In this case 'current' is referring to amperage. The existing use is correct.
On 2016 Mar 30 (Wed) at 08:41:41 -0400 (-0400), Rob Pierce wrote: :For your consideration. : :Index: faq12.html :=================================================================== :RCS file: /cvs/www/faq/faq12.html,v :retrieving revision 1.125 :diff -u -p -r1.125 faq12.html :--- faq12.html 29 Mar 2016 01:27:39 -0000 1.125 :+++ faq12.html 30 Mar 2016 12:30:48 -0000 :@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ on SIMH</a> page. : : <h3 id="zaurusUSB">12.7.1 - USB devices aren't working properly</h3> : :-The Zaurus has very little current available on its USB port, so many :+The Zaurus has very little currently available on its USB port, so many : USB devices will not work if they are directly attached to it. : You will need to use a powered USB hub to run these devices. : -- Fortune's Office Door Sign of the Week: Incorrigible punster -- Do not incorrige.