Problems getting tentakel running on 4.4

2009-02-07 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hi there, I just installied tentakel tentakel-2.1.2p1 using python-2.5.2p4 on OpenBSD 4.4 GENERIC#1021 i386. When I call this utility I get the following error message: $ tentakel Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/tentakel", line 94, in conf.load(configfile) F

Re: Problems getting tentakel running on 4.4

2009-02-07 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 07.02.2009 um 23:11 schrieb Tasmanian Devil: Hello! :-) Hi :) What you need is: Ok, thank you for your hint. I tried, and now tentakel's running fine :) Tas. Regards, Falk

Re: Problems getting tentakel running on 4.4

2009-02-07 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 07.02.2009 um 18:39 schrieb Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH: but I'm not able to install neither python-2.4.4p4 or python-2.4.4p6 (from 4.2 / 4.3 packages) on my (4.4) system: Hint for myself: works with python-2.4.4p7.tgz from 4.4 packages *selfslap* Regards, Falk

Tentakel and exec sudo ...

2009-02-08 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hi there, is there any way to execute sudo (in combination with a password to provide) on remote servers using tentakel? Actualy tentakel hangs, when I'm executing "sudo ls -l /" on a bunch of servers. Without sudo anything works fine, as you can see from the example below. [f...@manageme

Re: bgpd fails to install ipv6 routes in kernel routing table

2009-02-09 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 09.02.2009 um 09:53 schrieb Claudio Jeker: Please try the attached diff. A general question about diffs like this: will these diffs automatically go to -current in the next couple of days/weeks? Or do I have to apply all these patches by hand? :wq Claudio Thanks, Falk

Re: bgpd fails to install ipv6 routes in kernel routing table

2009-02-09 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 09.02.2009 um 11:23 schrieb Claudio Jeker: If the diff works it will go into -current. So currently I'm waiting for positive test results and hopefully an ok by henning@ Perfect. Thank you (and Henning and all the others), once again, for your incredible and fast support! :wq Claudio

Re: Tentakel and exec sudo ...

2009-02-10 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 08.02.2009 um 16:18 schrieb Todd C. Miller: Do you know whether tentakel is running ssh with the -t flag or not? I think tentakel's running without this flag. In the file /etc/ tentakel.conf I can see: # first section: global parameters set ssh_path="/usr/bin/ssh" Adding a " -t" at the

relayd: rdr instead of proxy mode?

2009-02-24 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hi, I'm using relayd for loadbalancing incoming tcp traffic, works fine like a charme :-) But as relayd works like a proxy, in the log files of my applications, there is always the ip address of the load balancing node and not of the real client. Is there a way to have relayd have all pac

How do I monitor my PF based firewall?

2009-03-04 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hello, I like to monitor my firewalls using snmp and cacti. But I don't know how to get all the information about pf, states, etc. On the net I only found hints about older OpenBSD Versions (I use OpenBSD 4.4 - stable and the included snmpd). Can you please give me a hint into the right di

Re: How do I monitor my PF based firewall?

2009-03-04 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 04.03.2009 um 11:23 schrieb Lars Noodin: It's probably simplest to start with pftop. After a first quick look pftop is a great tool for debugging und manually monitoring firewall activity. But it seems that I really can't use it for a data source collector for cacti, can I? Or do you want

Re: How do I monitor my PF based firewall?

2009-03-04 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 04.03.2009 um 11:11 schrieb Stephan A. Rickauer: As far as I remember, including a 'PF-MIB' into opensnmpd is on reyk@'s ever growing todo list already. Good news, that this is on a todo list. Bad news, that this list is "ever growing". :) But thanks for this information anyways! S

Re: How do I monitor my PF based firewall?

2009-03-04 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 04.03.2009 um 14:10 schrieb Jason Dixon: Here's how you can use net-snmp's extend functionality: $ cat /usr/local/sbin/ #!/bin/sh pfctl -si | grep entries | awk '{print $3}' Ok, this is a way we can go. Is there any possibility to use the extend feature with openbsd buil

Re: How do I monitor my PF based firewall?

2009-03-04 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 04.03.2009 um 14:46 schrieb Jason Dixon: Other people use the PF-MIB patch to net-snmp. We don't need that functionality. We like to monitor the following for our PF firewalls in Cacti: The number of the passed and blocked packets would be also interesting. Perfect, if I can get this

Debugging "no route to host" problem?

2009-03-16 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hi, I run OpenBSD 4.4 GENERIC#1021 i386 on a Dell Poweredeg 2650 System as a firewall. Lan side I configured multiple carp Interfaces - without any backup system at the moment (for testing purposes). Almost all is running fine, but sometimes I get a "no route to host" error - not for all

Hardware to give away Sun Sparc II / Ultra 5/ DEC Alpha Workstation-II (Duisburg/Germany)

2008-03-12 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hi, I cleaned up my attic and found some kind of hardware I do not need any more. I'm not at home at the moment, but AFAIR there is a Sun Sparc 2 and a Sun Ultra 5. Perhaps there is an DEC Alpha Workstation II, too. Can be picked up in Duisburg / Germay. If you like you can spend some m

dhcrelay on carp interface (above vlan)

2008-03-13 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hi, I run a firewall cluster with several vlans configured on one physical interface. On this vlans I have a carp interface. Same on a second firewall node, so failover is fine. To be able to install or boot servers from the network I set up an PXE boot server. But it's a little bit annoy

Re: dhcrelay on carp interface (above vlan)

2008-03-13 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hi, I think a good solutions is to look if the given interface is a carp interface and to figure out the carpdev interface. Then this can be used to listen on. But my programming skills are really poor, else I would provide a patch... Regards, Falk

Re: dhcrelay on carp interface (above vlan)

2008-03-14 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Am 14.03.2008 um 08:13 schrieb Marc Balmer: Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH wrote: I think a good solutions is to look if the given interface is a carp interface and to figure out the carpdev interface. Then this can be used to listen on. But my programming skills are really poor

Trunk to two swichtes, carp on trunk-interfaces

2007-01-17 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hello, I want to connect an openbsd router to two swichtes in case of redundancy. These two switches are connected together, so that I think trunk in failover mode may be the right way, isn't it? To create a full redundant setup I want to connect a second openbsd router. Is there a possibility to

Nagios plugin for checking OpenBGPd-Peers

2007-02-14 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hello, has anybody wrote a nagios plugin to check the presence of some specified bgp-peers set up with openbgpd? In the past I used check_bgp in combination with cisco routers, which checks the peer-state via snmp. Regards, Falk

OpenBGPd won't receive prefix

2007-02-17 Thread Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
Hello, I just set up two identical machines to make some tests with vlan, carp and openbgpd to replace my cisco routers in the next couple of months. VLAN- and carp-configuratin is quite easy, it works out of the box and without any problems. OpenBGPd runs fine, too. Err, nearly fine. I name