www/dwb was added after 5.6, so it won't show up there.  You either need
to upgrade to 5.7 (scheduled to be released on May 1), or upgrade to

On 2015 Apr 20 (Mon) at 14:43:40 +0400 (+0400), Joseph Oficre wrote:
:Hi all,
:I have a question about dwb port.
:I can see it here http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/www/dwb/
:and here http://openports.se/www/dwb
:but there is no such port in my ports tree.
:Is it something wrong with my local tree?
:cvs -q up -rOPENBSD_5_6 -Pd does nothing, unfortunately,,

The right to revolt has sources deep in our history.
                -- Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

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