Re: my experience with

2015-04-13 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Apr 12 (Sun) at 11:12:37 -0700 (-0700), Jason Adams wrote: :In my day job, we refuse wire transfers. We would rather lose a customer than deal :with it unless the invoice is several thousand dollars. Its too much work (on both ends) :and one never gets the invoice amount, as the banks c

Re: pf.conf something is VERY wrong here, need advice.

2015-04-20 Thread Peter Hessler
You need to show: ifconfig -A, netstat -rnf inet. I'm fairly certain there is a configuration problem. On 2015 Apr 20 (Mon) at 00:11:56 +0200 (+0200), Ton Muller wrote: :i have last week setup my old asus laptop, model A6000 ,1GB ram, 80GB HDD. : :SK0 is the internal interface. :RE0 is the WAN

Re: dwb port

2015-04-20 Thread Peter Hessler
www/dwb was added after 5.6, so it won't show up there. You either need to upgrade to 5.7 (scheduled to be released on May 1), or upgrade to -current. On 2015 Apr 20 (Mon) at 14:43:40 +0400 (+0400), Joseph Oficre wrote: :Hi all, :I have a question about dwb port. :I can see it here http://cvswe

Re: cwm does not spawn 'ssh to' dialog when known_hosts is missing

2015-05-04 Thread Peter Hessler
I use the auto-complete feature quite a bit, myself. M-. type is a relatively common use for me. On 2015 May 04 (Mon) at 11:09:08 -0400 (-0400), Okan Demirmen wrote: :I actually think that feature should be removed; cwm shouldn't need to :re-implement kwown_hosts parsing just for auto-completio

Re: OpenBGPd forward update configuration

2015-06-26 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Jun 26 (Fri) at 00:18:40 -0600 (-0600), dsp wrote: :On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 03:21:31PM -0600, dsp wrote: :> On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 08:18:34PM -0600, dsp wrote: :> > Hello list! :> > :> > please excuse my probably idiotic question, but i'm still a new OpenBGPd user. :> > (5.7 release) :>

Re: trying to send packet on wrong domain. if 0 vs. mbuf 1

2015-06-29 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Jun 29 (Mon) at 15:29:57 +0200 (+0200), Mattieu Baptiste wrote: :Hi, : :I'm running a setup where my gateway (a PC Engines APU with :-current/amd64) have two rdomains : : :rdomain 0 : :- re0 : internal interface (IP :- re1 : dmz interface :- re2 : external interface : :rdomain

Re: Why does my 5.7 laptop suspend when I close the lid?

2015-06-30 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Jun 30 (Tue) at 14:45:16 -0400 (-0400), Adam Van Ymeren wrote: :Also the installer prompts you if you want this behaviour, so its :hardly undocumented. not in -current. -- "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

Re: tor not working in 5.8 #1024

2015-07-14 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Jul 15 (Wed) at 05:27:37 +0200 (+0200), L.R. D.S. wrote: :Not that "nice". This hardware have many fancy things like UEFI and intel :ME. :I run i386 mostly because the /amd64.html say that "it is thus safer to :run those machines in i386 mode" That is an incredibly ancient comment, and is

Re: Bluetooth Support

2015-07-23 Thread Peter Hessler
All bluetooth support was removed some releases ago. The code rotted. If someone wants to work on this again, they are welcome to. On 2015 Jul 23 (Thu) at 10:02:55 -0400 (-0400), Richard E. Thornton wrote: :I am just curious - is Bluetooth supported on any bluetooth enabled :computers? Or is

Re: Maintaining CAs not in cert.pem

2015-07-30 Thread Peter Hessler
this is a real problem for real people. On 2015 Jul 31 (Fri) at 02:33:00 +0300 (+0300), wrote: :Congrats to raising another time wasting topic for a public commentary. : -- Love thy neighbor as thyself, but choose your neighborhood. -- Louise Beal

Re: Possible fix for i217 problem

2015-08-05 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Aug 05 (Wed) at 10:08:05 +0200 (+0200), Mark Patruck wrote: :No issues on systems running : :em0 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "Intel I210" rev 0x03: msi, address 0c:.. :em1 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 "Intel I210" rev 0x03: msi, address 0c:.. : :Also working on : :em0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "In

Re: Possible fix for i217 problem

2015-08-05 Thread Peter Hessler
1000baseT as well. : :em0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 82574L" rev 0x00: msi, address 00:.. :em1 at pci0 dev 25 function 0 "Intel I218-V" rev 0x00: msi, address f0:.. : : :On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 12:24:42PM +0200, Peter Hessler wrote: :> On 2015 Aug 05 (Wed) at 10:08:05 +020

Re: resource impact of bgp-spamd

2015-08-11 Thread Peter Hessler
I'm currently seeing 32M of memory used on my amd64 system. 20M of it is the feed itself. CPU usage is minor. Disk use is only the trapped list, which is currently at 1.1M on disk. Hope this helps. On 2015 Aug 10 (Mon) at 15:15:42 -0600 (-0600), Devin Reade wrote: :In general terms, what kind

Re: Intel Edison

2015-08-27 Thread Peter Hessler
OpenBSD doesn't support bluetooth on any hardware. On 2015 Aug 27 (Thu) at 07:59:22 +0100 (+0100), Gareth Nelson wrote: :Hi all : :I'm thinking of building a project (for those curious, it's an implant - :see for info on this kind of stuff) on top of the Intel Edison :and was curious i

Re: Intel Edison

2015-08-27 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Aug 27 (Thu) at 10:16:31 -0400 (-0400), Quartz wrote: :>OpenBSD doesn't support bluetooth on any hardware. : :Does that also include usb->bluetooth dongles for wireless keyboards? : That includes all forms of bluetooth where it is presented to the OS. If it fakes a keyboard, and shows up

Re: Thinkpad spyware

2015-08-27 Thread Peter Hessler
Please keep this off list.

Re: Thinkpad spyware

2015-08-28 Thread Peter Hessler
Keep this off list.

Re: bluetooth keyboard [was:Re: Intel Edison]

2015-08-28 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Aug 28 (Fri) at 06:32:54 -0400 (-0400), Quartz wrote: :Just out of curiosity, are there any plans to support bluetooth at some point :in the future? : There needs to be interest from a developer who can write a not-crappy bluetooth stack. Odds are fairly low right now.

Re: pf vs mp

2015-09-01 Thread Peter Hessler
Are you doing anything above 5Gbps? Or above 500k pps? if not, get whichever. If you are, then higher frequency cores are better; today. If you are running dhcp server, then you are likely not. On 2015 Aug 31 (Mon) at 22:38:47 -0400 (-0400), Quartz wrote: :Quick question: I need to make a de

Re: issue with pf syntax parser

2015-09-04 Thread Peter Hessler
Backslash says "ignore the following charecter". You are using it to ignore the newline. If you ignore the space instead, the newline then matters. This is not a bug, this is 100% by design. You'll need to ensure there are no trailing spaces after a backslash (and we do recommend removing trail

OpenBGPd and ARIN allocations smaller than /24

2015-09-11 Thread Peter Hessler
When ARIN prepared for the IPv4-pocolypse[1], they put aside a /10 for **smaller than /24 allocations**. Our default ruleset will not allow those, even though they will be for various pieces of critical dual-stack infrastructure to help IPv6-only systems survive. RIPE is currently[2] announcing s

Re: urtwn driver has problems

2015-09-20 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Sep 19 (Sat) at 20:26:02 + (+), Alexey Suslikov wrote: :Stuart Henderson> writes: : :> On 2015-09-18, Alexey Suslikov> wrote: :> > I think you should try 5.8, there was stability fixes in urtwn(4). :> :> 5.8 hasn't been released yet. : :How about "Vario

Re: speedup shutdown

2015-09-21 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Sep 21 (Mon) at 09:37:11 -0400 (-0400), Quartz wrote: :>>I took that to mean: :>> :>>1) run (presumably as root) 'time sh /etc/rc shutdown' :>>2) check 'ps -aux' to see what's still running :>>3) 'kill -HUP [PID]' for each of the remaining processes :>>4) check 'ps -aux' again :>>5) 'kill -

Re: Adding zombies to a pf table?

2015-09-24 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Sep 23 (Wed) at 18:14:51 +0100 (+0100), Craig Skinner wrote: :Hello, : :Zombies are often attacking ports which don't have services running, :such as telnet (most popular indeed), mysql, 3551, 8080, 13272, etc. : :With a default pf block drop in on $ext_if, how can those source ips be :

Re: Adding zombies to a pf table?

2015-09-24 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2015 Sep 24 (Thu) at 12:37:03 +0300 (+0300), Pantelis Roditis wrote: :On 09/24/2015 11:39 AM, Peter Hessler wrote: :>On 2015 Sep 23 (Wed) at 18:14:51 +0100 (+0100), Craig Skinner wrote: :>:Hello, :>: :>:Zombies are often attacking ports which don't have services running, :>:

Re: hostname | /etc/hosts

2016-02-24 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Feb 24 (Wed) at 12:59:04 + (+), Craig Skinner wrote: :Hi Rodrigo, : :On 2016-02-24 Wed 10:48 AM |, Roderick wrote: :> :> Should the name in /etc/myname include a domain name? Even when I :> do not have a static IP registered in a public DNS? :> : :Yes, these non-public "domains" a

Re: Just curious, what are approx plans for kernel-multicore-ness next 1-2 years? (net/file IO) How much is it a relevant prio?

2016-02-25 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Feb 25 (Thu) at 18:14:40 +0700 (+0700), Tinker wrote: :On 2016-02-25 06:04, Chris Cappuccio wrote: :>Tinker [] wrote: :>>First, Thank you for this fantastically awesome OS. :>> :>> :>>Just curious, what are approx plans for kernel-multicore-ness next 1-2 :>>years? (Netw

Re: Why?Add vmm(4). It is disabled by default.

2016-03-07 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Mar 06 (Sun) at 04:52:29 + (+), wrote: :Add vmm(4). It is disabled by default. :How do I enable the /dev/vmm0 on OpenBSD5.9? : :config -e -f /bsd :config -e -f / : :now we could comment out any line and compile GENERIC|GENERIC.MP kernel. : vmm(4) is n

Re: proper way to terminate bgpd (removing routes from RIB upon termination of bgpd)

2016-03-16 Thread Peter Hessler
Are you sending any specific signals to bgpd? Is it "just" `pkill bgpd` or are you sending -6 or -9 (or others)? Normally, I use `rcctl stop bgpd` or `/etc/rc.d/bgpd stop` depending on how senile my finger memory is. In such cases, all routes are removed from the kernel fib as bgpd stops running

Re: faq12.html

2016-03-30 Thread Peter Hessler
In this case 'current' is referring to amperage. The existing use is correct. On 2016 Mar 30 (Wed) at 08:41:41 -0400 (-0400), Rob Pierce wrote: :For your consideration. : :Index: faq12.html :=== :RCS file: /cvs/www/faq/faq12.html,v


2016-04-08 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Apr 07 (Thu) at 22:56:42 +0200 (+0200), Teno Deuter wrote: :Hi, : :just installed a 5.9 AMD64 version and get issues with adding packages as a :regular system user. 'env' shows me the correct setting for PKG_PATH but :seems that the user environment isn't able to contact the source. : :As l

Re: ifconfig down but routing still tries to use the interface's routes

2016-04-08 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Apr 08 (Fri) at 08:53:45 + (+), Stuart Henderson wrote: :On 2016-04-07, Doran Mori wrote: :> Running 5.9. :> :> I have x.x.141.0/25 that's directly connected. With x.x.141.0/24 reachable :> via bgp. :> :> # route -n get x.x.141.13 :>route to: x.x.141.13 :> destination: x.x.141.

Re: If FreeBSD isn't free, who is free?

2016-04-11 Thread Peter Hessler
Please don't post such things here. On 2016 Apr 09 (Sat) at 09:36:47 -0300 (-0300), Jorge Luis wrote: :I am posting just for fun. -- One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.

Re: /var/db/ntpd.drift is empty

2016-04-27 Thread Peter Hessler
No problem. After ntpd has ran for a while, it will write a drift file, and you'll have one for next time you start up. In the meantime, ntpd will need to fully calibrate the clock drift of your system. On 2016 Apr 26 (Tue) at 10:51:41 -0700 (-0700), bluesun08 wrote: :/etc/ntpd.conf: : :# $Open

Re: Is there such a thing as a fanless OpenBSD-capable laptop?

2016-06-13 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Jun 13 (Mon) at 05:25:17 +0300 (+0300), wrote: :It is not a good idea to mix topics, stay focused and think before send. : :Attitude is formed based on intelligence of email postings. We all know :highly educated people can disagree without negative feelings. Grow up. : :I

Re: DNS servers around here not working for days. dig works. fix?

2016-06-15 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Jun 14 (Tue) at 11:38:03 -0700 (-0700), Christopher Ahrens wrote: wrote: :>Tue, 14 Jun 2016 11:46:39 -0500 Chris Bennett :> :>>$ dig @ +trace :>>dig: couldn't get address for '': not found :>> :>>pass ~ $ dig @ +trace :>>dig

Re: Corrections to the Release Song Lyrics page

2016-06-20 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Jun 19 (Sun) at 19:29:51 +0300 (+0300), wrote: :You're not part of the OpenBSD developers, you're coming from a free :mail provider (gmail). You show nothing to validate your suggestion. :You should probably stop making corrections in people's names unless :you get appointe

Re: Booting encrypted drive from another device

2016-06-21 Thread Peter Hessler
fwiw, this is literately the point of TPM. On 2016 Jun 21 (Tue) at 10:19:21 +0300 (+0300), Theodoros wrote: :Could someone trust a bootloader by e.g. having an aide-like system on :boot, confirming its' authenticity as part of the boot process? : :Please share your thoughts. : : : :On 20 June 201

Re: openbgpd blackhole community

2016-07-21 Thread Peter Hessler
Hi We had previously limited which communities could be set within the Well Known Community range, but that limitation has been fixed in 5.9. We also support "community BLACKHOLE", as a convienence. -peter On 2016 Jul 20 (Wed) at 23:05:03 +0200 (+0200), Hrvoje Popovski wrote: :Hi all, : :here

Re: vm example

2016-07-21 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Jul 20 (Wed) at 21:43:33 -0700 (-0700), Stephen Graf wrote: :Does anyone have an example of setting up vm? : : : :I am running into a problem with /dev/vmm not configured when trying to run :vmd. (OpenBSD 5.9, amd64) : vmm is not yet ready, so it is not enabled. You won't have the exper

Re: strange behaviour spamd

2016-07-22 Thread Peter Hessler
Greytrap addresses only trap the systems when it has not been seen before. In your case, they arlready have a GREY entry, so they have been seen and the trapping won't take effect. On 2016 Jul 21 (Thu) at 17:34:37 +0200 (+0200), Markus Rosjat wrote: :Hi there, : :I noticed that a trapped ip gets

Re: cvsweb: headers of revision files are shown in plain text

2016-08-12 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Aug 11 (Thu) at 11:31:43 +0200 (+0200), Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote: :this is the relevant part If you knew which part was relevant, you'd know how to fix it. Always include the entire configuration / output / etc. -- "The voters have spoken, the bastards ..."

Re: DMARC and misc@ (and likely other OpenBSD lists)

2016-08-26 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2016 Aug 26 (Fri) at 08:25:56 +0200 (+0200), Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote: :If the OpenBSD list admins are reading this: would it be possible to :make a similar change in the OpenBSD mailing list configuration? This is exactly why I hate DMARC. Some tiny bullshit change, that requires everyone i

Re: Installer overwrites partition table

2016-08-26 Thread Peter Hessler
No personal insults, please. -- San Francisco isn't what it used to be, and it never was. -- Herb Caen

Re: Building OpenBSD 6.0 -stable - Error

2016-09-03 Thread Peter Hessler
Yes, the repos should be done with their surgery now. Please let us know if you still see issues. On 2016 Sep 03 (Sat) at 13:11:42 +0200 (+0200), Teno Deuter wrote: :meaning I shall try at a later time? : :Thank you : :On Sat, Sep 3, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Ted Unangst wrote: :> Teno Deuter wrote: :>>

Re: adding a route to an rdomain on a vlan interface

2014-05-19 Thread Peter Hessler
'rdomain' must be the first line in the file. Changing the rdomain assignment will flush all IPs on the interface, so it will be blank. Re-running netstart "works", because you aren't actually changing the interface agaain. On 2014 May 19 (Mon) at 11:06:08 +0200 (+0200), Kjell Skogsrud wrote: :H

Re: Enable 802.11n for an access point

2014-07-01 Thread Peter Hessler
you need to write some/a bunch of code to enable 11n support. OpenBSD does not have it yet. On 2014 Jul 01 (Tue) at 07:57:42 -0700 (-0700), ML mail wrote: :Hi, : :I wanted to know how to enable 802.11n (300 Mbit/s) on my wireless card on OpenBSD 5.5. I tried using the "mode 11n" option in my ho

Re: multiple SSIDs with a single Wlan interface and 801.11.n support

2014-07-08 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Jul 08 (Tue) at 13:15:11 + (+), Aviolat Romain wrote: :Hello, : :I started to play with OpenBSD wlan interfaces lately and I've got two questions so far that I couldn't solve by myself: : :1. Is there a way to create two SSIDs using one physical interface ? I'd like to create a "p

Re: automatic installation with site.tgz

2014-07-23 Thread Peter Hessler
I just set this up on some systems at $work, and here is what I have ... Set name(s) = +site* Unverified sets: site55.tgz. Continue without verification = yes ... and make sure you add it to install.txt On 2014 Jul 23 (Wed) at 20:07:49 +0200 (+0200), Waldemar Brodkorb wrote: :Hi OpenBSD Hacker

Re: carp setup firewall

2014-07-24 Thread Peter Hessler
if the addresses on the carp interface are out of sync, then the hashes won't mash, and the firewalls *WILL* conflict with each other. I recommend one IP per carp interface. Far nicer in case you screw that bit up, and much easier to balance IPs to one system or the other. On 2014 Jul 24 (Thu)

Re: openbsd and chromebooks

2014-07-25 Thread Peter Hessler
the keyboard and trackpad are horrendeous. I hate typing on it. no wifi, which is also really annoying. On 2014 Jul 25 (Fri) at 17:40:24 +0200 (+0200), frantisek holop wrote: :has anyone tried any of the existing chromebooks? :any dmesgs? : :

Re: Relationship Between VLANs and Physical Interfaces in PF

2014-08-05 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Aug 04 (Mon) at 19:01:06 -0300 (-0300), Giancarlo Razzolini wrote: :On 04-08-2014 18:09, Eric Dilmore wrote: :> I just set up a new OpenBSD 5.5 gateway for a small nonprofit. The :> gateway has one external interface and one internal, with the internal :> network split into several VLANs: o

Re: Donations to OpenBSD

2014-08-14 Thread Peter Hessler
options: 1) cash in envelope, put into mail 2) bank cheque in envelope, put in mail 3) suck it up, and stop caring about the middle man's cut 4) bank transfers (also: see #3) 5) fly to canada with a suitcase of money 6) bank transfers to the EUROPEAN bank 7) OpenBSD Foundatation On 2014 Aug 14

Re: where can I get a new *fs or *iso for snapshot?

2014-08-17 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Aug 17 (Sun) at 21:30:35 +0500 (+0500), Dmitry Orlov wrote: :Hi! : :where can I get a new *fs or *iso of snapshot? in : i see old (8 aug) version : That's the newest one right now. -- Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to

Re: Does OpenBGPd suffer collateral damage with this?

2014-08-18 Thread Peter Hessler
bad reporting. film at 11. Please don't reply.

Re: troubleshooting carp [solved]

2014-08-20 Thread Peter Hessler
the reason why the second one works, is because the order does matter. you need to configure the device's interesting bits, before you start assigning an IP address to it. On 2014 Aug 19 (Tue) at 19:31:36 -0400 (-0400), Stefan Olsson wrote: :I've pinpointed the issue with my carp setup. Finally! :

Re: acpi error running openbsd snapshot 20140820 (amd64)

2014-08-20 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Aug 20 (Wed) at 19:47:57 +0400 (+0400), Wesley MOUEDINE ASSABY wrote: :On 20.08.2014 19:27, Mike Larkin wrote: :>On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:34:24PM +0400, Wesley MOUEDINE ASSABY wrote: :>>Hi, :>> :>>Running the install56.fs from an usb key give me the following error : :>>

Re: sound over hdmi?

2014-08-22 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Aug 22 (Fri) at 00:37:24 +0200 (+0200), Marko Cupa?? wrote: :Hi, : :I saw question about sound over hdmi on @misc from about a year ago, :and the answer was negative. : :Are there any news? Is this being worked on? : :Regards, :-- :Marko Cupa?? : There's been no change in audio over hdmi

Re: amavisd uses high cpu usage?

2014-08-22 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Aug 22 (Fri) at 14:53:47 +0530 (+0530), Indunil Jayasooriya wrote: :Hi, : :I am running amavisd-new-2.8.1p0 with postfix on OpenBSD 5.5 64 bi . : :I noticed amavisd uses high cpu usage. : : : :This is the OUTPUT of top command : :18748 _vscan640 94M 68M onproc/1 -48:11

Re: mplayer full screen problems

2014-09-02 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Sep 01 (Mon) at 23:35:15 +0200 (+0200), Mihai Popescu wrote: : :> The "-fs" doesn't work. :It is known that -fs doesn't work for anything you run mplayer at. you are totally high. I use -fs all the time on mplayer. And have been doing so for 5+ years. -- Finding out what goes on in th

Re: How to procmail sort

2014-09-19 Thread Peter Hessler
## put * lists into their own folder, automagically :0 * ^(X-Loop: )\/[^.]+@openbsd\.org * MATCH ?? ()\/[^@]+ .openbsd.${MATCH}/ On 2014 Sep 19 (Fri) at 11:19:47 -0400 (-0400), Steve Litt wrote: :Hi all, : :I had the following procmail filter: : :0: :List-ID:.* :.Open

Re: move to git?

2014-09-24 Thread Peter Hessler
A) yes, google does say about this. B) No, OpenBSD has no plans to move. On 2014 Sep 24 (Wed) at 14:29:02 +0200 (+0200), Harald Dunkel wrote: :-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- :Hash: SHA256 : :Hi folks, : :Google didn't tell if this has been discussed before, so I wonder :if you have considere

Re: ksh, csh same vulnerability as bash

2014-09-29 Thread Peter Hessler
You tested bash. All 3 shells are behaving correctly by passing the env variable to the bash command you are running. the bash command you are running is behaving incorrectly by parsing the variable as a function. To test ksh/csh, you need to run a different command. On 2014 Sep 29 (Mon) at 03

Re: poor network performance after wake from suspend

2014-10-22 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Oct 22 (Wed) at 08:31:29 + (+), Com??te wrote: :22 octobre 2014 09:30 "Mike Larkin" a ??crit: :> On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 11:46:04AM +0400, wrote: :> :>> Hello. :>> After apm -z and wake by wol (re0) sometimes machine becomes very slow on :>> network operations (even

Re: Dual booting OpenBSD and Windows 8.1

2013-11-15 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2013 Nov 15 (Fri) at 07:01:35 +0100 (+0100), Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote: :I see no way to defend OP against lack of proper research allegation. It would be nice though, if people would stop actively being dicks. -- Anybody who doesn't cut his speed at the sight of a police car is probably p

Re: Single process needing a lot of memory

2013-12-13 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2013 Dec 13 (Fri) at 13:24:41 + (+), Zé Loff wrote: :On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 07:16:06AM -0600, Shawn K. Quinn wrote: :> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013, at 05:36 AM, Zé Loff wrote: :> > Hi all :> > :> > First of all, sorry for the kind on newbie question. :> > I'm running some memory-heavy statist

Re: popa3d removed from base - what do people recommend?

2014-01-05 Thread Peter Hessler
dovecot is pretty much the only sane option for pop3 and imap servers these days. On 2014 Jan 04 (Sat) at 21:04:27 -0500 (-0500), John Smith wrote: :I'm a fan of simple setups and try to stick with the base programs if :possible. I've been using an SSL relayd wrapper around popa3d for a simple and

Re: DVD ISO and mount_udf: FSD does not lie within the partition!

2014-02-19 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Feb 18 (Tue) at 02:57:50 -0500 (-0500), Philippe Meunier wrote: :# cat /mnt/README.TXT :This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system :that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification. OpenBSD do

Re: upgrades no longer allow ftp for sets

2014-03-26 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Mar 25 (Tue) at 20:38:08 -0500 (-0500), Shawn K. Quinn wrote: :On Tue, Mar 25, 2014, at 08:10 PM, wrote: :> Thanks and I understand the reasoning. The current ftp server won't be :> able to do http and use of siteXX files prevents using an external :> source. Will nfs b

Re: claws-mail

2014-04-03 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2014 Apr 03 (Thu) at 13:07:00 +0100 (+0100), Zé Loff wrote: :Bear in mind that the claws-mail-* package files *are* on the servers (I :just re-checked on a different computer, using a browser). It's the :clients you use to fetch them that are failing. BZZT, wrong. you are checking amd64 (presu

Re: Getting stylus working on Thinkpad X61 tablet

2014-04-28 Thread Peter Hessler
yes, my new thinkpad edge works with the tablet perfectly fine. On 2014 Apr 27 (Sun) at 16:46:31 -0700 (-0700), Bryan Linton wrote: :Ping. : :Can anyone confirm or deny whether or not the newer Thinkpad :tablets' styluses work as an input device? I see that there is a :usbtablet(4) driver in xen

Re: USB-C monitors

2021-09-19 Thread Peter Hessler
Yes, I've used that with a couple different monitors, and a handful of usb-c to hdmi adapters. All worked fine, and behaved just like normal hdmi/dvi/vga monitors. Power delivery and usb also worked as expected. On 2021 Sep 19 (Sun) at 14:29:27 +0200 (+0200), Jan Betlach wrote: :Hi guys, : :I a

Re: bgpd(8) not announcing IPv6 addresses from local network

2024-05-06 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2024 May 06 (Mon) at 10:14:21 -0400 (-0400), Benjamin Raskin wrote: :Hello, all; : :I've been having some issues getting bgpd to announce IPv6 routes, ... : :bgpd(8) is configued to advertise all connected and static routes, :however bgpd(8) only advertises routes that are connected to the wg0

Re: IPv6 routing problems with vether and vmm

2024-06-04 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2024 Jun 04 (Tue) at 12:46:11 +0300 (+0300), Kapetanakis Giannis wrote: : :On 04/06/2024 11:59, Stuart Henderson wrote: :> On 2024-06-04, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote: :>> On 04/06/2024 08:50, jrmu wrote: : When you manage a hypervisor, using only 1x/64 is less than ideal. It's just : not

Re: webcam detected but image capture shows green/black screen

2024-07-12 Thread Peter Hessler
I've had that when the video lock switch was enabled, and when sysctl Make sure to enable the sysctl, and check that you flipped the switch to enable the video. On 2024 Jul 12 (Fri) at 13:04:10 +0530 (+0530), Sandeep Gupta wrote: :I have a non-mainstream laptop (company name

Re: OpenBSD Guide Installing XFCE

2024-08-30 Thread Peter Hessler
OpenBSD will not be doing this. You can of course install XFCE by running "pkg_add xfce" as root and following the instructions that are printed on screen. On 2024 Aug 30 (Fri) at 05:56:32 -0400 (-0400), wrote: :Please ship OpenBSD with XFCE4 pre-built instead of with

Re: openntpd on openbsd on esx

2009-04-14 Thread Peter Hessler
never run ntpd inside a virtual machine. Run it on the host. On 2009 Apr 14 (Tue) at 09:37:38 +0100 (+0100), Clifford Bailey wrote: :Hi, : :I'm tryin

Re: azalia

2009-05-13 Thread Peter Hessler
On some systems, when I have muted the sound, and then adjust it up and down using the hardware keys, it unmutes it for me. I'm not 100% sure I want this, but it may be the "expected" behaviour. On 2009 May 04 (Mon) at 08:21:52 + (+), Jacob Meuser wrote: :I put a lot of work into azalia(

Re: Climbing the learning curve, in baby steps.

2009-07-15 Thread Peter Hessler
Specifically for people new to OpenBSD, there is a 'newbies' list, with subscription information available at The post that Wayne sent would definitly be on topic and welcome on the 'newbies' list. On 2009 Jul 15 (Wed) at 17:45:34 +1200 (+1200),

Re: how to find dependencies when building a new kernel

2011-11-29 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2011 Nov 29 (Tue) at 10:05:11 +0100 (+0100), T. Valent wrote: :I know I am recommended to use the generic kernel. I need the kernel for :an embedded device where the hardware is well known in detail, it is :always the same, will not change and memory is very limited. So I need :to get rid of the

Re: how to find dependencies when building a new kernel

2011-12-01 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2011 Dec 01 (Thu) at 09:44:25 +0100 (+0100), T. Valent wrote: :> You have been told several times already: strip GENERIC down to what :> will fit on your system. Start with things you definitely do not need :> (sound? wifi?), then continue with the rest. If things break, put :> the last thing th

Re: Short adsuck guide (local resolver setup)

2011-12-05 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2011 Dec 05 (Mon) at 17:32:48 + (+), Stuart Henderson wrote: :On 2011-12-05, ?ime Ramov wrote: :> Great job on your video! Too bad I can only enjoy it at work where I have :> flash installed :( :> : :there are various ports/packages which can fetch these: : :get_flash_videos :youtube-dl

Re: OpenBSD PF tables

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Hessler
Yes, tables in PF only support IP addresses. On 2011 Dec 08 (Thu) at 22:11:19 +1100 (+1100), John Tate wrote: :At the moment I am working on doing some things as tables. I want tables to :hold the ports, but it appears perhaps they can only hold IP addresses. The :following tables do not work fro

Re: Mplayer vo on loongson, change resolution

2011-12-09 Thread Peter Hessler
No, the loongson does not support this yet. On 2011 Dec 08 (Thu) at 21:34:07 +0400 (+0400), alies wrote: :Hello : :What mplayer -vo I need to use for best performance in loongson Yeeloong netbook? Can I use full fullscreen in mplayer? :What about sdl games (quake, doom etc), can I change resolut

Re: claimed 5.0 problems on sparc64 (was Re: Upgrading AMD64 4.9-stable to 5.0)

2011-12-20 Thread Peter Hessler
there is an excellent blog called "". Check out the advice there. It's pretty awesome. On 2011 Dec 20 (Tue) at 07:49:11 -0500 (-0500), Richard Thornton wrote: :I used the advice from the blog called gab software. Perhaps he was wrong. I am willing to reinstall. I have no

Re: mailserv project

2012-01-17 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Jan 17 (Tue) at 09:17:35 -0500 (-0500), Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote: :On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 9:32 AM, Nick Holland : wrote: :> On 01/16/12 02:09, Wesley M. wrote: :>> On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 07:40:57 +0100, Tomas Bodzar :>> wrote: :>>> There's sendmail in base system and there's ongoing work on s

Re: locate weirdness

2012-01-18 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Jan 18 (Wed) at 10:15:34 -0600 (-0600), L. V. Lammert wrote: :Running the find separately identified the file system problem, and :it was easily fixed as a result. So, what was the actual problem? Permissions? -- There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good sleep

Re: OpenBSD 5.0-current (GENERIC) #65: Thu Nov 3 00:58:36 MDT 2011

2012-01-19 Thread Peter Hessler
This is not -current, this is -release. This PKG_PATH will not work with "5.0-current". On 2012 Jan 19 (Thu) at 18:16:59 +0100 (+0100), Francois Pussault wrote: :Hi, : :I use this : :# echo $PKG_PATH : : : :>

Re: Compiling R from source

2012-02-06 Thread Peter Hessler
Including missing headers is completely the correct fix, please submit the patches to the upstream author. On 2012 Feb 06 (Mon) at 10:01:49 + (+), Zi Loff wrote: :I managed to compile R-2.14.0 and .1 from source on OpenBSD 5.0 (i386). : :Make failed because that two of the tre source file

Re: Unbound in base

2012-02-14 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Feb 14 (Tue) at 13:23:01 +0400 (+0400), Mo Libden wrote: :14 QP5P2QP0P;Q 2012, 12:59 P>Q Gregory Edigarov : :> On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 08:09:16 + :> Peter van Oord van der Vlies wrote: :> :> > Hello, :> > :> > Why replacing bind ? :> :> Because bind is full of security related bugs and

Re: pgt firmware ...

2012-02-26 Thread Peter Hessler
NO! For the love of everything holy, don't fucking use wget. the built-in ftp(1) client can download from http servers. and, do NOT just extract the files. we have package tools for a reason. EITHER: a) pkg_add OR b) ftp http:/

Re: Router project on OpenBSD questions

2012-02-29 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Feb 29 (Wed) at 11:54:13 +0100 (+0100), Patrick Lamaiziere wrote: :OpenBSD is not perfect too, it would be nice that pflow handles ipv6 pflow now handles ipv6 (in 5.1) :and the support of one year is a bit short. But nothing is perfect. If you need support for longer than a year, you wil

Re: Any experience with AMD Fusion?

2012-03-06 Thread Peter Hessler
I have a Lenovo e205, with the AMD Fusion CPU. no 2d accel, no Xv. other than that, I haven't noticed any probems. On 2012 Mar 06 (Tue) at 20:34:23 +0100 (+0100), Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote: :Hi! : :I consider buying Lenovo ThinkPad E325. Among other hardware it features :AMD Fusion E450 APU wit

Re: My OpenBSD 5.0 installation experience (long rant)

2012-03-07 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Mar 07 (Wed) at 13:26:41 +0100 (+0100), Leonardo Sabino dos Santos wrote: ... :I'm not actually paying :a whole lot of attention to the questions as this is just a test :installation and I figure I can always explore and configure the :system later. : You should always pay attention to an

Re: pfsync changes in current?

2012-03-08 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Mar 07 (Wed) at 15:58:21 +0200 (+0200), Kapetanakis Giannis wrote: :Hi, : :I'm running a setup of Active/backup firewalls with carp/pfsync :successfully for the last year. : :Today I've upgraded the primary firewall to the latest snapshot (12 Feb), :and as soon as the firewall booted it bec

Re: Which high end multichannel audio interfaces work?

2012-03-10 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Mar 10 (Sat) at 10:07:25 +0100 (+0100), Jan Stary wrote: :On Mar 09 18:17:50, Jochen Fabricius wrote: :> I want to build a very flexible PC based digital crossover solution, : :What's a "digital crossover solution"? : Ok, seriously. If you do not know what someone is talking about, please

Re: Which automake and autoconfig versions to compile NTOP v4?

2012-03-12 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Mar 12 (Mon) at 00:44:15 + (+), Kaya Saman wrote: :Would it not just be easier and cleaner to create a new list for :newbies? That way the more advanced stuff could be taken care of on :this list and only people willing to help others could post useful :comments and help on the othe

Re: hi...

2012-03-15 Thread Peter Hessler
don't respond to the spammer, idiot. On 2012 Mar 15 (Thu) at 21:49:56 +0100 (+0100), Francois Pussault wrote: :When it will be 200% discount & free shipping it then only be interesting : :morron spammer -- When you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship. -- Harry

Re: all freezes when I move windows in twm

2012-04-23 Thread Peter Hessler
On 2012 Apr 23 (Mon) at 17:35:19 +0400 (+0400), Alexei Malinin wrote: :ropers wrote: :> 2012/4/23 Alexei Malinin : :> :>> I tried "OpaqueMove" option in my .twmrc - it helped to eliminate :>> freezing during moving of windows. :>> :>> But freezing still occurs under the following conditions: :>>

Re: AR5212

2012-05-02 Thread Peter Hessler
Just like everything in OpenBSD, there needs to be people with the desire and time to make them work. We welcome any and all contributions. On 2012 May 02 (Wed) at 12:40:05 +0400 (+0400), Pavel Shvagirev wrote: :Hi everyone : :Seems like there were no progress for making AR5212-based Atheros :Wi

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