.pci
U sys/dev/pci/if_nx.c
U sys/dev/pci/if_nxreg.h
P sys/dev/pci/if_tht.c
P xenocara/app/fvwm/extras/FvwmScript/FvwmScript.1
P xenocara/app/fvwm/modules/FvwmSaveDesk/FvwmSaveDesk.1

I wonder if it's intended.

Kind regards,

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