If you don't want to run PHP, you could run OpenWebMail. It's written in Perl or you could roll your own. Courier also has it's own web-based software. Personally, I run Dovecot, Postfix, SquirrelMail and use PostgreSQL for virtual mailboxes. I was running Cyrus and liked it, but found it was too heavy for my needs (may not be for your's). Dovecot works out better for me and I've found my current setup to be somewhat faster than the old setup. It all depends on your needs and there are ways of mitigating (however not eliminating) PHP's security issues.


Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
Hello all,

I was thinking of using OpenBSD for a Groupware Mail server, I see
horde has a OpenBSD port however it is written in PHP, I am aware of
the security concerns that PHP in general presents

wile not having delt with Horde or any of it's applications in the
past, is it safe to assume that the normal php security flaws are
present in Horde? if so I would like to gather general opinions on
alternatives for Microsoft Exchange(YUCK!!) like Groupware.

Opinions are always helpful

Sam Fourman Jr.

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